In August 2019, the INTENCIVE Project is launched, financed by the Interreg Europe program, whose main objective is to improve and implement electronic health programs and policies aimed at patients and healthcare professionals.
Partners from five countries including the Southern Ostrobothnia Regional Council (Finland), the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland), the Pannon Business Network Association (Hungary), the Ministry of Gozo (Malta), ID2Santé, Innovation and Development of the health sector in Bretagne (France) and the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute, IDIVAL (Spain), exchange experiences of their policies and their electronic health tools in their regions, which increases knowledge from partners in all facets of telemedicine and its different applications.
During the month of March, the first project monitoring report was presented, where the tasks carried out during the first 6 months are collected. In this first semester IDIVAL has been in charge of the realization of the state of the art in e-health of the project's partner countries. In addition, good practices from the different regions have been compiled and their operational environment has been developed. This documentation can be consulted through the following link:
Finally, it should be noted that from the first moment the project has been supported by the main institutions of Cantabria, called interested parties, where the Directorate of Digital Transformation of the Ministry of Health, has shown special interest in exchanging good practices with the rest of the regions to position Cantabria as a pioneer in the use of e-health tools so necessary at this time.
For more information, visit INTENCIVE website:
Newsletters with project information are now available at the following links:
1st Newsletter
2nd Newsletter