Institutional statement on the use of research animals

Applications may be submitted until 10 May at the following link


The PRIM-VAL call seeks to promote IDIVAL’s primary care research and innovation by partially or fully funding projects developed in this field.

Project requirements

Research and innovation projects will be considered on topics related to the field of primary care, preferably patient care, chronic diseases and highly prevalent diseases.

The projects must be developed mainly in the public health environment of Cantabria and must be aimed at research and innovation and development in the field of health.

Principal investigator requirements

The project will have a principal investigator who must be a professional working in the Public Health System of Cantabria. Specialists in training are excluded.

Requirements of the research team

At least 50% of the research team must be made up of primary care professionals from the public health system of Cantabria and may include people from other national or international institutions.

The figure of the Co-Principal Investigator is contemplated, who does not need to fulfil the requirements previously demanded for the Principal Investigator. Only one principal investigator will be allowed to participate in an application under this call.

For the development of the project, outside the local research team, collaborators from other public or private, national or international institutions may be included, whose curriculum vitae must also be provided.

At least half of the research team must belong to the Public Health System of Cantabria.

The estimated amount for the financing of the programme in the present call will be of

20.000€, the maximum amount to be financed per project will be 10.000€.

The duration of the projects will be 2 years, extendable.

Documentation required

Research project report.

Standardised CV in FECYT CVA format of the members of the research team.

Declarations of interest from companies, institutions or scientific societies or patient groups not participating in the project will also be accepted as part of the documentation.


Submission of applications until 10 May

Applications (link)

IDIVAL’s PRIM-VAL call for research projects in primary care is now open

Applications may be submitted until 10 May at the following link   The PRIM-VAL call seeks to promote IDIVAL’s primary care research and innovation by partially or fully funding projects developed in this field. Project requirements Research and innovation projects will be considered on topics related to the field of primary care, preferably patient care, […]

This study sheds light on the processes that cause these ailments and possible future treatments.

A research team from the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV) has demonstrated the involvement of a molecule, a peptide known as CGRP, in COVID-19 infection, specifically in headache and diarrhoea, two of the most frequent symptoms. Until now, the mechanisms were unknown and this discovery opens up the possibility of future drug development.

The research has been funded by IDIVAL’s 2020 INNVAL innovation call to the research staff of IDIVAL’s Clinical and Genetics of Headaches Group, in collaboration with the Internal Medicine, Infectious and Digestive Services of HUMV.

The results of this study show that the levels of the CGRP molecule are elevated in patients with COVID-19 compared to healthy people, suggesting the involvement of this peptide in this disease. On the other hand, in those patients with headache, levels of a specific type of this molecule, the alpha isoform, are elevated as in patients with migraine headache. This finding suggests that the release of CGRP alpha is the explanation for the headache in patients with COVID-19.

Likewise, the presence of diarrhoea in COVID-19 patients corresponds with elevated levels of the beta isoform of the CGRP molecule in this case. These findings indicate that diarrhoea in this type of patient, whose cause was unknown, is related to elevated levels of CGRP-beta.

Ref: Gárate G, Pascual M, Rivero M, Toriello M, Pérez-Pereda S, González-Quintanilla V, Madera J, Gutiérrez-Cuadra M, Fariñas C, Hernández JL, Olmos JM, Pascual J, Serum calcitonin gene-related peptide a and b are increased in COVID-19 inpatients, Arch Med Res 2023; 54: 56-63.

Ref: Gárate G, Pascual M, Olmos JM, Fariñas C, Rivero M, Crespo J, Pascual J, Increase in serum calcitonin gene-related peptide b (CGRPb) in COVID-19 patients with diarrhea: an underlying mechanism? Dig Dis Sci 2022; 67: 5712-5713.

Ref: Gárate G, Toriello M, González-Quintanilla V, Pérez-Pereda S, Madera J, Pascual M, Olmos JM, Pascual J. Serum alpha-CGRP levels are increased in COVID-19 patients with headache indicating an activation of the trigeminal system. BMC Neurol 2023; 23: 109. Doi: 10.1186/s12883-023-03156-z.




IDIVAL researchers explain the origin of COVID-19 headache and diarrhoea, two of the most frequent symptoms of this infection

This study sheds light on the processes that cause these ailments and possible future treatments. A research team from the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV) has demonstrated the involvement of a molecule, a peptide known as CGRP, in COVID-19 infection, specifically in headache and diarrhoea, […]

On 28 April, the Botín Foundation in Santander will host the 1st National Forum on Innovation Management in Health, a programme of round table debates in which experts in the field of innovation and health management will discuss organisational innovation, patient-centred innovation, health technology and innovation and knowledge.

