Open XIV Call for proposals for projects Mutua Madrileña Foundation

5 de February de 2017

Mutua Madrileña Foundation’s XIV Call for Health Research Grants 2017 has already been opened until March 9 at 3:00 p.m.

Mutua Madrileña Foundation wants to continue giving greater relevance to clinical research excellence and therefore, this call will award 15 projects to teams of researchers with recognized experience.

Projects presented should be exclusively clinical research work, developed in accredited Health Research Institutes, and developed in one of the following four areas:

Oncology: specifically gynecological cancer (cervix, ovaries and uterus).
Transplants: exclusively strategies of improvement in the obtaining and use of organs for transplants.
Traumatology and sequels: including neurological trauma.
Rare diseases: manifested in childhood.

In order to further promote the figure of young researchers, the foundation will give special attention to projects in which the principal researcher is under 40 years of age at the closing date of the call.

The maximum amount requested per project, cannot exceed 150,000 euros. 

Grants are intended for research projects with a duration of at least one year and a maximum of three years.

The same researcher, whether principal investigator or associate, may not coincide in more than one project submitted to the current call. In addition, no more than two projects may be funded by the same Accredited Health Research Institute (IIS).

The deadline for submission of applications from February 1 to March 9, 2017 at 3:00 p.m.

The application to participate in this call will be made exclusively online through the website of the Foundation