Valdecilla researcher patents two devices for the treatment of the open abdomen

22 de October de 2019

Dr. Federico Castillo Suescun, has patented with the help of IDIVAL two devices whose use can contribute to improve the prognosis of patients with an open abdomen, a very serious medical condition, with a mortality rate of 70%. His project is now in search of financing for its development with an improved design and the performance of preclinical and clinical tests, before reaching the market.

Occasionally, surgeons must leave the abdomen open in some critically ill patients. It occurs when the viscera have a lot of fluid, increasing the pressure inside the abdomen, which hinders circulation and causes the failure of other organs such as the kidney. This problem is called Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.

This surgeon from Valdecilla has recently patented two advances that can improve the recovery of these critical patients.

The first of these is a sheet with which the abdominal viscera are coated to protect them and optimize drainage of excess fluids. What was done was to design a device that prevents saturation of the dressing so that surgeons can close the abdomen as soon as possible, reducing the possibility of complications when the abdomen is open.

Patients suffering from this syndrome are very likely to die, so it is urgent to restore the situation and close the abdomen again. For this, the second invention of this Valdecilla professional was developed: a progressive closure system that adapts to the evolution of the patient since there are some commercial mechanical traction closures but that are not modified during the therapy, so the design to be able to modify it for as long as the patient is in intensive care. Then, the pressure can be measured and the tension of the apparatus can be varied according to the intra-abdominal pressure, which is one of the key points of the invention.