Contrato de adquisición de reactivos para la tipificación HLA-DRB1 de alta resolución para el proyecto PI1200060
Expediente de contratación IDIVAL 15/2015 Resolución de adjudicación
Expediente de contratación IDIVAL 15/2015 Resolución de adjudicación
Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) has granted the research lines of Transplantation and Autoimmunity group at the Health Research and Development Strategy 2016. This group is part of the Health Research Institute Marques de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) and is leaded by the researcher Marcos López Hoyos, Head of the Immunology Department at the HUMV (Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital).
Transplant and Autoimmunity Group translates basic knowledge in Immunology from animal models to the clinic in solid organ transplantation and also to autoimmune diseases, because both processes share many pathogenic mechanisms. These mechanisms have consequences in diagnostics, therapeutics and prognosis. In transplantation, this group has a large experience and has established a great number of national and international collaborations that have helped to expand the application of new immunological biomarkers in clinical transplantation. The group is part of the Spanish Research Network in Kidney Diseases (REDINREN) financed by the ISCIII since 2009 that it has promoted relationships with the main national groups involved in renal transplant research.
Transplantation and Autoimmunity Group
Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) has granted the project “Utility of the study of Myeloid Dendritic Supressor Cells (MDSC) in the monitoring of renal transplantation” (PI16/01585) with a budget of 68.350€ and will be held at the Research Institute Valdecilla (IDIVAL).
Regulatory T cells are one of the main targets in the search for strategies to induce tolerance in organ transplantation. The induction of these cells is highly controlled by tolerogenic signals from cells of the innate immune response. In this context, Myeloid Dendritic Supressor Cells are gaining importance. Firstly identified in the context of inflammation, they are thought as helper of tumor progression whereas they could induce tolerance and graft acceptance in allotransplantation. On the contrary, MDSC impairment could facilitate the activation of cytotoxic cells or the production of anti-HLA antibodies responsible for graft rejection. Our hypothesis establishes that the generation of monocytoid MDSC is correlates with an increase in the frequency of T-reg cells and a longer graft survival in kidney transplantation. Besides, it is possible that the different types of immunosuppressants used in clinical transplantation may differentially regulate these cells.
As a consequence, MDSC are an ideal candidate as biomarker in transplantation and is within the scope of our themes of research.
Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) has granted the research lines of Transplantation and Autoimmunity group at the Health Research and Development Strategy 2016. This group is part of the Health Research Institute Marques de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) and is leaded by the researcher Marcos López Hoyos, Head of the Immunology Department at the HUMV (Marques […]
Expediente de contratación IDIVAL 05/2016
Pliego de Condiciones Administrativas Particulares
Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Particulares
Expediente de contratación IDIVAL 05/2016 Pliego de Condiciones Administrativas Particulares Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Particulares Resolución de adjudicación
The University of Cantabria (UC), Fremap and Marques de Valdecilla Research (IDIVAL) has created the I University Course in Nanoprevention.
This course consists of training in labour risk prevention in the field of nanomaterials, whose application in industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, but not the establishment of prevention and correction measures.
This program is attended by Rafael Valiente, course coordinator, Mónica López-Fanarraga, head of the Nanomedicine Research Group at UC-IDIVAL, Ciro Luis Salcines, Supervisor of Radioactive Facilities at the university, and Javier Ruiz, technician at Fremap Prevention Area.
The online course consists of 19 subjects grouped in six chapters, plus 30 explanatory videos, as well as two voluntary face-to-face sessions in which demonstrations of nanomaterial measurement equipment will be carried out.
The length of the course is 4 months.
The course is aimed at all those professionals who use nanotechnology and nanomaterials in their lines of work or production. The learning method is prepared for anyone to acquire the knowledge and skills related to the manipulation or exposure to nanomaterials.
The deadline to enroll in the course and apply for scholarships with reduction in prize ends on the 31st of March. The course is scheduled to begin on April 17th.
More information:
web de estudios propios UNICAN
The University of Cantabria (UC), Fremap and Marques de Valdecilla Research (IDIVAL) has created the I University Course in Nanoprevention. This course consists of training in labour risk prevention in the field of nanomaterials, whose application in industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, but not the establishment of prevention and correction measures. This […]
Purpose of the course: to present the basics of flow cytometry and their clinical and research applicability; to update the knowledge about the latest advances in this technology with the aim to solve scientific questions.
Aimed at: graduates and technicians in health sciences and pre and postdoctoral research staff.
Location: IDIVAL’s Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Unit.
Dates: From 15th to 18th of May.
Timetable: Monday to Thursday from 10am to 5pm.
Length: 20 hours.
Accreditation: Pending accreditation by the commission of health professionals in Cantabria.
Methodology: Theoretical – practical lessons.
Number of places: 20
Registration deadline and registration fee:
Registration fee includes: mid-session refreshments and lunch.
Step 1. Online pre-registration, without any commitment. When sending your pre-registration, we will confirm if there are places available and we will send instructions to formalize the registration.
Step 2. Formalization of registration: Once the payment receipt is received.
More information
Phone: 942 315515 – Ext 74120
Purpose of the course: to present the basics of flow cytometry and their clinical and research applicability; to update the knowledge about the latest advances in this technology with the aim to solve scientific questions. Aimed at: graduates and technicians in health sciences and pre and postdoctoral research staff. Location: IDIVAL’s Flow Cytometry and […]
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