IDIVAL publishes the advance of the 2016 report

1 de April de 2017

IDIVAL has just published the progress of its annual report summarizing the main milestones and data of activity developed, both in terms of scientific production and economic results.

Throughout its 22 pages prologued by the President of the IDIVAL Board of Trustees and Counselor of Health of the Government of Cantabria, Maria Luisa Real, the memory recalls the organizational structure of IDIVAL that has 30 research groups structured in 6 areas (Cancer, Neurosciences , Metabolism, Infection and Immunity, Transplantation and Transverse Areas), and a powerful support structure for research that depend on a Board of Trustees formed by the Government of Cantabria and the University of Cantabria.

The progress of the memory also gathers the main milestones of the year and names 20 papers in which researchers from the Institute of special relevance have participated.

Finally, it reflects the main data of scientific activity, which includes 493 papers, an impact factor of 1915, and economic figures with a total income of almost € 7 million, which comes from competitive financing of 35%, private agreements of 33% and financing from the Government of Cantabria by 31%. On the whole the data indicate a good activity that is maintained with respect to 2015.

Link to the progress of the IDIVAL