Santander Biomedical Lectures organized by the University of Cantabria, the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC) and the Institute of Research Valdecilla (IDIVAL) have started in September 2016 and they have been a success.

On this first part of the annual programme recognized researchers has participated as Pilar Garrido from Ramón y Cajal Hospital, Francesc Artigas from the Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques of Barcelona, Jesús San Miguel from the University of Navarra and Giuseppe Del Giudice from the Research Center, Novartis Vaccines, Siena. Apart from sharing the latest advances in their studies and researches they had the opportunity to meet and share ideas with different research groups of Valdecilla Hospital, IBBTEC and IDIVAL.

A partir de Enero las conferencias continúan con su objetivo de crear un foro de discusión sobre los actuales avances de la biomedicina en los que destacan algunos grupos de investigación de nuestra comunidad. Este año 2017 participan investigadores de los campos de la medicina de la Microbiología, Neurología y Medicina Regenerativa de carácter internacional.

Santander Biomedical Lectures starts again in January with their objective of creating a forum of discussion about the current advances in biomedicine in which some research groups in our community stand out. This year 2017 there are researchers from the fields of medicine of Microbiology, Neurology and Regenerative Medicine of international character.

Conference Program scheduled for the first half of 2017 is as follows:

26-01-2017. Iñaki Sanz. Emory University Hospital, Atlanta. U.S.A. Bases inmunológicas y epigenéticas de activación de linfocitos B y células plasmáticas en el LES. Implicaciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas.

23-02-2017. Javier González-Maeso. Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.A. Mecanismos epigenéticos implicados en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia.

30-03-2017. John F. Cryan. University College Cork. Ireland. The Microbiome- A Key Regulator of Brain & Behaviour Across the Lifespan.

27-04-2017. Manuel Serrano. CNIO. Madrid. Spain. Papel de la senescencia y la reprogramación en regeneración tisular y patologías crónicas.

25-05-2017. Arturo Álvarez-Buylla. University of California San Francisco. U.S.A. Neurogenesis of the adult mammalian brain.

29-06-2017. Christian Giske. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Sweden. Dissemination of resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli – a story of successful clones.

Conferences will take place at Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, Salón Téllez,  Pavilion 16, at 8.15 am.  

Any person or groups interested in meeting or organizing an appointment with the speakers can contact the following address:

Conference Program

Prestigious international researchers at Santander Biomedical Lectures 2017

Santander Biomedical Lectures organized by the University of Cantabria, the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC) and the Institute of Research Valdecilla (IDIVAL) have started in September 2016 and they have been a success. On this first part of the annual programme recognized researchers has participated as Pilar Garrido from Ramón y Cajal […]

Director of the Institute Marques de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) and Vice-Chancellor of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Cantabria resolve the call for aid for the contracts of the Research Staff Program in predoctoral training in the area of biomedicine, Biotechnology and health sciences. 

Once the allegations submitted to the proposed provisional solution have been met, the final resolution of selected candidates has been published:

• Within the directors professors / researchers of the University of Cantabria that do not form part of the template of IDIVAL 

Dolores Lucía Guzmán Herrador 9,63
Carolina Palencia Gándara 9,51

• Directors professors / researchers of the University of Cantabria belonging to the IDIVAL staff

Lourdes Valdivia Fernández 9,50
Lorenzo Joaquín Gutiérrez Avilés 9,23 

• Research directors who are part of the staff of IDIVAL or the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and are not permanent professors of the UC

Carmen Lage Martínez 10
María Iglesias Escudero 8,83

• La solicitud mejor evaluada de entre los restantes candidatos

Eva Ariadna Florensa Zanuy 9,33 

The grants will have a maximum duration of 4 years and the contracts will have an annual duration that can be extended for annual periods, following a favorable report.

Incorporation of the candidates will be on the 1st of February of 2017 previous presentation of the documents demanded in the call.


Call IDIVAL-UC definitive resolution of applications admitted

Director of the Institute Marques de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) and Vice-Chancellor of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Cantabria resolve the call for aid for the contracts of the Research Staff Program in predoctoral training in the area of biomedicine, Biotechnology and health sciences.  Once the allegations submitted to the proposed provisional solution have […]

The Lilly Foundation calls the Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who have contributed significantly to the development of Biomedicine and Health Sciences in Spain, and maintain an activity of recognized scientific level.

