The Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to incorporate the new generation of clinical researchers, and specifically including Primary Care and Nursing, knowledge generating agents of our region and companies. It has the 9 support subprograms:

    1. Post-Mir Valdecilla Program. Research contracts for newly trained specialists.
    2. Support Valdecilla Program. Support for the trajectory of IDIVAL Groups.
    3. Training Program for Research Managers.
    4. Support Program for Novel Researchers “Next Generation Valdecilla” (Next-Val Program). Research projects led by     novice researchers.
    5.Program of Support to Innovation (Inn-Val Program). Innovation projects in Health.
    6.Intensification Program of Investigators. Intensification of the research activity through the partial substitution of the     assistance activity.
    7. Mentoring program. Mentoring program for new residents with excellent profile.
    8. Implementation Program (Inplant Program). Program of attraction for new Heads of Service and Section.
    9.Program of Support to Primary Care (Prim-Val Program)

The deadlines for submitting applications are as follows:

    1. PostMIR Program Valdecilla Lopez Albo: 1 to March 31, 2017.
    2. Support Program: 1 February to 28 February 2017.
    3. Training Program for Research Managers: 1 to 28 February 2017.
    4. Next-Val Program: 1 to March 31, 2017.
    5. Inn-Val Program: April 1 to 30, 2017.
    6. Intensification Program: 1 to 15 March 2017.
    7. Mentoring program: 8 first weeks of incorporation as a first-year resident at the Marqués de Valdecilla University     Hospital.
    8. Inplant program: permanently open.
    9. Prim-Val program: 1 to 31 May 2017.

Access to the help portal where you can access the complete information

IDIVAL launches its strategic program for health research promotion

The Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to incorporate the new generation of clinical researchers, and specifically including Primary Care and Nursing, knowledge generating agents of our region and companies. It has the 9 support subprograms:     1. Post-Mir Valdecilla Program. Research contracts […]

Redacción Médica


Acta Sanitaria

El Diario Montañés

El Diario Montañés


Acta Sanitaria

20 Minutos

Marquesa de Pelayo Library, which dependents on IDIVAL, has subscribed to database CINHAL Plus, the most important of Nursing, with access to more than 500 international journals in full text.

The database allows you to launch thematic searches and it will give as a result references to articles whose complete text users can download directly from the database or ask for interlibrary loan service.

The interlibrary loan service is very simple to handle: just put the PMID (PUBMED identifier) in the corresponding field so that all the fields of the form are auto-filled. The response time usually does not exceed 24 hours, and without any cost.

To multiply the power of CINAHL Plus the magazines with full text available have been incorporated into the A / Z of magazines of the Marquesa de Pelayo Library. From there anyone can search by word, full title and / or ISSN, which is, as you know, the “enrollment” of the magazine. In this way, the search options of these journals are doubled: from the database and from the Library's own A / Z.

The CINAHL Plus subscription comes in addition to Cuiden Plus, focused on Spanish publications, which are also turned over in the A / Z of the Library's magazines.

Both databases, CINAHL Plus and Cuiden Plus, are reinforced with other specific free access, such as ENFISPO or CUIDATGE, apart from the wide range of clinical and research tools offered by the Marquesa de Pelayo Library, such as Clinical Key, one of the most advanced in the market, OVIDSP or UpToDate.

To access the Marquesa de Pelayo Library simply enter the unified user and password of the SCS, the same as any other application, such as VISOR or the Employee Portal itself. All the services and resources of the Library have remote access, that is, they can be used from any computer regardless of their location, provided that it is previously validated by the user on the Library website: http: // s

For any questions or queries, please contact the librarian at the following e-mail address:

Marquesa de Pelayo Library access

Marquesa de Pelayo Library suscribes to CINHAL Plus Database

Marquesa de Pelayo Library, which dependents on IDIVAL, has subscribed to database CINHAL Plus, the most important of Nursing, with access to more than 500 international journals in full text. The database allows you to launch thematic searches and it will give as a result references to articles whose complete text users can download directly […]

The next 26th of January will take place the first conference of the Programme Santander Biomedical Lectures that is organized by IDIVAL, University of Cantabria and IBBTEC. The conference will be given by Iñaki Sanz, Chief of the Division of Rheumatology at Emory Clinic (Atlanta) under the title:

“Bases inmunológicas y epigenéticas de activación de linfocitos B y células plasmáticas en el LES. Implicaciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas”.

