Predoctoral Call IDIVAL-UC 2016 Provisional resolution of applications admitted and rejected

25 de November de 2016
On the 25th of November has been published the provisional resolution of candidates with the scoring of the predoctoral candidates of the grant IDIVAL-UC. The candidates consider selected will be the first two candidates with the best punctuation for each research field and the best application evaluated remaining.

Candidates selected: 

• Directors Professors/researchers of the University of Cantabria (UC) which are not personnel of IDIVAL

Dolores Lucía Guzmán Herrador 9,63
Carolina Palencia Gándara 9,51

• Directors Professors/researchers of the University of Cantabria which are personnel of IDIVAL

Lourdes Valdivia Fernández 9,50
Lorenzo Joaquín Gutiérrez Avilés 9,23

• Directors researchers which are personnel of IDIVAL or Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital and they are not permanent professors at UC

Carmen Lage Martínez 10
María Iglesias Escudero 8,83

• The best of the remaining application evaluated 

Eva Ariadna Florensa Zanuy 9,33

The candidates considered selected should register on the doctorate programme in the next 10 working days counted from the day after the publication of this provisional resolution.

All the candidates interested can make declarations on the next 10 working days counted from the day after the publication of this provisional resolution.

Provisional resolution of applications admitted and rejected