Diario Médico

El Diario Montañés

The third edition of the workshops “¡VIVE LA CIENCIA!” took place during the month of November. These workshops were about the initiation in biomedical research in which researchers of IDIVAL have participated. 

The workshops were designed to promote the scientific vocations of local students in the biosanitary field. These workshops consisted of theorical-practice classes where IDIVAL’s researchers showed the scientific and research activities for the treatment and recovery of diseases. In this way, IDIVAL continues promoting students' interest in science through the direct contact with the research practice and to transmit on a practical way the abilities asociated to the scientific work. 

There were 7 workshops for students from the science field from high school. The Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Cantabria Goverment collaborated on the Project and it was responsible for the paperwork with schools and with the selection of the students with the best academic results in science in Cantabria. 

IDIVAL organized 4 different workshops about DNA, bacteria, oncogenesis and neuroimage.   

DNA Workshop. The aim was to show to the students the importance of the analysis of DNA in hospitals as a fundamental element to the diagnosis of diseases of genetic origin and in the biomedical research to understand the different pathologies and their treatments (personalized medicine). 


– Bacteria Workshop. The aim is to make publish the presence of specific microorganism that are part of the usual microbiome of the humans and become familiar with the different morphologies of the bacteria growth in vitro after the culture of biologic samples. 




– Oncogenesis Workshop. The aim was the awareness of the importance and world repercussion of the effort to fight cancer; application of the biological knowledge to develop experimental new ways to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer; to understand the scientific origin to study the cancer and to visualize how these advances can be put in practice in real life to develop new medicines to use in clinical practice. 

– Neuroimage Workshop. The aim was to publish the neuroimage techniques and their importance and to show other professions related to biomedical research as physical, engineers, pshicologist, etc

The workshops were a success with great participation and interest. The students had the possibility to use the different analytic tools which are used on the laboratory daily. Furthermore, students had the opportunity to ask doubts about university careers and their future as scientifics.

IDIVAL has participated in the workshops vive la ciencia about the iniciation on biomedical research

The third edition of the workshops “¡VIVE LA CIENCIA!” took place during the month of November. These workshops were about the initiation in biomedical research in which researchers of IDIVAL have participated.  The workshops were designed to promote the scientific vocations of local students in the biosanitary field. These workshops consisted of theorical-practice classes where IDIVAL’s researchers showed […]

El Diario Montañes

El Diario Montañes

20 Minutos

La Rioja

El Diario Montañes

Vive campoo

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the best Technical University in the world. Rafael Reif, president of the MIT, said in an interview for the Spanish newspaper El País on the 24th of October: “There are people from 152 countries in the MIT. Almost 80% of the nations are represented here. MIT has a history of 155 years of discoveries, creation of knowledge and innovation. We are an example for the world”. There had been in the MIT’s classrooms 85 Nobel Prizes, genius linguistics as Noam Chomsky, the physicist Richard Feynman, the astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the mathematician Norbert Wiener and Bill Gates, etc. 

Dr. Jose Maria de la Torre Hernandez, interventional cardiologist at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV), has stayed in the MIT for several months in the Biomedical Engineering Institute, exactly in the laboratory with the professor Elazer R. Edelman (EDELMANLAB). Professor Edelman is graduated in Electronics Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and in Medicine from Harvard Medical School with the specialization in cardiology at Brigham and Women’ Hospital of Boston. Dr. Edelman is a prominent figure who has received a grant of 75 million dollars. 

Dr. Jose Maria de la Torre Hernandez will be in the Lab for a year sharing the research lines that the institute is developing and he has focus on the evaluation of new technologies in cardiovascular pathologies. De la Torre says that the institute researches about biological and physiopathologies processes using methods of biochemical research, research on animal models, computing models and post-process of human clinic information. The research lines in which Dr. De la Torre is collaborating in the laboratory because of the proximity to his studies are:

1. The biomechanics and biological effects of the components and design of new coronary stents pharmacoactive.

2. Physiological profiles in patients with aortic stenosis, integrating the central and peripheral vascular. They are evaluating new parameters of cardiovascular physiology and using new devices of observation and novel computer algorithms. 

3. Studying the possibility of extracting more information about the techniques of intravascular image through the original method of post-processed. 

4. Effects about the evolution of arteriosclerosis in modified mice with drugs used in clinics with other purposes. 

5. Evaluation of new vascular implants obtained through complex processes of biochemical and biological engineering.

During his stay Jose Maria de la Torre Hernandez will focus on supporting, interpreting and clinical orientation of the results obtained. The collaboration between experts of different fields is fundamental: biologists, engineers, chemicals, clinics and mathematicians. In this context, the experimented vision of Dr. De la Torre as an expert in the physiology and coronary anatomy is fundamental, especially in aspects related with the treatment through angioplasty of coronary stenosis. De la Torre contributes with clinical proximity with a powerful scientific basis about cohort of patients, a research that he has lead in the last years and with an international repercussion.