The objective is to promote high-quality, preclinical and clinical Biomedical Research through the awarding of Prizes that recognize and support scientific paths of excellence.

The awards are the following:

Lilly Foundation Award for Preclinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who develop a basic research work aimed at obtaining knowledge with clinical application, at any methodological level. It will be granted nominally and exclusively to a single person.

Lilly Foundation Award for Clinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who develop their research work on humans, at any methodological level. It will be granted nominally and exclusively to a single person.

Applicants may be preclinical and clinical researchers who carry out research activities in health centers and / or research centers, public or private, in Spain. Candidates must also be nominated by individuals or institutions in the Biomedical or Health Science field, or by the members of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Lilly Foundation.

The presentation of the proposals will be write to the Director of the Foundation along with the documentation required by the Foundation. The deadline for submitting proposals is February 15, 2017.

Each award consists of a single and total amount of 40,000 euros.

Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017

Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017

The Lilly Foundation calls the Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2017, for researchers who have contributed significantly to the development of Biomedicine and Health Sciences in Spain, and maintain an activity of recognized scientific level. The objective is to promote high-quality, preclinical and clinical Biomedical Research through the awarding of Prizes […]

Frontiers in Immunology, the first most cited magazine in the field of Immunology and with high ranking, publishes in its open-access edition a coordinated work between the IDIVAL Research Institute (Group of Nanovacunas and cellular vaccines based on Listeria), Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (Microbiology Service and Section of Infectious Diseases) and the University Hospital of Donostia (Microbiology Service).

Listeria monocytogenes is a microorganism that causes human listeriosis, an infectious disease considered rare because it affects to individuals with a deficient immune system, for whom it is deadly, and there is no vaccine currently available to prevent.

This study is the collaboration between the three centers mentioned above. The article describe that two regions of northern Spain, Gipuzkoa and Cantabria present high annual incidence of listeriosis (1.86 and 1.71 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively). the high annual incidences are a consequence of infection with highly virulent Listeria monocytogenes isolates linked to fatal outcomes in elderly patients with cancer. This study allowed us to identify two markers of poor prognosis for listeriosis, low levels of interleukin-17A and low titers of antibodies against a virulence factor of this pathogen, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Monitoring of these two biomarkers with poor prognosis in patients at high risk for listeriosis will reduce the incidence of this infectious disease.

In addition, this collaborative work has used these two biomarkers as tools to prepare clinical vaccines with dendritic cells derived from monocytes of patients with listeriosis after exposure to a peptide of said virulence factor, producing high levels of pro-inflammatory interleukins. These results represent a very important step to generate clinical vaccines against listeriosis in high-risk patients such as oncology patients.

Link to the article: Biomarker tools to design clinical vaccines determined from a study of annual listeriosis incidence in northern Spain. Frontiers in Immunology.

Authors: Ricardo Calderón-González, Hector Terán-Navarro, José María Marimon, Claudia González-Rico, Jorge Calvo-Montes, Elisabet Frande-Cabanes, Miriam Alkorta-Gurrutxaga, M.Carmen Fariñas, Luis Martínez-Martínez, Emilio Pérez-Trallero y Carmen Álvarez-Domínguez.

Biomarker tools to design clinical vaccines determined from a study of annual listeriosis

Frontiers in Immunology, the first most cited magazine in the field of Immunology and with high ranking, publishes in its open-access edition a coordinated work between the IDIVAL Research Institute (Group of Nanovacunas and cellular vaccines based on Listeria), Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (Microbiology Service and Section of Infectious Diseases) and the University Hospital […]

IDIVAL calls an Annual Programme of Grants to foster research and these grants promote mainly training, talent capture, innovation and internationalization. These programmes are:

1- Post MIR Valdecilla Programme. Research contracts for residents who have completed their specialization.
2- Support Valdecilla Programme. Supporting Idival´s research groups.
3- Research Managers Programme. Grant to train technicians in this field.
4- Next Generation Valdecilla (Next-Val Programme). Programme to support novice researchers. Projects lead by novice researchers.
5- Inn-Val Programme. Programme to support healthcare innovation.
6- “Programa de Intensificación”. This grant offers the opportunity to increase the time of researching by reducing the clinical assistance.
7- Mentoring Programme. Programme to new residents with excellent academic results.
8- Programa Iplant. Programme to attract new specialized managers.
9- Predoctoral contracts. Programme organized with the University of Cantabria.

