El Diario Montañés

Animal models of schizophrenia constitute at this moment fundamental experimentation tools to further explore on the etiological basis of this pathology, leading to the discovery of new biological targets and innovative therapeutic strategies for its treatment.

Our research group Prof. Dr. Crespo-Facorro, Dr. Juan F. Lopez-Giménez (CSIC) and the research team of Prof. Dr. Gonzalez-Maeso (Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia, USA) describe at the journal Schizophrenia Research the existence of animal models that validates the alterations in the genetic expression that we had described previously in patients (Sainz et al., 2013; Crespo-Facorro et al, 2014). This group of genes (ADAMTS2, CD177, CNTNAP3, ENTPD2, RFX2 and UNC45B) whose expression is regulated in blood by exposure to antipsychotics in patients and which are dysregulated in the frontal lobe of “schizophrenic” mice can generate new and very interesting information about the molecular mechanisms of antipsychotics.

Validation of schizophrenia gene expression profile in a preclinical model of maternal infection during pregnancy.

Lopez-Gimenez JF, de la Fuente Revenga M, Ruso-Julve F, Saunders JM, Moreno JL, Crespo-Facorro B, González-Maeso J.
Schizophr Res. 2017 Feb 12. pii: S0920-9964(17)30076-2. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2017.02.005. [Epub ahead of print]

Validation of schizophrenia gene expression profile in a preclinical model of maternal infection during pregnancy

Animal models of schizophrenia constitute at this moment fundamental experimentation tools to further explore on the etiological basis of this pathology, leading to the discovery of new biological targets and innovative therapeutic strategies for its treatment. Our research group Prof. Dr. Crespo-Facorro, Dr. Juan F. Lopez-Giménez (CSIC) and the research team of Prof. Dr. Gonzalez-Maeso […]

Bank Sabadell Foundation announces the 12nd Edition of Sabadell Foundation Awards in order to recognize the excellence of researchers in biomedical research, sciences and engineering, economic research and research aids in social sciences and humanities.

Among the prizes proposed, the award for biomedical research is of interest in our field of research and whose characteristics and bases are described below. 

It should be pointed out that in 2007 the award for biomedical research was for one of our IDIVAL researchers, Dr. Benedicto Crespo Facorro. The prize was awarded for his innovative skills and numerous publications in connection with the biological origins of schizophrenia based on neuro-imaging.

Prize for Biomedical Research: Contributing to the future

With the aim of providing an incentive and recognition for excellence among Spanish researchers in the field of biomedical and health sciences, Banc Sabadell Foundation announces its twelfth call for applications for the Bank Sabadell Foundation Prize for Biomedical Research 2017 in every medical speciality (basic and applied research) with outstanding innovative capabilities.

The prize will be a financial reward of 50,000 Euros and a sculpture of the contemporary sculptor Sergi Aguilar, who is considered one of the main Spanish artists of his generation.   

Entry rules for the 2017 prize

– The prize will be awarded to a researcher with an outstanding career in the field of biomedical and health sciences research. 

– Candidates must meet the following requirements: Researchers must be 42 years old (age reached in 2017) or younger; they must be either of Spanish nationality or foreigner nationals who have spent at least three years doing research in Spain; and the focus of their work must be within the biomedicine and health sciences field. 

– Candidates must be nominated by persons connected with universities, hospitals or research centers. 

– Nominations must be submitted online and each proposal must consist of:

  • A letter of presentation by the person nominating the candidate, in PDF format. 
  • The candidate’s curriculum vitae in PDF format. 
  • Documentation corresponding to the research work carried out by the candidate (maximum of 10 papers or projects), in PDF format. 

Proposals must be submitted in either Spanish or English, between 1 February and 30 April.

Entry rules for the 2017 prize

Sabadell Foundation Awards

Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research 2017

Bank Sabadell Foundation announces the 12nd Edition of Sabadell Foundation Awards in order to recognize the excellence of researchers in biomedical research, sciences and engineering, economic research and research aids in social sciences and humanities. Among the prizes proposed, the award for biomedical research is of interest in our field of research and whose characteristics […]

The sixth session of the Programme Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 22nd of February. The conference will be given by Félix Campos Juanatey, Specialist in Pneumology at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Ex-contract Wenceslao López Albo.