His stay pretends to be the basis of future collaborative projects with the MIT and new research lines developed in his return in Santander with the base in Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL)

A cardiologist from Valdecilla at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the best Technical University in the world. Rafael Reif, president of the MIT, said in an interview for the Spanish newspaper El País on the 24th of October: “There are people from 152 countries in the MIT. Almost 80% of the nations are represented here. MIT has a […]

The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness launches several calls which are considered in the National Sub-programme for Training, National Sub-programme for Incorporation, National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability on the framework of National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 -Grants Ramón y Cajal.


– Ramon y Cajal Contracts (RYC): The aim is to promote the incorporation of spanish or internationals doctors with a distinguished career in R&D centers. The programme consists on a grant for 5 years to recruit staff and an additional financing for developing the research activity and for creating permanent personnel contracts. 

– Juan de la Cierva – Trainning Contracts (JDC): the aim is to promote to hire young doctors for a period of 2 years with the aim to complete their postdoctoral research training in R&D Spanish centers in a different center from the one they did the predoctoral training. 


– Juan de la Cierva – Incorporation Contracts: Promoting to hire young doctors for a period of 2 years with the aim to consolidate the abilities achieved during their first period of the postdoctoral training. 


– Technical support Staff in R&D Contracts (PTA): Grants for 3 years to hire personnel to support in research centers destined to use the equipments, installations and other infrastructures in R&D with the aim to increase and improve the provision and efficiency of the scientific-technological infrastructures. 




– Ramón y Cajal: 


The applicant researchers must be in possession of the title of Doctor (1 January 2006 to 31 December 2013). 

The candidate can´t be beneficiary of a previous Ramon y Cajal grant or beneficiary of a Juan de la Cierva Grant, Juan de la Cierva Training grant or grants for a postdoctoral training with the exception of those people who has just been less than 1 year. 


– Juan de la Cierva – Training: 


Applying the incorporation in a R&D center different from the one the candidate did its predoctoral training.
The applicant researchers must be in possession of the title of Doctor (1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016).
The candidate must not have to apply for the Ramon y Cajal grant or Juan de la Cierva Incorporation on the present call.
The candidate can´t be beneficiary of a previous Juan de la Cierva grants, Juan de la Cierva Training, Juan de la Cierva Incorporation grant or grants for a postdoctoral training.

– Juan de la Cierva Incorporation


The applicant researchers must be in possession of the title Doctor (1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013).

The research applicants who are interested in the same R&D center in which they have done their predoctoral training, they must have done a stay in R&D center different from the one of their predoctoral training for at least 12 months after they have obtained the title of Doctor. 


The candidate can´t apply to the Ramon y Cajal grant in the present call. The candidate can´t be beneficiary of the previous Ramon y Cajal grant or Juan de la Cierva Incorporation. The candidates can´t be beneficiary of a grant from Juan de la Cierva Sub-programme, Juan de la Cierva-Training or grant for Postdoctoral training except those who has been less than one year. This period will be into account front the incorporation in the R&D Center until the 1st of June of 2016, excluding the suspension contract.


– Technical support Staff in R&D: 


The candidate must be in possession on one of the following degrees:

– Engineer, Architect or Graduated
– A diploma, technical engineer, quantity surveyor
– Higher technician within on the framework of professional training.


The candidate can´t have a contract on the date of 29/11/2016 and no later with previous grants. The candidate can´t be linked with any institution in which they are applying a grant on the date the sending the application.

Duration of the grants:

– Ramón y Cajal: 5 years.
– Juan de la Cierva – Training: 2 years.
– Juan de la Cierva – Incorporation: 2 years.
– Technical support Staff in R&D: 3 years. 


Amount of the grants:

The grant is designated to cover the gross salary and SS.


Ramón y Cajal: 33.720€ – The minimum payment must be 31.600€ gross.
Juan de la Cierva – Training: 25.000€ – The minimum payment must be 21.500€ gross.
Juan de la Cierva – Incorporation: 29.000€ – The minimum payment must be 25.000€ gross.
Technical support Staff in R&D: 13.000 € in case of Graduated, Engineering, Architect.


Ramón y Cajal: 24 January 2017
Juan de la Cierva – Training: 2 February 2017
Juan de la Cierva – Incorporation: 31 January 2017
Technical support Staff in R&D: 7 February 2017

More information: Beatriz García. Email: fondosnacionales@idival.org

MINECO Launches Ramon y Cajal contracts

The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness launches several calls which are considered in the National Sub-programme for Training, National Sub-programme for Incorporation, National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability on the framework of National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 -Grants Ramón y Cajal. Grants: – Ramon y Cajal […]