Three programmes were resolved: Next-Val grants, Inn-Val Grants and “Programa de Intensificación”. The total funding of these three grants for the 2 years is 270.000€.

There were 50 applications to these 3 grants and after being externally evaluated the obtained results are the following:






San Segundo Arribas, David



Riancho Zarrabeitia, Javier



Arias Loste, María Teresa



Alonso González, Carolina



Campos Juanatey, Félix



Móndejar García, Rufino Marceliano



Martín Rodríguez, Rosa



Fradejas Sastre, Víctor



Collado Garrido, Luisa


2. Inn-Val Grants to support healthcare innovation. Resolution:



INNVAL 16/04 Delgado Alvarado, Manuel


INNVAL 16/07 Gómez Ruiz, Marcos


INNVAL 16/11 Riancho Zarrabeitia, Javier


INNVAL 16/15 Villegas Sordo, Juan Carlos


INNVAL 16/03 Crespo Facorro, Benedicto


INNVAL 16/02 Conde Portilla, Olga María


INNVAL 16/08 González-Blanch Bosch, César


3. “Programa de Intensificación”. Resolution: 



Crespo Facorro, Benedicto


González-Gay, Miguel Angel


Grants will be available from the 1 January 2017.



IDIVAL resolves calls for projects for young researchers innovation and intensification projects

IDIVAL calls an Annual Programme of Grants to foster research and these grants promote mainly training, talent capture, innovation and internationalization. These programmes are: 1- Post MIR Valdecilla Programme. Research contracts for residents who have completed their specialization. 2- Support Valdecilla Programme. Supporting Idival´s research groups. 3- Research Managers Programme. Grant to train technicians in […]

20 Minutos 

After analyzing more than 41,000 people (21,000 individuals with schizophrenia and 20,000 without it), the largest genomic study of schizophrenia to date has managed to isolate rare genetic variations that increase the risk of this disease.

This study, recently published in Nature Genetics, has been conducted and led by the University of San Diego (USA), by the Psychiatric Genomic Consortium (PGC) with data from more than 43 research groups, including the Research group of the CIBERSAM whose coordinator is Benedicto Crespo-Facorro from UC-IDIVAL.

“This is another step forward within the genetic studies of schizophrenia. Due to the number of people studied, it has been possible to describe 8 new genetic regions involved in the disease, most of these genes have an important role in synaptic processes – zones that connect brain cells among them and that make good communication among them – in the brain,” says Benedict Crespo-Facorro, professor of psychiatry at UC and researcher at the Institute of Sanitary Research (IDIVAL) and in the Biomedical Research Networking Centers in the area of mental health (CIBERSAM).

“Advancing on the knowledge of genetic foundations, that increase the risk of suffering from this disease, helps us to describe the complexity and heterogeneity of the biological bases of this serious and frequent disease,” says the professor Dr. Crespo. “Some of these mutations increase the risk of disease up to 60 times, although they are only in a small percentage (1.4%) of patients”.

“We must understand these results in the context of the evidence already described by our consortium in which we describe the existence of 108 common variants in schizophrenia; these results have great impact and demonstrate that this results can only be obtained through international collaborations” says Prof. Benedicto Crespo-Facorro.

Psychiatric Genomic Consortium

The goal of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) is to bring together researchers from around the world to create analysis of genomic data to psychiatric disorders. Almost 10 years after of its creation, the consortium has quickly become a collaborative confederation formed by the majority of researchers in this field with more than 800 researchers from 38 countries. It has samples from more than 900,000 individuals currently under analysis, a number that is growing continuously.

Link to the article: “Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects” (Nature Genetics)

IDIVAL participates in the largest genetic study of schizophrenia

After analyzing more than 41,000 people (21,000 individuals with schizophrenia and 20,000 without it), the largest genomic study of schizophrenia to date has managed to isolate rare genetic variations that increase the risk of this disease. This study, recently published in Nature Genetics, has been conducted and led by the University of San Diego (USA), […]

The Health Research and Development Strategy, Institute of Health Carlos III, include a group of annual programmes to foster biomedical research which are essential to research in health in our country. These programmes include grants to develop research projects, other types of contracts and grants to participate in the Redes, consortiums and platforms of the Institute of Health Carlos III.

As a health research institute accredited by the Institute of Health Carlos III, Idivals’s researchers from the University of Cantabria and Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital access to these annual grants.

The results of 2016 have been a success and programmes manage through IDIVAL with a positive resolution are:

– Proyects: 11 proyects with a positive resolution. Amount received: 1.152.222,5€
– Redes: positive resolution in 5 redes. Amount received: 684.821,50€.
– Ciber: one positive resolution in 1 Ciber. Amount without determining.
– Rio Hortega Contrats: 2 positive resolutions. Amount received:107.464€.
– Miguel Servet Contracts and projects: one positive resolution in 1 contract and 1 project. Amount received: 324.000€.
– Intensification: one positive resolution. Amount received: 18.000€.
– Mobility Grants: one positive resolution. Amount received: 21.000€.

The total amount conceded in 2016 is 2.307.508€. It is important to highlight the high rate of success in the call of projects: there has been 11 projects conceded plus one more project manages through the University of Cantabria from the 24 projects requested.

The lists of conceded grants in the different programmes are the following:


– PI16/01294. IP: MIGUEL ÁNGEL PIRIS PINILLA. Linfomas agresivos: Interacción entre el genoma tumoral y el microambiente como determinante de la progresión y respuesta a terapia.

– PI16/00156. IP: JOSÉ PEDRO VAQUÉ DÍEZ. Nuevos mecanismos en cánceres agresivos de la piel: Aplicaciones al diagnóstico, pronóstico y terapia de melanoma resistente a terapia y carcinoma de células de Merkel.

– PI16/00915. IP: JOSÉ ANTONIO RIANCHO MORAL. Estudio de las células troncales mesenquimales en la osteoporosis: Papel de los RNAs largos no codificantes (lncRNAs) y potencial regenerativo.

– PI16/01397. IP: SANTIAGO MONTES MORENO. Targeted exonic next generation sequencing for the molecular diagnosis and cell free tumor DNA analysis as screening method for patients with DLBCL.

– PI16/01103. IP: JOSÉ RAMOS VIVAS. Biología integrada de la infección y la resistencia antimicrobiana de Acinetobacter baumannii y A. pittii.

– PI16/01415. IP: MARÍA DEL CARMEN FARIÑAS ÁLVAREZ. Impacto de la colonización intestinal por enterobacterias multirresistentes en las infecciones sistémicas, enfermedad de injerto contra huésped (EICH) y mortalidad de pacientes receptores de trasplante alogénico de progenitores hematopoyéticos (Alo-TPH).

– PI16/01535. IP: MARÍA VICTORIA FRANCIA GIL. Inducción de la transferencia conjugativa de los plásmidos de respuesta a feromonas.

– PI16/01585. IP: MARCOS LÓPEZ HOYOS. Utilidad del estudio de las Células Mieloides Supresoras (MDSC) en la monitorización del trasplante renal.

– PI16/01652. IP: PASCUAL SÁNCHEZ JUAN. Estudio de variantes raras en genes asociados a Enfermedad de Alzheimer en población española.

– PI16/01656. IP: JULIO FRANCISCO JIMÉNEZ BONILLA. Estudio evolutivo a los 5 años en una población con Deterioro Cognitivo Leve (DCL) evaluada previamente con 11C-PIB y 18F-FDG PET/TAC.

– PI16/01717. IP: VÍCTOR MANUEL MARTÍNEZ TABOADA. Estudio del papel BAMBI, un regulador de la señalización por TGFbeta, como factor patogénico y marcador pronóstico en la artritis reumatoide”


– RD16/0009/0027. IP: MARCOS LÓPEZ HOYOS. Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud de Enfermedades renales.