The session will be about “New trends and future directions on reconstructive urologic surgery” and is briefly summarized below:

Reconstructive surgery is one of the less known sub-specialities of Urology. Its scope includes urethral stricture repairs, male genital reconstructive interventions, urinary diversion formation and treatment of urinary fistulae and incontinence. The number of patients is relatively low, but the complexity of their treatment requires a tailored approach, mastering several surgical techniques. In our unit at HUMV we are devoted to these pathology, using innovative techniques, and applying the last knowledge to achieve the best outcomes. This talk will review our current approaches to the reconstructive surgery, with the newer surgical interventions performed. Our current studies will be explained, detailing our formative program for other professionals and trainees. A brief overlook to the future of our field will end the session.   

This programme of seminars is given by young researchers on the field of IDIVAL’s clinic and laboratories. The speakers will explain the scientific advances of their current research projects. With the idea of debating and networking, the main goal of these meetings, all the predoctoral contracts, Post-MIR Valdecilla López Albo researchers, Río Hortega and Inn-Val grants are invited to attend to the sessions as part of their training. 

The meeting will take place at Marquesa de Pelayo Library’s informatics room at 2.30pm, pavilion 16 of the HUMV (2nd floor). The lecture room has a capacity of 30 people.

Researchers who attend 80% of the meetings throughout the academic year will receive a certificate of assistance.

For any questions regarding Progress Reports sessions, please contact the department at gesval1@idival.org

New trends and future directions on reconstructive urologic surgery

The sixth session of the Programme Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 22nd of February. The conference will be given by Félix Campos Juanatey, Specialist in Pneumology at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Ex-contract Wenceslao López Albo. The session will be about “New trends and future directions on reconstructive urologic surgery” and is […]

Expediente de contratación IDIVAL 01/2017

Resolución de adjudicación

Memoria Técnica

Institute of Health Carlos III granted the project “Targeted exonic next generation sequencing for the molecular diagnosis and cell free tumor DNA analysis as screening method for patients with DLBCL” in the call for grants Health Research and Development Strategy 2016 File Nº: PI16/01397 with the amount of 98.615€. The research project is led by Dr. Santiago Montes Moreno, a specialist in pathology at the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla and head of the IDIVAL Research Group “Cancer Genomics”. Santiago Montes Moreno is a specialist in pathological anatomy at the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla and head of the IDIVAL Research Group “Cancer Genomics”.

Cancer Genomics' Group: Soraya Curiel del Olmo, Santiago Montes Moreno,

 Nerea Martínez de Magunacelaya, José Revert Arce y Ainara González

The aim of this Project is to characterize the genetic profile of a selected series of diffuse large B cell lymphoma patient samples by means of targeted exonic next generation sequencing. Diagnostic samples from patients involved in three different clinical trials from GELTAMO group, using novel drugs for targeted lymphoma treatment will be analyzed using a next generation sequencing approach, in order to identify markers associated with response to therapy. In addition to his, we aim to develop a protocol for the accurate and sensitive detection of somatic mutations in the plasma of patients at diagnosis (circulating cell free tDNA). This test may have an application in the screening and follow of patients with DLBCL. 

The project, led by Santiago Montes Moreno is a collaborative effort that involves our Pathology Department in HUMV, Cancer Genomics Lab in IDIVAL, Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge/ICO, Hospital Clinico Universitario de Salamanca and other centers included in the GELTAMO group. Our Institute serves as the reference center for the pathological and molecular diagnosis of patients included in those clinical trials and develops novel molecular diagnosis tools for the better management of DLBCL patients.

Targeted sequencing for the molecular diagnosis of diffuse large cell lymphoma B

Institute of Health Carlos III granted the project “Targeted exonic next generation sequencing for the molecular diagnosis and cell free tumor DNA analysis as screening method for patients with DLBCL” in the call for grants Health Research and Development Strategy 2016 File Nº: PI16/01397 with the amount of 98.615€. The research project is led by Dr. Santiago […]

El Diario

La Vanguardia

El Día

The second conference of Santander Biomedical Lectures Program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place on the 23rd of February. The conference will be given by Dr. Javier González-Maeso, Associate Professor from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine. 

