The next 24th of November will take place the fourth conference of the programme Santander Biomedical Lectures organized by IDIVAL, University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC, given by Giuseppe Del Giudice, Translational Science Leader at GSK Vaccines Srl, Siena, Italy. The session will focus on: “The quest of early biomarkers of vaccine safety and long-term immunity”.

The lecture will cover activities aimed at the definition of potential biomarkers predictive of efficacy and safety of vaccines. These activities relate essentially to approaches based on systems biology applied concomitantly to humans and to animal models in order to understand and possibly validate the value of the latter. These activities are carried out within the frame of a collaborative effort which sees the participation of vaccine industry and of various European academic groups.

Dr. Del Giudice is responsible of activities (mainly related to human immunology and translational research) focusing on the understanding of how vaccine-related (adjuvants, formulations, delivery, etc) and host-related factors (age, genetic makeup, environment, pharmaceutical treatments, etc) can affect positively or negatively the immune response to vaccines against several viral and bacterial diseases, more specifically in the areas of influenza, vaccine adjuvants, vaccination at the extremes of age, pertussis, staphylococcal infections, etc.

From 1996 and 2005, he was responsible of the preclinical research at Chiron Vaccines, Siena, mainly in the areas of the development of bacterial vaccines and of mucosal vaccines.

Before, he spent 12 years in Switzerland studying the immune response to malaria parasites first at the University of Geneva, then at the University of Lausanne, where he got the position of Professeur Agrégé. At the same time, he became medical officer (staff member) at the World Health Organization Headquarters, Division of Communicable Diseases.

He received his MD degree at the University of Milan, where he also got the Specialisation in Infectious Diseases. He then received his PhD in Immunology at the University of Geneva.

He is author and co-author of over 270 publications and member of several international societies and scientific institutional and non-governmental boards.

Dr. Del Giudice will be in Santander from the previous day of the session with the aim to share experiences with the members of the scientific and clinic community, to visit the Research Centers and to meet the scientific researchers.

Those professionals who are interested in a meeting or event with the speaker can contact with

The conference will take place on the 24th of November at 8.15 am at Salon Tellez Plasencia, HUMV.

Conference The quest of early biomarkers of vaccine safety and long-term immunity

The next 24th of November will take place the fourth conference of the programme Santander Biomedical Lectures organized by IDIVAL, University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC, given by Giuseppe Del Giudice, Translational Science Leader at GSK Vaccines Srl, Siena, Italy. The session will focus on: “The quest of early biomarkers of vaccine safety and long-term immunity”. […]

El diario Montañes
IDIVAL in collaboration with Infirmary’s Mangement of the Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital has resolved the 18th National Call o Research Projects “Enfermeria Valdecilla”.

The aim of this call is to encourage the participation of professional nurses by preparing and developing a research project about the nurse practice in all the aspects.

On this 18th National Call of Research Projects “Enfermeria Valdecilla” has participated 24 projects from all parts of Spain. The projects must be elaborated by novice researchers without a previous competitive funding. On the project evaluation has been considered the translational interest of the project mainly developed in patients, the grade of innovation and the quality of the project. 

The evaluation commission has resolved the awarded projects on the two categories:

• The Best Project Award

“The care quality in mental health: transcultural adaptation of scales batteries ‘Quality of Psychiatric Care’ and scales validation in Spanish” main researcher Sara Sánchez Balcells.

• The Best Project to develop in Cantabria
“Characteristics and impact of bed-blocking. Studying cases and controls in Cantabria”. Main researcher María Amada Pellico López.

The awarded projects will be presented on the IV Conference of Innovation and development in Valdecilla which will take place on the 22nd and 23rd of November, Pavilion 16, HUMV.

Resolved the 18th National Call Research Projects Enfermería Valdecilla

IDIVAL in collaboration with Infirmary’s Mangement of the Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital has resolved the 18th National Call o Research Projects “Enfermeria Valdecilla”. The aim of this call is to encourage the participation of professional nurses by preparing and developing a research project about the nurse practice in all the aspects. On this 18th […]

The next 21st of November will take place the Conference “Introduction to design thinking and innovation focused on people” by Asier Pérez, Research and Creativity Director of Dowayo Foresight. Dowayo Foresight is a pioneering study based on a human-centered innovation.

