XVII Call for Assistance to Health Research of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation

6 de February de 2020


Fundación Mutua Madrileña announces the XVII edition of Health Research Aid, with a total endowment of two million euros, in order to continue supporting clinical research projects that are developed in the following four areas:

Oncology, focused on the etiopathogenesis of colon and rectal cancer.

Transplants. Referring exclusively to ways of improvement in organ donation for transplantation.

Traumatology and sequelae, including neurological ones derived from trauma.

Rare diseases. Limited to those manifested in childhood.

Each accredited Health Research Institute (IIS) may submit a single project in each of the research areas covered by this call. Therefore, the maximum number of projects to be submitted for each center will be four.

The special category of aid is maintained to encourage collaboration in medical research between autonomous communities, to which a budget of 300,000 euros will be allocated. Accredited Health Research Institutes (IIS) belonging to a minimum of four different autonomous communities may participate in any of the four research areas of the general call.

Five scholarships for international cooperation in the field of health for professionals of Medicine and Nursing are also convened. You can consult the bases of this call in the following link The main objective of these scholarships is to support these professionals, who in an altruistic way, will collaborate on assistance projects that non-governmental organizations have in place in developing countries.

Project and research requirements

The projects submitted to this call for Health Research Aid must be exclusively clinical research works, which are developed in accredited Health Research Institutes.

The Foundation promotes the figure of the young researcher and, therefore, projects in which the principal investigator is under 40 years of age will be especially taken into account.

The maximum amount requested per project may not exceed 150,000 euros. The grants are intended for research projects with a minimum duration of one year and a maximum of three years.

The principal investigator who has an active project funded by this Foundation may not obtain financing for a new project. Projects that finalize this year will not be taken into account for this calculation.

The same researcher, whether principal investigator or associate, may not agree on more than one project submitted to the current call.

Deadline and submission of applications:

The application to participate in this call will be made exclusively online through the website of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation. Only applications made online and in the models currently included in the application will be accepted. website of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation.

The deadline for submitting applications will be from 08:00 hours on Monday, February 3, 2020 at 15:00 hours on Thursday, March 5, 2020. 

More information about the call and the documentation to be presented in the following link: