IDIVAL grants to projects in the field of Chronic care

18 de April de 2017

IDIVAL publishes the Innovation Support Program to chronic patient care (INNyCRON). The Program’s objective is to facilitate and promote innovation projects related with the Cantabria Chronicity Strategy.

The INNyCRON call is part of the Chronicity Strategy of Cantabria in which the Ministry of Health and the Cantabrian Health Service, which are the promoters of this call, participate and aims to support initiatives in this field. This call involves a clear commitment to support the development of future lines related to chronicity, consistent with the priorities of the health system.

This call is based on the premise that the different professionals have ideas and capacities to respond many of the problems facing the health system. This grants provide resources and facilities for local teams to initiate pilot testing, receiving support to have sufficient organizational capacity to improve their work environment.

All projects presented to this call will be evaluated by a Committee that will seek to support the initiatives of the professionals, as long as they are aligned with the strategic objectives of Chronicity and have the appropriate organization and design.

Characteristics of the call:

  • Deadline for applications: 1 to 31 May.
  • Total budget for this call: 100.000€.
  • Maximum budget per project: 25.000€.
  • The principal investigator must be permanent or temporary staff from Cantabrian Health Service.
  • 1-3 year projects

If you have any innovative ideas if you would like to implement a project and you need help developing it, this Innovation Support Program is a great opportunity. 

If you have any doubts or if you do not know whether your idea or projects fits in this Program you can contact by phone 942 31 55 27 or by email

More information: IDIVAL funding