Two new cases of lymphoma B lymphoplasmacytic IgA with mutation of MYD88L265P

7 de August de 2019

Recently, the description of two cases of IgA lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma B with MYD88L265P mutation has been published in the journal HISTOPATHOLOGY (FI 3,294, JCR). In this work, in which medical researchers from the IDIVAL Emerging Group of Translational Hematopathology and doctors from the Pathology and Hematology Department of the HUMV have participated, two extremely unusual cases of IgA-type lymphoplasmacytic B lymphoma have been described (which represent 7% of cases of lymphoplasmacytic B lymphoma diagnosed and treated in our center in the last 5 years).

The conclusion of the study is that the identification of the MYD88L265P mutation in these cases, together with its histopathological and phenotypic characteristics, support its inclusion within the spectrum of lymphoplasmacytic B lymphoma. This is relevant given that the efficacy of new therapeutic options for patients with lymphoplasmacytic B lymphoma has recently been demonstrated.

Reference: MYD88L265P mutated IgA lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. Urquieta Lam M, Moreno Aguirre A, Pereña Gonzalez A, Gonzalez de Villambrosia S, Nuñez Cespedes J, García Reyero J, Montes Moreno S. Histopathology. 2019 May 20. doi: 10.1111 / his.13921.