IDIVAL calls for a research managers fellowship

27 de January de 2017

IDIVAL convenes for a third year a 24-month fellowship that can be extended to 36 months of research management training. The selected candidate will develop a tutored training itinerary, specifically designed, with periodic evaluations and presentation of an annual report (in the last month of each year) with a tutor's report that should be positive for continuity of the aid.

The training itinerary will include rotators for the different areas of the Central Support Unit and may include external rotators.

The training plan will be developed under the supervision of teams of managers who provide support to researchers in the dissemination and promotion of calls for research grants, preparation and application of projects presented to different calls, and support in the Implementation of these projects. These managers also perform tasks related to the fulfillment of the obligations that the IDIVAL Foundation must undertake.

Some of the specific issues that are planned as part of the training path of this program include acquisition of knowledge related to sources of funding, regulation of clinical research, compliance with research regulations, recruitment of staff and procurement of goods and services in Research projects, economic reporting, audits, liaison with funding agencies, and development of industrial protection.

In this way the management of research forms a discipline whose formation requires knowledge of diverse nature, for which IDIVAL proposes a training plan in research management through the following call.

The call will be open until February 28, 2017

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