Molecular basis for targeted therapy in t-cell lymphomas

5 de March de 2017

The seventh session of the Program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 8th of March. The conference will be given by Rufino Mondéjar García, Rio Hortega Contract of the Idival’s Group of Research Pathological Anatomy.

The session will be about “Molecular basis for targeted therapy in t-cell lymphomas” and is briefly summarized below:

T and NK-cell lymphoma is a collection of aggressive disorders with unfavorable outcome, in which targeted treatments are still at a preliminary phase. To gain deeper insights into deregulated mechanisms promoting this disease, we have analyzed a panel of 31 representative T-cell and 2 NK-cell lymphoma/leukemia cell lines to look for predictive markers of response to targeted therapy. To this end, targeted sequencing was performed alongside the expression of specific biomarkers corresponding to potentially activated survival pathways. Based in these results, we have started testing two drugs in this cell line panel as a preclinical model (in vitro). 

This programme of seminars is given by young researchers on the field of IDIVAL’s clinic and laboratories. The speakers will explain the scientific advances of their current research projects. With the idea of debating and networking, the main goal of these meetings, all the predoctoral contracts, Post-MIR Valdecilla López Albo researchers, Río Hortega and Inn-Val grants are invited to attend to the sessions as part of their training. 

The meeting will take place in lecture room 4-5, pavilion 16 of the HUMV (1st floor) and has a capacity of 30 people. The session will be given in English and will last around 30 minutes and follow by a debate.

Researchers who attend 80% of the meetings throughout the academic year will receive a certificate of assistance.

For any questions regarding Progress Reports sessions, please contact the department at