IMPaCT Cohort: a large study to improve the health of the Spanish population

16 de May de 2024

Cohorte IMPaCT is an ambitious health study of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III coordinated by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER) that aims to monitor the health of 200,000 people living in Spain over 20 years.

Cohorte IMPaCT is being developed thanks to the participation of all the Autonomous Communities. It will be carried out in 50 primary care health centers (IMPaCT Centers) belonging to the health services of the 17 Autonomous Communities and Ceuta and Melilla, where recruitment, information collection and periodic contact with the participants will be carried out.

IMPaCT Cohort in Cantabria

One of these 50 IMPaCT Centers will be located in Cantabria. The Puertochico Health Center, where the IMPaCT Center is located, has a multidisciplinary team made up of researchers and healthcare professionals from the Cantabrian Health Service. Users of the Puertochico Health Center, CS Isabel II and CS Dávila of Santander will be called from this Health Center.

In Cantabria, the IMPaCT Cohort is managed by the Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Cantabrian Health Service, through the Primary Care Management, coordinates and executes the study in the Puertochico Health Center (Santander) as the project node. Cohorte IMPaCT is coordinated in Cantabria by Luis Mariano López López, Director of Nursing at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, and Álvaro Ramos Acosta, Deputy Director of Nursing at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.

A representative sample of the Spanish population

The IMPaCT Cohort has been designed so that its 200,000 participants are a representative sample of the Spanish population. Territorially, there are IMPaCT Centers in all the Autonomous Communities and in Ceuta and Melilla. In line with the distribution of the Spanish population, 30% of these centers will be in rural areas and another 70% in urban areas.

A person cannot volunteer to participate in the IMPaCT Cohort. To ensure a faithful representation of the Spanish population, participants are chosen at random. Persons aged 16 to 79 years living in Spain with public health coverage and whose care is provided by Public Health Service centers will be eligible.

Cohorte IMPaCT will mark the history of science in our country: a project of everyone and for everyone that will allow us to better understand why some people get sick and others do not. This project will help us to improve the health of future generations in Spain.

People who have been selected will receive a text message telling them that they will be contacted from their Health Center to participate in the study, as well as a link to the project’s informative website. The involvement of the citizens who are called to participate is key to the success of the project, which is why its slogan is: “If they call you, come!

Video presentation of IMPaCT Cohort in Cantabria:

IMPaCT Cohort Web Page