IDIVAL broke its patent record in 2018

29 de March de 2019
During 2018 IDIVAL processed 9 patent applications, representing three times the number of applications with respect to the 2013 and previous annuities. Factors such as the promotion of the innovative culture, the certification of the institute by the UNE 166: 002, as well as the incorporation of new specific aids of innovation and technological development as the own call for the development of INNVAL innovation projects, have been key for the continuous growth of applications since 2014.   Of the 9 applications, 5 refer to medical technology while the remaining 4 are from the pharma-biotech area. In absolute terms, medical technology continues to be the area in which the most patents were filed in Europe, with an increase of 5% compared to 2017, followed by digital communication and computer technology.   At national level, the patent record has also been broken during 2018. Spain processed 6.3% more patent applications than in 2017, above the average advance of 4.6% of the European Union (EU), according to data from the European Patent Office (EPO). The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), universities and research centers continue to lead the way in the number of applications submitted. To support IDIVAL innovation, as a Health Research Institute, it has an Innovation Support Unit that supports researchers in our environment in the identification of ideas of interest, valorization, search for funding, search for partners and transfer, including industrial protection developed through patents.