Industrial property policy during COVID-19

6 de May de 2020

During the validity of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic and until the World Health Organization (WHO) decides to end it, the industrial property policy is modified.

Next, define industrial property policy to help curb the coronavirus pandemic.

1. IDIVAL will allow access to its industrial property to enable the global deployment of products and services associated with COVID-19 that can cope with the pandemic.

2. The default procedure for this access will be offering non-exclusive licenses, without royalties, at cost price, which may include concepts for cost of supply.

3. Once the WHO has ended the pandemic, the license terms will be the subject of a new independent agreement, where the new conditions will be established. These conditions will be negotiated in the economic terms allowed to allow IDIVAL to reinvest in clinical and health research.

For more information regarding IDIVAL's industrial policy, you can contact the IDIVAL Transfer Office at