IDIVAL celebrates the day of Women and Girls in Science

3 de February de 2020

IDIVAL celebrates the I Week of Women and Girls in Science with a round table on February 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the Caja Cantabria Foundation, Calle Tantín 25, 1st Floor, (CASYC Theater), Santander.

IDIVAL researchers will present their experiences in the field of research in a relaxed environment. A journey through their professional careers, since they decided to study a scientific career, until today as responsible or coordinators of their groups.

A round table moderated by Dr. Carmen Sarabia in which we invite you to participate and that is open to the general public with special interest to the parents of girls in order to motivate and encourage their daughters to study in the future scientific careers.

In addition, during the next few days, videos of researchers and professionals will be disseminated on social networks (twitter: @IDIVALdecilla and Instagram @idivaldecilla) under the motto #RompemosMitos in which the challenges they have achieved will be exposed.

These two activities are included within the I Week of Women and Girls in Science of IDIVAL and which in turn are framed within the activities of Day 11F organized by the University of Cantabria.