Dr. Sanz, has recently been named Distinguished Student at the University of Cantabria, is one of the world's leading researchers in B-cell research and autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Sanz was Chief of the Division of Immunology and Rheumatology at the University of Rochester since 1996 until his move to Emory in April of 2012 as the Mason Lowance Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, Chief of the Division of Rheumatology, Director of the Lowance Center for Human Immunology and Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Scholar in Human Immunology.

Dr. Sanz has extensive expertise in the study of human autoantibodies and B-cells. He has performed pioneering studies of B-cell depletion in human SLE. In the process, his lab has developed great expertise in the multi-chromatic FCM analysis of human B-cells, generation of monoclonal antibodies from single cells and more recently, next generation sequencing.

For the last 11 years, Dr. Sanz has been the director of one of only 8 NIH-funded Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence in the nation as well as the Director of the University of Rochester Program for Biodefense of Immunocompromised Populations from 2006-2011. He is also the Principal Investigator of a large multi-institutional Program Project investigating B cells in Health and Disease and was the Director of the Rochester Center for Translational Immunology and Infectious Diseases from 2009-2012. He was a member of the NIAID Allergy and Immunology Study section and has also participated in multiple special review panels and ad-hoc reviews.

The conference will be open to general public and it will take place at the Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Salon Tellez (Pavilion 16) at 8.15am. 

By fostering a discussion forum on the current advances in biomedicine, Dr. Sanz will be in Santander throughout the day of the session, to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community, and to visit the Research centers of our community to talk with all the interested scientifics. 

Those professionals who would like to meet with Dr. Sanz during his stay they can contact with

Dr Iñaki Sanz will give a conference on the 26 January

The next 26th of January will take place the first conference of the Programme Santander Biomedical Lectures that is organized by IDIVAL, University of Cantabria and IBBTEC. The conference will be given by Iñaki Sanz, Chief of the Division of Rheumatology at Emory Clinic (Atlanta) under the title: “Bases inmunológicas y epigenéticas de activación de […]

Redacción Médica


El Diario Montañés

20 Minutos

La Vanguardia

The application procedure to apply is still open. This is a new fellowship programme co-funded by the European Commission through COFUND, one of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie initiatives of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.


INPhINIT is a new doctoral fellowship programme devoted to attracting international Early-Stage Researchers to the top Spanish research centres with the aim of supporting the best scientific talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain by recruiting outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.Furthermore, these fellowships seek to train researchers in additional soft skills, which broaden the opportunities for growth in their professional careers not only within academia but also in industry or entrepreneurship.

La Caixa Foundation is offering 57 fellowships to pursue official doctoral degree studies at the research centres accredited with the Severo Ochoa or María de Maeztu distinction or at one of the Carlos III Health Research institutes participating in this programme on which IDIVAL is participating. IDIVAL has presented a total of 10 projects in this opening edition and the programme is having a great reception of projects from the different research centres of Spain. 

The submission of an application ends on the 2 February 2017 at 2:00 p.m. Central European Time (CET)

INPHINIT Doctoral Felowship Programme to Early-Stage Researchers

The application procedure to apply is still open. This is a new fellowship programme co-funded by the European Commission through COFUND, one of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie initiatives of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.   INPhINIT is a new doctoral fellowship programme devoted to attracting international Early-Stage Researchers to the top Spanish research centres with the […]

Expediente de Contratación 07/2016

Resolución de adjudicación

Memoria justificativa

Expediente de contratación 06/2016

Resolución de adjudicación

Memoria técnica