– RD16/0012/0009. IP: MIGUEL ÁNGEL GONZÁLEZ-GAY MANTECÓN. Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud de Inflamación y enfermedades reumáticas.

– RD16/0015/0023. IP: AGUSTÍN OTERINO DURÁN. Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud de Esclerosis múltiple.

– RD16/0016/0007. IP: MARÍA DEL CARMEN FARIÑAS ÁLVAREZ. Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud de Enfermedades infecciosas.

– RD16/0022/0010. IP: MARÍA JESÚS CABERO PÉREZ. Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud materno-infantil y del desarrollo.


– CB16/12/00291. IP: MIGUEL ÁNGEL PIRIS PINILLA. Área Temática de Cáncer.





– CP16/00033. IP: RAQUEL LÓPEZ MEJIAS. Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the relevance of genetic markers.





IDIVAL yields good results in the Health Research and Development Strategy 2016

The Health Research and Development Strategy, Institute of Health Carlos III, include a group of annual programmes to foster biomedical research which are essential to research in health in our country. These programmes include grants to develop research projects, other types of contracts and grants to participate in the Redes, consortiums and platforms of the […]

El Diario Montañés

The following 21st of December will take place the third session of the Programme Progress Reports given by Paula Iruzubieta Coz, specialist in Digestive System at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital. 

The session will be about “The liver-specific deletion of the respiratory chain inhibitor MCJ attenuates NAFLD progression by enhancing hepatic beta-oxidation” and is summarized briefly below:

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a spectrum of liver disease that includes simple steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fibrosis and cirrhosis. NAFLD is strongly associated with features of metabolic syndrome and it has rapidly become the most common cause of liver dysfunction in many developed and developing countries, in line with increasing prevalence of obesity. NAFLD is associated with an increased overall mortality compared with the general population, and NASH is associated with a high risk of liver-related death and cardiovascular disease. The molecular mechanisms underlying NAFLD progression are complex and not completely understood, thus no specific pharmacological therapy currently exists. Mitochondria are the main energy source in hepatocytes and play major roles in oxidative metabolism and normal function of the liver. Notably, mitochondrial dysfunctions have been described in NAFLD. MCJ (methylation-controlled J-protein) is localized at the inner mitochondrial membrane where it binds and inhibits the electron transport chain complex I. In this work, we studied the role of MCJ in the pathogenesis of NAFLD and investigated the effect that the absence of MCJ exerts in the progression of the disease. Interestingly, we found that MCJ expression is increased in human NAFLD. Moreover, MCJ silencing protected against hepatic lipid accumulation and inflammation in the methionine-choline deficient diet mouse model of NASH. Loss of MCJ led to increased β-oxidation and enhanced mitochondrial respiration, Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle function and glycolysis rate, which maintained mitochondrial function and ATP production. These metabolic adaptations were able to counteract the cytotoxic effects of fat accumulation on mitochondria and ultimately on hepatocytes. Overall, MCJ emerges as a key regulator of NAFLD paving the way for new therapeutic approaches.

This programme of seminars is given by young researchers on the field of IDIVAL’s clinic and laboratories. The speakers will explain the scientific advances of their current research projects. With the idea of debating and networking, the main goal of the meeting, all the predoctoral contracts, Post-MIR Valdecilla López Albo researchers, Río Hortega and Inn-Val grants are invited to attend to the sessions as part of their training. 

The meeting will take place in lecture room 4-5, pavilion 16 of the HUMV (the lecture room has a capacity of 30 people).

Researchers who attend 80% of the meetings throughout the academic year will receive a certificate of assistance.

21 December Third Session Progress Reports by Paula Iruzubieta

The following 21st of December will take place the third session of the Programme Progress Reports given by Paula Iruzubieta Coz, specialist in Digestive System at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital.  The session will be about “The liver-specific deletion of the respiratory chain inhibitor MCJ attenuates NAFLD progression by enhancing hepatic beta-oxidation” and is summarized […]