The session will focus on: “Epigenetic mechanisms involved in the treatment of schizophrenia”.

Javier González Maeso obtained his M.Sc. in Microbiology and Immunology and his M.Sc. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao – Spain, where as a Ph.D. student in the Department of Pharmacology under the mentorship of Dr. Javier Meana his research interest was focused on neurotransmitter receptor function. He completed his postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Stuart Sealfon at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, where he proposed a molecular mechanism by which hallucinogenic drugs induce their unique behavioral effects in mouse models. Dr. González Maeso joined the faculty at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 2008. He joined the Virginia Commonwealth University faculty in 2015.

Department of Physiology and Biophysics Dr. González – Maeso

Dr. González-Maeso’s Lab is interested in the structure, function and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), their interacting proteins, and psychiatric disease associations such as schizophrenia, suicide and alcoholism. In addition, the laboratory aims to understand the molecular, cellular and neural circuit mechanisms by which environmental factors and chronic drug exposure alter behavior. Our research is based on the combination of interdisciplinary approaches ranging from computer structural modeling and molecular pharmacology in tissue culture to neurochemistry, epigenetics, mouse behavioral assays relevant psychiatric disorders, and functional testing in postmortem human brain. Ultimately, our goal is to use this basic knowledge to develop new approaches for treatment and prevention of psychiatric disorders.

Our main goal is to explore the structure, function and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), translating this basic knowledge into novel strategies to treat psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, suicide and alcoholism.

The conference will be open to the general public and it will take place at  Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Salon Tellez (Pavilion 16) at 8.15am. 

Dr. González-Maeso will be in Santander throughout the day, to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community. Furthermore, He will visit the Research centers of our community to talk with all the interested scientists.

Those professionals who would like to meet with Dr. González-Maeso during his stay can contact with the department at gesval1@idival.org.

Conference by Dr González-Maeso from the Virginia Commonwealth University

The second conference of Santander Biomedical Lectures Program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place on the 23rd of February. The conference will be given by Dr. Javier González-Maeso, Associate Professor from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine.  The session will focus on: “Epigenetic […]

El Diario Montañés


Next Wednesday 8 February will take place the presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program. This session will be given by Dr. Galo Peralta Fernández, Management Director of the Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL).

Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to incorporate the new generation of clinical researchers, and specifically including Primary Care and Nursing, knowledge generating agents of our region and companies. It has the 9 support subprograms:

  1. Post-Mir Valdecilla Program. Research contracts for newly trained specialists.
  2. Support Valdecilla Program. Support for the trajectory of IDIVAL Groups.
  3. Training Program for Research Managers. 
  4. Support Program for Novel Researchers “Next Generation Valdecilla” (Next-Val Program). Research projects led by novice researchers.
  5. Program of Support to Innovation (Inn-Val Program). Innovation projects in Health.
  6. Intensification Program of Investigators. Intensification of the research activity through the partial substitution of the assistance activity.
  7. Mentoring program. Mentoring program for new residents with excellent profile.
  8. Implementation Program (Inplant Program). Program of attraction for new Heads of Service and Section.
  9. Program of Support to Primary Care (Prim-Val Program)
  10. Applications deadline have already been opened for some of these subprograms.

This session is part of the Progress Reports Program, lectures that are held every Wednesday at the HUMV at 2:30 p.m. The aim of this program is to expose the scientific advances of their current research projects. 

On this occasion, the session will take place at 2.30pm at Idival's conference room, 3rd floor and it will last about 30 minutes and it will be followed by a short discussion.

For any questions regarding Progress Reports sessions, please contact us at gesval1@idival.org

Program Progress Reports

Presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program

Next Wednesday 8 February will take place the presentation of Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program. This session will be given by Dr. Galo Peralta Fernández, Management Director of the Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (IDIVAL). Valdecilla Biosanitary Strategic Enhancement Program specifically focuses on the promotion and capture of talent, innovation facilitation and internationalization, all trying to […]