On 1 September, the multiplier event of the ALADDIN project was held at the IDIVAL Innovation Laboratory (LINNUX) for teachers, companies and researchers. And on Friday 16 September another presentation event was held at the IES Cantabria facilities with the aim of bringing the project closer to the student and academic community.
At the event held at IDIVAL, the members of the project had the opportunity to present the Research Institute and the European projects unit and the results of the ALADDIN project were presented (Objectives, Partners, Methodology, Intellectual Outputs achieved, etc.). The training programme was also presented, as well as the MOODLE Tool in which all the contents of the training course are available. To conclude the meeting, colleagues from the IDIVAL´s Biobank gave a demonstration of practical cases of 3D printing applied in their laboratory, and a visit was made to the IDIVAL 3D printing and prototyping unit.
Between these two days, more than 65 people attended, representing students, researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs and managers from different entities.
These are two of the four multiplier events that have been developed in Europe, the other conferences have taken place in Belgium and Ireland, with the aim of presenting the results and milestones achieved in the project.

ALADDIN borned with the purpose of addressing the lack of knowledge in additive manufacturing and helping to generate cooperation between stakeholders, contributing to the integration of additive manufacturing in the healthcare sector.
During the project, an innovative training programme on additive manufacturing in hospitals has been developed by international experts, aimed not only at healthcare professionals working in hospitals, but also at engineering students who want to develop their expertise in the healthcare sector. This free, internationally validated training is delivered in an online format and is available and accessible to all interested parties, mainly students and teachers of vocational education and training, as well as healthcare staff and engineers.