The seventh session of the Program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 8th of March. The conference will be given by Rufino Mondéjar García, Rio Hortega Contract of the Idival’s Group of Research Pathological Anatomy.

The session will be about “Molecular basis for targeted therapy in t-cell lymphomas” and is briefly summarized below:

T and NK-cell lymphoma is a collection of aggressive disorders with unfavorable outcome, in which targeted treatments are still at a preliminary phase. To gain deeper insights into deregulated mechanisms promoting this disease, we have analyzed a panel of 31 representative T-cell and 2 NK-cell lymphoma/leukemia cell lines to look for predictive markers of response to targeted therapy. To this end, targeted sequencing was performed alongside the expression of specific biomarkers corresponding to potentially activated survival pathways. Based in these results, we have started testing two drugs in this cell line panel as a preclinical model (in vitro). 

This programme of seminars is given by young researchers on the field of IDIVAL’s clinic and laboratories. The speakers will explain the scientific advances of their current research projects. With the idea of debating and networking, the main goal of these meetings, all the predoctoral contracts, Post-MIR Valdecilla López Albo researchers, Río Hortega and Inn-Val grants are invited to attend to the sessions as part of their training. 

The meeting will take place in lecture room 4-5, pavilion 16 of the HUMV (1st floor) and has a capacity of 30 people. The session will be given in English and will last around 30 minutes and follow by a debate.

Researchers who attend 80% of the meetings throughout the academic year will receive a certificate of assistance.

For any questions regarding Progress Reports sessions, please contact the department at

Molecular basis for targeted therapy in t-cell lymphomas

The seventh session of the Program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 8th of March. The conference will be given by Rufino Mondéjar García, Rio Hortega Contract of the Idival’s Group of Research Pathological Anatomy. The session will be about “Molecular basis for targeted therapy in t-cell lymphomas” and is briefly summarized […]

Group of Infection and Immunity of the Digestive System of IDIVAL led by from Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the University of Cantabria has just joined as a Group linked to CIBER. This Group focuses on the study of viral hepatitis where it has already become a national reference, and in liver fat deposition diseases, the great epidemic of the 21st century.

The objective of the Center for Biomedical Research in Network, CIBER, a public research consortium created by initiative of the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) is to further excellence research in Biomedicine and Health Sciences done in the National Health System and in the Science and Technology System. To this end efforts and interdisciplinary and multi-institutional research are combined with a preferential dedication of financial resources around knowledge networks formed by centres and research groups reporting to different administrations and public and private institutions.

The CIBER’s thematic area of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD) has the purpose of promoting and protecting health by furthering research. This work, whose scope includes both basic research and clinical and translational aspects, is based on the field of Liver and Digestive Diseases with the aim of innovating in the prevention of these diseases and promoting scientific and healthcare progress.

Currently CIBEREHD belongs to 50 groups of 30 centers distributed in 9 Autonomous Communities that work together in 4 corporate programs. In CIBEREHD are represented the best researchers of our country in the field of liver diseases.

The entry of this group of IDIVAL is a clear recognition of the level achieved with a evident growth in recent years due to the high quality scientific production and fundraising research.

CIBER incorporates IDIVALs group of infection and immunity of the digestive system

Group of Infection and Immunity of the Digestive System of IDIVAL led by from Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the University of Cantabria has just joined as a Group linked to CIBER. This Group focuses on the study of viral hepatitis where it has already become a national reference, and in liver fat deposition […]

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With the aim to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent, IDIVAL opens NEXT-VAL (NEXT generation VALdecilla) grants for the development of research projects led by novice researchers, in order to facilitate the development of new generations of researchers.

Potential beneficiaries as main researchers of NEXT-VAL grants are those with a contractual relationship with the institutions that constitute Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) and Cantabrian Health Service.

Main researchers must be less than 40 years of age and have never been funded as a principal researcher in a project obtained through a national or international competitive bid or in the IDIVAL Next-Val or Inn-Val calls. Training specialists are excluded.

Research projects will have a minimum duration of 1 year and a maximum of 2 years and the maximum amount to be granted per project is € 25,000.

Documentation required: 

– Standardized CV of each of the members of the research team.

– Report of the research project.

The deadline for submitting applications and the required documentation is March 31, 2017.

Access to the terms of the call

Open Next – Val Call 2017 for novice researchers

With the aim to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent, IDIVAL opens NEXT-VAL (NEXT generation VALdecilla) grants for the development of research projects led by novice researchers, in order to facilitate the development of new generations of researchers. Potential beneficiaries as main researchers of NEXT-VAL grants are those with a contractual relationship […]

In order to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent in the VALDECILLA environment.

IDIVAL announces the post-MIR VALDECILLA 2017 contracts for the development of research and innovation projects in newly formed health specialists in our country.

Post-MIR Valdecilla contracts have as a specific objective to promote the incorporation of excellent health professionals who have completed the period of specialized training in any hospital of the National Health System, to the translational research activity and assistance innovation of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla and its area of ​​influence.

The call is open to graduates who have obtained the qualification of specialist in the National Health System (MIR, FIR, QIR, RIR, RIR or BIR- (hereinafter specialists by residence system) and have completed their training period in The year 2016 or that will end in 2017.

