The Call for Computational Neuroscience Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience is open

11 de October de 2019

For the second consecutive year, the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) and the State Research Agency (AEI) participate as funding agencies in the call for Computational Neuroscience “Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience” (CRCNS) within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the NIH with the AEI and the ISCIII.

Through the CRCNS program, the participating agencies support collaborative activities that will make it possible to advance in the understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system, the mechanisms underlying nervous system disorders and the computational strategies used by it.

It is a small group of countries that align their efforts in this field by financing their researchers in consortium with American researchers.

The Carlos III Health Institute will participate financing up to € 250,000 for the Spanish part of the transnational projects submitted to the CRCNS 2020 competition, which will close on November 25, 2019.

Two types of proposals are contemplated in response to this call:

  • Research proposals that describe collaborative research projects and
  • Proposals for data sharing that facilitate the sharing of data and other resources

The presentation of the transnational proposal to the call of the NSF will be in accordance with its specific regulations and by the American researcher. For more information on the call click on the link.

Groups that request funding from ISCIII must meet the eligibility requirements described here.

ISCIII contact point: Ignacio Baanante

It is important to communicate with the ISCIII through the contact mailbox, since the call establishes specific rules.