Presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program

6 de February de 2017

Next Wednesday 8 February will take place the presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program. This session will be given by Dr. Galo Peralta Fernández, Management Director of the Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL).

Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to incorporate the new generation of clinical researchers, and specifically including Primary Care and Nursing, knowledge generating agents of our region and companies. It has the 9 support subprograms:

  1. Post-Mir Valdecilla Program. Research contracts for newly trained specialists.
  2. Support Valdecilla Program. Support for the trajectory of IDIVAL Groups.
  3. Training Program for Research Managers. 
  4. Support Program for Novel Researchers “Next Generation Valdecilla” (Next-Val Program). Research projects led by novice researchers.
  5. Program of Support to Innovation (Inn-Val Program). Innovation projects in Health.
  6. Intensification Program of Investigators. Intensification of the research activity through the partial substitution of the assistance activity.
  7. Mentoring program. Mentoring program for new residents with excellent profile.
  8. Implementation Program (Inplant Program). Program of attraction for new Heads of Service and Section.
  9. Program of Support to Primary Care (Prim-Val Program)
  10. Applications deadline have already been opened for some of these subprograms.

This session is part of the Progress Reports Program, lectures that are held every Wednesday at the HUMV at 2:30 p.m. The aim of this program is to expose the scientific advances of their current research projects. 

On this occasion, the session will take place at 2.30pm at Idival's conference room, 3rd floor and it will last about 30 minutes and it will be followed by a short discussion.

For any questions regarding Progress Reports sessions, please contact us at

Program Progress Reports