The project must start before December 31, 2017 and, depending on its characteristics, it can have an overall duration between 18 and 36 months and, in any case, it will include a minimum period of 12 and a maximum of 18 months in Recognized international prestige.

The gross annual salary will be € 37,572 being an unaltered amount for the entire duration of the contract and paid in 14 monthly installments.

More information can be accessed at the IDIVAL funding portal.

IDIVAL launches the Post-MIR Valdecilla call 2017

In order to promote support for research, recruitment and consolidation of talent in the VALDECILLA environment. IDIVAL announces the post-MIR VALDECILLA 2017 contracts for the development of research and innovation projects in newly formed health specialists in our country. Post-MIR Valdecilla contracts have as a specific objective to promote the incorporation of excellent health professionals […]

Dr. Javier Riancho Zarrabeita a neurologist at University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla and IDIVAL has been awarded Juan María Parés Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the area of Biomedical Sciences. The jury evaluated the scientific solvency of the assignment, its innovative character as well as its applicability and ability to transfer knowledge. The awards ceremony will take place the next March 13.

Dr. Riancho has currently a Rio Hortega contract at the Department of Neurology and he is a member of the Idival’s Neurodegenerative Diseases Group. His doctoral thesis entitled “Effect of bexarotene in transgenic mice with ALS: histological and molecular study” was done in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the UC under the direction of Professors Miguel Lafarga, Maria T. Berciano and José A Berciano.

During 2012, Dr. Riancho developed this project based on the analysis of the effect of Bexarotene (retinoid agonist molecule and currently used for the treatment of some cutaneous lymphomas) in the most widespread animal model of ALS; The transgenic model SOD1G93A. Retinoids are molecules derived from vitamin A that exert their effects modulating the transcription of hundreds of genes among which are genes related to the response to stress, neuroinflammation or autophagy.

Investigations demonstrated that the treatment with bexaroteno increased the survival and preserved the neuromuscular function in more than a third of the symptomatic period of the animals. Histological studies showed that treatment with retinoids ameliorated the loss of motor neurons (neurons primarily affected in ALS) in both the presymptomatic and early symptomatic stages of the disease. Further studies revealed that these neuroprotective effects were due to the treatment improving protein metabolism (promoting a more efficient proteasomal proteolysis and modulating the autophagic response) and preserving the neuronal microenvironment by decreasing reactive astrogliosis.

Adapted from Riancho et al. Front in Cell Neuroscience 2015. The figure shows the main effects of bexarotene treatment on survival, neuromuscular function basic histology in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.

In a complementary way in his doctoral thesis, Dr. Riancho identified in both ALS and murine models of ALS a neuroprotective mechanism to the reticulum stress consisting of: i) formation of stress granules; Ii) establishment of a perinuclear domain, enriched in granular endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear folds; And iii) preserved nucleolar activity in an attempt to preserve the biogenesis of ribosomes for the synthesis of proteins essential for cell survival.

Taken from Riancho et al. Front in Cell Neuroscience 2014. The figure shows the presence of nuclear folds and a perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum domain in a patient with sporadic ALS.

Currently, Dr. Riancho continues with this line initiated 5 years ago after having signed a collaboration agreement with the company Innopharma and the University of Santiago de Compostela focused on the development of a new molecule agonist of retinoids, for the treatment of the patients with the disease.

Dr Javier Riancho Zarrabeitia receives Juan María Parés Award

Dr. Javier Riancho Zarrabeita a neurologist at University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla and IDIVAL has been awarded Juan María Parés Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the area of Biomedical Sciences. The jury evaluated the scientific solvency of the assignment, its innovative character as well as its applicability and ability to transfer knowledge. The […]

LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA is an association that through its activities, donations and sale of merchandising raises funds that are destined to different oncological research projects.

Since 2014, Luchamos por la Vida Association destines the funds raised during the year to research projects of Marqués de Valdecilla Research institute (IDIVAL). In 2014 the association collected € 10,000, € 22,000 in 2015 and last year exceeded records and raised a total of € 30,000.

The donation collected will be used for cancer research as usual and for a project to raise awareness in the field of education. The projects selected on this occasion are the following: 

– Idival’s Group “Inmunopathology”. Project: “Identificación de Dianas Terapéuticas en el Cáncer Colorrectal”

Researchers: Jesús Merino Pérez y Ramón Merino Pérez.

“The olfactory trace of cancer”. Biodetectors for the early diagnosis of colorectal and pulmonary cancer

Project leaded by Nuria González Morcillo, José Luis García Suárez y Francisco Quílez Ruíz.

– Awareness project: Educational book “La Flor de la Abuela”, written by Lourdes Relloso Campo and illustrated by Marcos Rubio González.

The awards ceremony to donate the funds raised in 2016 will take place this Friday February 24 at 6.30pm at the Palace la Magdalena in Santander.

Idival receives 30000 from the Association Luchemos por la Vida

LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA is an association that through its activities, donations and sale of merchandising raises funds that are destined to different oncological research projects. Since 2014, Luchamos por la Vida Association destines the funds raised during the year to research projects of Marqués de Valdecilla Research institute (IDIVAL). In 2014 the association collected […]