Leonado-BBVA Foundation Scholarships

21 de February de 2020

The Leonardo Scholarships for Researchers and Cultural Creators granted by the BBVA Foundation are intended to directly support the work of researchers and cultural creators between 30 and 45 years of age who, being in the middle stages of their career, develop a markedly personal and innovative project in the corresponding area of specialization or activity in the following areas:

  • Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)
  • Biology, Environmental and Earth Sciences
  • Biomedicine
  • Technology of the information and communication
  • Engineering and Architecture
  • Economy and Social Sciences
  • Communication and Information Sciences
  • Humanities (Philosophy, Philology, Literature, Linguistics, History, Aesthetics and Musicology)
  • Plastic Arts and Digital Art
  • Music (composition, direction and interpretation) and Opera
  • Literary Creation and Performing Arts

At least 55 scholarships will be awarded for the whole of the call, each with a maximum gross amount of 40,000 euros. The overall allocation of this call is set at 2,200,000 euros. The projects submitted will last between 12 and 18 months from the subscription of the scholarship acceptance commitment. The project object of the requested scholarship must be completed at the end of this period. If the project presented were to be developed in a university, a public research center, a private (non-profit) research center or a hospital, the applicant must be attached to it at the time of signing the acceptance commitment.

Deadline for submission of applications: from January 15, 2020 to March 18, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Peninsular time.

More information about the call in the following link: