IDIVALs researchers participate on the Science Week

22 de November de 2016

Students from the high school Valle de Piélagos de Renedo, IES Valentín Turienzo of Colindres, IES Fuente Fresnedo of Laredo and IES Ría del Carmen of Muriedas have visited the Marques de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) due to the celebration of the Science Week.

Students visited some of the research laboratories of IDIVAL and had a talk about the scientific research made at the institute. During the meetings, one of the researchers, Dr. José Ramos Vivas, transmitted the necessity of knowing the day-to-day of the research laboratories. It is the only way to be conscious of day-to-day of the scientific researcher. During these visits students asked questions to the researchers and asked for advice about the different options to take into account at the time to choose a degree, how to get a research scholarship or what anyone needs to be a scientific.

IDIVAL and the University of Cantabria are compromised not only with research in Cantabria but also with the scientific dissemination to the society. The aim of these visits is to make public the work of researchers. 

Science week is one of the main events of scientific dissemination in Europe. From the 7th to 12th of November different research centers of Cantabria opened their doors to the students. Students listened to talks, meetings, guided visits from the researchers with the aim to show the variety of scientific themes which are studied in Cantabria. It should be pointed out that there has been an increased participation of research groups and schools interested in these activities.