The design thinking is a methodology to generate innovative ideas focused on the efficiency to understand and to give a solution to real necessities of people. It is the way how products designers work.

After the conference, there is a workshop “Innovation based on the users” to put in practice the ideas showed on the conference. Participants will do an exercise to put in practice the innovation through Design Thinking.

People interested in the workshop need to enroll in advance because there is a forum of 50 people. After enrolling it will be necessary to confirm the attendance. Those students who are not part of the Hospital need to send an email to, with the following details: name and surname, ID, Professional category, Position and place of work and an address to send the certificate.

The conference will take place at Salón Téllez Plasencia, Pavillion 16, HUMV, at 4pm. Entrance to the lecture is free until seating capacity is reached.

More information:

Workshop Poster

Workshop Programme

Conference Introduction to design thinking and innovation focused on people

The next 21st of November will take place the Conference “Introduction to design thinking and innovation focused on people” by Asier Pérez, Research and Creativity Director of Dowayo Foresight. Dowayo Foresight is a pioneering study based on a human-centered innovation. The design thinking is a methodology to generate innovative ideas focused on the efficiency to […]

INPhINIT is a new doctoral fellowship programme promoted by the “la Caixa” Foundation which relies on the European Commission's support through the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND programme. The objective is to support young researchers to develop their Phd in Spain. Spanish Research Centres from the areas of Bio and Health Sciences, Physics, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics has presented their projects and the candidates must to apply to the centres of projects of their interest. “La Caixa” Foundation will recruit only 57 candidates from different nationalities. This programme will recruit outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.

IDIVAL researchers has presented ten projects in total from different research groups as Mineral and Lipid Metabolism, Nanovaccines, Nanomedicine, Cell cycle and Cancer, Psychiatry, Haematologic neoplasms and haematopoietic stem cells transplantation, Immunopathology of rheumatic diseases, Neurodegenerative diseases and Microbiology.
Those projects offer an opportunity to develop a doctorate in interested research group and to participate in training activities and events organized by the institution and Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital. 

The initiative of the INPhINIT programme is to enhance and recognize the Spanish Research Centres and the young researchers and to develop a research project in an international centre.

The end of the call for applications is 2nd of February 2017.

More information: INPhINIT 


IDIVAL participates in the Programme INPhINIT of La Caixa Foundation

INPhINIT is a new doctoral fellowship programme promoted by the “la Caixa” Foundation which relies on the European Commission's support through the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – COFUND programme. The objective is to support young researchers to develop their Phd in Spain. Spanish Research Centres from the areas of Bio and Health Sciences, Physics, […]

La Vanguardia

El diario Alerta

El diario Montañes



The research Biomedical Forum of Cantabria organized by IBBTEC and IDIVAL has prepared two conferences given by Craig R. Roy from Yale University.

Craig R. Roy currently holds the title of Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunobiology in Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine at Yale University. He is actually taken part in the Programme of Short stays for invited teachers organized by Cantabria International Campus from the University of Cantabria. Dr. Roy will visit the School of Medicine, IDIVAL and IBBTEC during this week.

Craig R. Roy has developed all his scientific career working in Microbial Pathogenesis. He did his thesis about Bordetella pertussis with Stanley Falkow at Stanford University, and a postdoctoral thesis with Ralph Isberg at Tufts University, where he has started his research in Legionella pneumophila. As a teacher of Yale University he manages a group of fifteen people who are working in mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis. He is an editor in many scientific magazines and he has published more than 150 articles of high impact.

The programme of conferences organized are:

“Legionnaires' disease: Host and bacterial factors that contribute to pathogenesis”. 15th of November. Conference Room, University of Cantabria at 12am.

“Bacterial manipulation of the host autophagy pathway”. 17th of November at 12:30 pm at IBBTEC.

Any researchers interested in meeting with Dr. Roy can contact with Dr. Félix J. Sangari




The following 16th of November will take place the second session of the programme Valdecilla Progress Reports given by Ana V. Villar, associated teacher of the Physiology and pharmacology Department at the School of Medicine of the University of Cantabria.

