Próxima sesión del programa progress reports valdecilla

11 de enero de 2018

El 18 de enero tendrá lugar la primera sesión anual dentro del II Programa Progress Reports Valdecilla que contará las ponencias de Fulgencio Ruso Julve y Sara Remuzgo Martínez.

“Drug-Induced modulation of Clinical Response Genes to Antipsychotics (CRGAs) in Schizophrenia: integrating insights from human and cellular transcriptome.”

PONENTE: Fulgencio Ruso Julve 

Fulgencio Ruso Julve studied Biotechnology degree at Polytechnic University of Valencia, where he also completed Biomedical Master. Since his graduation, he has been working in different Neuroscience laboratories, especially with Rho Protein Signalling in Neuropathologies group at Principe Felipe Research Center (CIPF) in Valencia. Since 2015, he is PhD student (FPI grant) at Psychiatry group at IDIVAL, led by Dr. Crespo Facorro, MD, PhD, and collaborator at Molecular Mechanisms Cancer group at IBBTEC, led by Dr. Vaqué, PhD.

“Transcriptional study of genes associated with rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular disease”

PONENTE: Sara Remuzgo Martínez 

Sara Remuzgo Martínez gained her biology degree in 2009 from University of Oviedo, Spain. She obtained her PhD degree in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine (best qualification cum laude) in 2014 at the University of Cantabria, Spain. Since 2014, she has been working at the Epidemiology, Genetics and Atherosclerosis Research Group on Systemic Inflammatory Diseases in IDIVAL, focusing on the study of the expression of genes associated with cardiovascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis. 

Currently, she has done research in microbiology, immunology, cell biology, and epidemiology and genetics of autoimmune diseases and she has proven experience in general laboratory techniques, especially in Molecular Biology. She has 25 articles included in PubMed.

La sesión tendrá lugar a las 14:00 en el aula 4-5 del Pabellón 16 del Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (aforo máximo de 30 personas). La charla de cada ponente será de unos 15 minutos seguidos de un pequeño debate. Además, al finalizar se servirá un pequeño ágape para continuar con la conversación y fomentar la interacción entre los participantes y asistentes.
Se emitirán certificados de asistencia si se acude al 80% de las sesiones a lo largo del periodo académico, y se tendrá en cuenta la participación en los mismos dentro del programa de doctorado.

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