El próximo día 22 de febrero, la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clínica (SEIMC) y la Sociedad Americana de Microbiología han organizado el webinar “Descifrando el SARS-CoV-2”. Este será el primero de los 4 webinars programados por estas instituciones.
Conferencias y Ponentes:
What we know about the SARS-CoV-2. Prof. Adolfo García-Sastre, PhD, BsD.
What about the diagnosis? Prof. Jordi Vila Estape, PhD, PharD.
Immunosupression & SARS- CoV-2. Dr. Álvaro Mena de Cea, PhD, MD.
The race to overcome SARS-CoV-2. Dr Marcos López Hoyos, PhD, MD.
The future as the present. Prof. Fernando Baquero Mochales, PhD, MD.
Prof. Carlos Gº-Riestra, PhD, BsD
Dra. Eva Torres-Sangiao, PhD, PharD. ASM YA for Spain.
Resumen de la sesión:
One year has passed since the pandemic outbreak was declared by WHO. As of today, tons of articles and pre-prints have been published to supply the lack of knowledge regarding the SARS-Cov-2, such as mechanism of virulence, transmission, diagnostic, treatments or host immune response. In spite of sheer volume of papers, the scientific community has now another challenge in order to balance the different viewpoints to present clear objective and credible science, being not easy when new findings come out every week and conflicting results appear. The presentations here outlines our current state of knowledge of updated according to the rapid development of each new step and goal. The speakers come to us the last advances from each different field of knowledge as virology, microbiology, infectious diseases and immunology, summarizing them under a “predictive” perspective alike the future as the present.
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