Summary of the meeting:

Inhibition of protein–protein interactions as a route to novel therapeutics is an underdeveloped vision. It could offer a novel strategy to reduce the transmission of myocardial fibrogenic signals. The presence of Hsp90 in the main fibrogenic signaling pathway of the heart represents a highly promising class of potential target for therapeutic development in myocardial fibrosis. New designed biosynthetic inhibitors of Hsp90 with fluorescence characteristics bind to Hsp90 with high affinity and present promising anti-fibrotic behavior.

This programme of seminars is given by young researchers on the field of IDIVAL’s clinic and laboratories. The speakers will explain the scientific advances of their current research projects. With the idea of debating and networking, the main goal of the meeting, all the predoctoral contracts, Post-MIR Valdecilla López Albo researchers, Río Hortega and Inn-Val grants are invited to attend to these sessions as part of their training. 

The meeting will take place at 2.30 pm in lecture room 4-5, pavilion 16 of the HUMV (the lecture room has a capacity of 30 people). The session will be given in English and last 30 minutes followed by a short discussion about the subject. 

Researchers who attend  80% of the meetings throughout the academic year will receive a certificate of assistance.

Second Meeting Progress Reports by Dr Ana V Villar

The following 16th of November will take place the second session of the programme Valdecilla Progress Reports given by Ana V. Villar, associated teacher of the Physiology and pharmacology Department at the School of Medicine of the University of Cantabria. Summary of the meeting: Inhibition of protein–protein interactions as a route to novel therapeutics is an […]

The Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC) within its grants programme funds cancer research from basic knowledge to clinic application. These grants intend to encourage and promote the generation of new ideas, effective strategies of prevention and early diagnosis, improvement of the processes of diagnosis and to develop treatments to solve the current challenges. 

This grant programme opens a new call aimed to fund ideas, projects and coordinated groups and to support students and postdoctoral researchers.

The grants from the Spanish Association against Cancer are the following:

Researcher AECC 2017

Aimed to researchers with postdoctoral training to develop a research programme in cancer in a Spanish center so as to support other researchers to create new lines of investigation. 

Projects AECC 2017

Financing projects of traslational research. The funding will be for 3 years.
Beneficiaries: Researchers connected to a non-lucrative public organization with the aim to generate scientific investigation in Spain. 

Childhood cancer and uncommon cancers AECC 2017

Funding to researchers from a non-lucrative public or private organization with the aim to generate scientific investigation in Spain. The grant will last for 3 years.

• Ideas AECC 2017

Grants to fund new ideas and innovative opportunities in cancer research. If the idea is successful it would be possible to create a consolidated research project.


Funding to support emerging groups to consolidate lines of investigation focus on translational research which are developed in Spain.
Beneficiaries: independent researchers on an emerging group and linked to a non-lucrative public or private organization with the aim to generate scientific research in Spain. The funding will be for 3 years.

Traslational coordinated groups AECC 2017

Grants to fund cancer research projects from translational research to multidisciplinary stable groups.
Beneficiaries: Researchers with a scientific training to develop their activity in a non-lucrative public or private organization with the aim to generate scientific investigation in Spain. The funding will be for 5 years. 

Consolidated Clinical groups AECC 2017 

Funding to cancer research projects with the aim to transfer results to the patients and to create innovative researches which are able to change the clinical practice developed by multidisciplinary coordinated groups.
Beneficiaries: Researchers with a scientific training which are developing their activity in a non-lucrative public or private organization with the aim to generate scientific investigation in Spain. The funding will be for 5 years.

Post-doctoral AECC 2017 

Grants to researchers with a recently PhD with the goal to develop a cancer research project in a Spanish institution with the possibility of a training in a national or international center with the aim to promote the talent of young researchers.
Beneficiaries: Doctors or specialist (the degree must be obtained during the past 4 years).
The funding will be for 2 years with the possibility of extending for another 2 years.

Summer internships in laboratories. Summer 2017. 

The main goal is to approach the biomedical research to university students in the field of health science and to complete their training with an internship in a research laboratory which activity is related to cancer research.
Beneficiaries: University students from the field of health science.
The internship will take in summer (July, August and/or September). In total 240 hours. 

Call for applications open on the 8th of November.

More Information

Grants Funding from Spanish Association against Cancer

The Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC) within its grants programme funds cancer research from basic knowledge to clinic application. These grants intend to encourage and promote the generation of new ideas, effective strategies of prevention and early diagnosis, improvement of the processes of diagnosis and to develop treatments to solve the current challenges.  This grant […]