The conference will be opened by Cristóbal Belda, Director of the Carlos III Health Institute and the Regional Minister of Health, Raúl Pesquera.

The forum will then open with a keynote speech by Dr. Ángel Carracedo, director of the Xenomic Medicine Foundation-SERGAS and Professor of Legal Medicine at the University of Santiago with the paper “Precision Medicine, new realities, new challenges”.

The conference is open to companies, innovation and research managers, executives and anyone interested in the subject.

The conference is organised by the IDIVAL Research Institute and the Regional Ministry of Health and sponsored by Janssen.

Registration in advance at the following link. Registration (link)

The conference will be an excellent opportunity to establish networks and work synergies with the attendees and speakers and there will be spaces for networking and coworking.


1st National Forum on Innovation Management in Health

On 28 April, the Botín Foundation in Santander will host the 1st National Forum on Innovation Management in Health, a programme of round table debates in which experts in the field of innovation and health management will discuss organisational innovation, patient-centred innovation, health technology and innovation and knowledge. The conference will be opened by Cristóbal […]

La biocompatiblidad, estabilidad y reproductibilidad de este novedoso método permite su producción industrial en usos como la terapia personalizada

El Grupo de Nanomedicina del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) ha diseñado y optimizado un método novedoso basado en nanopartículas capaces de encapsular, almacenar y transferir material genético en las células.  El procedimiento es fácilmente escalable, reproducible y económico, lo que permite una alta producción en un solo paso de síntesis y pruebas de calidad por lotes, muy importante para la industria de la terapia personalizada.

El estudio ha demostrado que las nanopartículas diseñadas son altamente estables a temperatura ambiente protegiendo el material genético de la exposición a diferentes estreses biológicos y fisicoquímicos de la célula incluidas las especies reactivas de oxígeno, la DNasa o las temperaturas de desnaturalización.  Esta característica favorece un transporte fácil desde el punto de producción hasta prácticamente cualquier destino de la célula, lo que hace a este tipo de nanopartículas únicas como herramientas de administración de genes

Los resultados indican que, además, estas partículas se disuelven de forma segura en las células liberando el material genético de su interior eficazmente.

Asimismo, la versatilidad del diseño posibilita encapsular diferentes genes sin restricción de tamaño, en capas únicas o múltiples de sílice, permitiendo una expresión secuencial de genes diferentes y, además, controlada en el tiempo imitando las cascadas de expresión viral.

Este trabajo, que ha sido publicado en la prestigiosa revista Materials Today Advances, se enmarca dentro de la tesis doctoral de Andrés Ramos Valle,  investigador predoctoral del Grupo de Nanomedicina del IDIVAL y primer firmante del artículo “One-pot synthesis of compact DNA silica particles for gene delivery and extraordinary DNA preservation”.


Referencia: One-pot synthesis of compact DNA silica particles for gene delivery and extraordinary DNA preservation. A. Ramos-Valle a, L. Marín-Caba a, L. García Hevia a, M.A. Correa-Duarte b, M.L. Fanarraga. Volume 18, June 2023, 100357


The Nanomedicine Group of IDIVAL designs a new gene transfer system based on nanotechnology

The biocompatibility, stability and reproducibility of this novel method allows its industrial production for uses such as personalized therapy.  The Nanomedicine Group of the Marqués de Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) has designed and optimized a novel method based on nanoparticles capable of encapsulating, storing and transferring genetic material into cells. The procedure is easily […]

The 13th Quality and Patient Safety Conference will be held in Santander on 3 and 4 May 2023. An open and participative discussion forum in which the patient safety culture is promoted and good practices carried out in healthcare centres are shared.

These conferences have been held for many years in Cantabria and have been very well received and well attended by the professionals of our Health Service. In 2023, visibility will be given to projects, activities or experiences developed by health professionals, giving the opportunity to participate with oral communications or in poster format.

The conference is open to all professionals, patients, relatives and anyone interested in quality and patient safety, subject to prior registration.

Registration for the conference is open from 3 to 24 April.

For professionals of the Cantabrian Health Service through SOFOSmoodle.

For external participants via the registration form on the conference website.

In order to obtain the course diploma it is necessary to attend 100% of the conference, as well as to complete the evaluation survey on the training activity. Accreditation has been requested from the Continuing Education Commission for the health professions in Cantabria for students previously registered for the conference.

Programme (pdf)

The 13th Quality and Patient Safety Conference will be held in Santander on 3 and 4 May 2023. An open and participative discussion forum in which the patient safety culture is promoted and good practices carried out in healthcare centres are shared. These conferences have been held for many years in Cantabria and have been […]