The IDIVAL organizes the first edition of the scientific dissemination course MEDCOM communicate your science

9 de September de 2019
The objective of the course is to improve the communication skills of our researchers in order to improve the performance of the dissemination and dissemination of scientific knowledge in our society, increasing the technological dimension of their culture.

The course is open to researchers, clinical staff, students and the general public.

The course is developed through four independent modules:
  • MODULE I – “Disseminating science, how to make a communication plan for your research project” 10/24/2019
    Speaker: Lucas Sánchez Sampedro – IDIVAL Boardroom (3rd Floor)
  • MODULE II – “Create your science video” 11/14/2019
    Speaker: Welcome León Anguiano – IDIVAL Boardroom (3rd Floor)
  • MODULE III – “Social networks to disseminate your science” 12/10/2019
    Speaker: Julio Mayol – Sala Téllez Plasencia HUMV
  • MODULE IV – “Disclosing experiences” 12/12/2019
    Speakers: Carmen Sarabia Cobo / Jose Ramos Vivas – IDIVAL Boardroom (3rd Floor)

Registration is free. Please do it through the following links by completing the form, for each of the modules you wish to attend:

The accreditation of the course has been requested from the Commission for Continuing Education, by modules, individually. Diploma will be provided to all attendees who meet the attendance requirements.

See the program here.