Informative session Horizon 2020 Program and ERC European Research Council

21 de November de 2019

IDIVAL is pleased to report that next Wednesday, December 4, we will hold an information session on the “HORIZON 2020 AND ERC PROGRAM (EUROPEAN RESEARCH COUNCIL)”, focusing especially on the new calls for social challenge 1 (Juan Riese, ISCIII) and Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grants of the ERC program (Laura Mohedano, ISCIII).

This event is organized by the European projects area of IDIVAL and the OPE of the Carlos III Health Institute. We are sure that these days will be of interest to researchers and will help managers to keep up with the rules of participation.

As we anticipated, the day will be held on Wednesday, December 4 and will take place in the Téllez Plasencia Hall of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital that has a capacity for about 100 people. We would be grateful if you reserve this date in your agendas and help us with the dissemination of the event among the members of your research group.

The provisional programme of the day is as follows:

10:15 Presentation of the Day

10:30 Financing opportunities in social challenge 1 of H2020 (Juan Riese, Scientific – Technical Advisor and NCP National Health Expert (H2020))

11:15 Call for ERC: Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grants (Laura Mohedano, ISCIII Communication, and NCP of the European Research Council (ERC))

12:00 Pause (Coffee)

12:30 Successful experiences in Cantabria

13:30 Round Table / Workshop

Table 1: Preparation of an H2020 proposal. Moderator: Juan Riese

Table 2: Preparation of an ERC proposal. Moderator: Laura Mohedano

The approximate duration will be about 3 hours, starting at 10.30 and ending at 13.30.

In the last part of the day we will organize two round tables focused on the preparation of proposals for the H2020 and ERC calls, Juan Riese and Laura Mohedano will act as moderators, guiding the proposals and resolving doubts and concerns, we would appreciate prior confirmation of interest for participation at these tables since places are limited (5-10 people per table).

Contact details:

Paloma Gonzalez: Phone 942202857 or email

We are very excited about this day and we hope you have a very good reception among the research community and are encouraged to participate in European projects.