UIMP meeting synergies and the development of foundations of health research and well-being

6 de August de 2017

The next day 6 of September will take place within the Summer Courses of the International Menéndez Pelayo University the Conference entitled “Synergies and development of the foundations of health, research and welfare”

This meeting aims to show and value the important work that health, scientific research and social welfare foundations play in our country and reflect on the role they should play in the coming years. These foundations are carrying out initiatives of great value to promote research projects and systematic exploration, innovative projects in the field of health and research that seek to open and show possible lines of activity.

The event will have the participation of experts from the national level, including the management team of the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, IDIVAL and the legal services of the Ministry of Health.

The thematic area is fully aligned with the Institutes of Health Research as IDIVAL that develop their activity through Foundations.


9:30h Inauguration. César Nombela Cano, Julián Pérez Gil, Javier Nadal Ariño, Honorio Carlos Bando Casado

10:00h Opening conference. Inequality in science: innovation to gain efficiency, Íñigo Sáenz de Miera, Honorio Carlos Bando Casado

10:30h Panel of experiences. José Ignacio Fernández Vera, Teresa Campos, Borja Baselga, Raimundo Pérez-Hernández
Moderation: Honorio Carlos Bando Casado

11:45h Conference. Health Research Institutes in Spain. Galo Peralta Fernández, Beatriz López Muñiz

12:15h Expert panel. Isidro Villoria, m Ignacio Para, Eusebio Manuel Azorín
Moderation: Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas

16:00h Round table. Innovation and technology in socio-health policies. Mission of health, research and welfare foundations. Nina Mielgo Casado, Antonio Guzmán Córdoba, Fernando Bandrés Moya
Moderation: Juan Andrés García

17:15h Closing conference. From laboratory to patient: the role of foundations in the transfer of knowledge
Federico Morán

17:45h Closing ceremony, delivery of diplomas. Honorio Carlos Bando Casado, Juan Andrés García

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