IDIVAL receives the European certification of human resources HRS4R

20 de October de 2018

IDIVAL has just received the award of excellence in human resources known as HRS4R. This seal implies recognition by the Euraxess of compliance with European standards in human resources management in research by IDIVAL.

To obtain it, a team composed of researchers and management personnel has carried out an analysis of the situation of the institute in this area, an identification of the aspects in which an improvement is needed and an action plan to undertake it in accordance with the 40 principles of the European research human resources code.

The certification process began in October 2016 with the adherence to the code of conduct. The certifying european initiative Euraxess, has verified during this process the adaptation to its requirements, through an action plan prepared by IDIVAL that is already underway in which is about 60 actions, which are ultimately aimed at promoting and attracting talent in the field of research.

HRS4R implies a long-term commitment over many years, including joint efforts and coordination with various internal and external stakeholders. However, it is a process that ensures the transition from the institution of progress to quality, in terms of the implementation of the principles of the European Charter of Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers promoted by the European Commission. These two references, aimed at both researchers and employers and research funders in the public and private sectors, are key elements in EU policy to boost the careers of researchers.

It is worth noting that in recent years IDIVAL has developed various actions to promote talent, among which the different funding programs (Predoctoral, mentoring, inplant, Post-MIR Lopez albo contracts, next-val grants for emerging researchers are especially relevant). ), and dissemination and communication to promote the research and innovation culture in our environment.