The Institute of Health Carlos III has funded the project “Study of rare variants in genes associated with Alzheimer's disease in the Spanish population” in the call Strategic Health Action 2016, File Nº: PI 16/01652 with a budget of 139,150 €.

This is a multicenter project coordinated by Dr. Pascual Sánchez-Juan, Neurologist at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and responsible for the dementia line of the Research Group of IDIVAL “Neurodegenerative Diseases”.


Dementia Group

The objective is to detect rare genetic variants associated with Alzheimer's disease in the Spanish population through two complementary methods of genome study: next generation sequencing and exome chip. To carry out this objective we will use the large sample from our national consortium DEmentia GEnetic Spanish COnsortium (DEGESCO), which comprises one of the largest DNA collections of patients with neurodegenerative disease in Europe.

This project constitutes the largest genomic study in dementias raised to date in Spain. It addresses a top priority objective for the Spanish Science and Technology and Innovation Strategy, and its focus is on rare genomic variants coding; which have a high potential of translation to the clinic.

Study of rare variants in genes associated with Alzheimers disease

The Institute of Health Carlos III has funded the project “Study of rare variants in genes associated with Alzheimer's disease in the Spanish population” in the call Strategic Health Action 2016, File Nº: PI 16/01652 with a budget of 139,150 €. This is a multicenter project coordinated by Dr. Pascual Sánchez-Juan, Neurologist at the Marqués […]

The tenth session of the program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 3rd of May. The conference will be given by Mónica Gozalo Margüello, Physician of the Microbiology Service at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital.

The session will be about “Influenza, the unpredictable threat: an update” and is briefly summarized below:

Influenza is an acute respiratory virus that results in significant worldwide morbidity and mortality each year. The annual global prevalence of seasonal influenza is estimated to be between 5% and 10% in adults and 20% and 30% in children. The armamentarium to prevent and treat influenza infections is currently limited, and resistance to the existing anti-influenza drugs is rising, so innovative inhibitors with a different mode of action are urgently needed. A ‘universal’ vaccine would ideally induce immunity against all or most influenza A subtypes. However, as influenza continually evolves, formulating a vaccine with such broad protection remains problematic. It is therefore critical that we draw on the most recent and relevant research when we make clinical decisions regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis of this disease.

The meeting will take place on the 3rd of May in lecture room 4-5, pavilion 16 of the HUMV (1st floor) and has a capacity of 30 people. The session will be given in English and will last around 30 minutes and follow by a debate.

Researchers who attend 80% of the meetings throughout the academic year will receive a certificate of assistance.

For any questions regarding Progress Reports sessions, please contact the department at

Session Progress Reports Influenza the unpredictable threat an update

The tenth session of the program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on the 3rd of May. The conference will be given by Mónica Gozalo Margüello, Physician of the Microbiology Service at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital. The session will be about “Influenza, the unpredictable threat: an update” and is briefly summarized below: […]

El presentismo es un fenómeno nuevo que se estudia desde principios del año 2000 y se define como la presencia del trabajador en su puesto de trabajo pese a no estar en plenas condiciones físicas o psíquicas lo cual tiene como consecuencia que su rendimiento no es el esperado.

Las pérdidas anuales que se podían atribuir al presentismo podían superar los 150 billones de dólares al año en Estados Unidos, las cuales eran superiores en términos reales a los costes provocados por los trabajadores enfermos. Los estudios realizados sobre este fenómeno señalan a la enfermería como una de las profesiones más presentistas.


Analizar el índice de presentismo entre enfermeras asistenciales de medios públicos Vs. privados y de los distintos niveles asistenciales (primarios, hospitalarios, centros sociosanitarios).

Objetivos secundarios:

  • Creación y validación de un cuestionario que mida el presentismo laboral en enfermería.
  • Analizar la posible relación entre la situación laboral y el índice de presentismo.
  • Analizar la posible relación entre el índice de presentismo y otras variables.


Comparando por tipo de contrato (Estable=fijo+interino, Inestable= eventual) no se hallaron diferencias significativas para las preguntas principales de presentismo.

Si comparamos por tipo de centro de trabajo (Público/Privado) tampoco se hallaron diferencias significativas para ninguna de las preguntas relevantes para presentismo:

Respecto al perfil de la persona “presentista” se consideró a aquella que había acudido a trabajar en los últimos 12 meses y tuvo que ausentarse por encontrarse mal, de dos a cinco veces. La edad media fue de 41,19, 88,7% eran mujeres, 48,1% solteras, el 77% trabajaba en empresas de más de 1.000 trabajadores.

El 86,2% dijo sí rendir al 100% en su trabajo aún no encontrándose bien, pero no obstante el 86,2% dijo que estar indispuesto en el puesto de trabajo podía aumentar los errores en la labor asistencial. 

El principal motivo de seguir trabajando aún estando indispuesto fueron los problemas gastrointestinales (18,1%). El 78,1% dijo estar bien visto por sus superiores el acudir a trabajar aún estando indispuesto, y un 28,6% dijo estar bien visto por los compañeros.

Los principales motivos para acudir a trabajar aún estando indispuesto fueron: Pierdo dinero (32,5%), por la Inestabilidad temporal (26,5%), por los pacientes (23%) y porque no hay personal para cubrir las ausencias (19,4%).


La creación y validación del cuestionario PRESENCA® ha demostrado ser una herramienta eficaz y efectiva para estudiar el presentismo entre las enfermeras de Cantabria.

El presentismo sigue constituyendo un factor de interés en el análisis de la productividad de cualquier institución sanitaria siendo un indicador de clima laboral no favorable, lo que conduce a cuestiones que pueden ser perfectamente cuantificables en términos económicos relativos a errores en la práctica clínica o menor capacidad de producción y calidad. Se necesitarían más estudios que abarcaran a más población para poder recoger más datos sobre el perfil presentista de la enfermería española.


María Sáenz Jalón, Carmen Mª Sarabia Cobo, Pedro Cabeza, Blanca Torres, Obdulio Martinez, Esperanza Mª Alonso.

El premio es el 37º Certamen de Investigación San Juan de Dios, que lo convoca la Universidad de Comillas y es uno de los más prestigiosos en el ámbito de la Enfermería. La dotación del premio es de 4.000 euros.

Presenteeism in nursing Validation of the Presenca questionnaire

El presentismo es un fenómeno nuevo que se estudia desde principios del año 2000 y se define como la presencia del trabajador en su puesto de trabajo pese a no estar en plenas condiciones físicas o psíquicas lo cual tiene como consecuencia que su rendimiento no es el esperado. Las pérdidas anuales que se podían […]

The eighth conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC, will take place on the 27th of April. The conference will be given by Juan Francisco Nistal Herrera, Assistant Physician of the Cardiovascular Surgery Service at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital and responsible for the group of IDIVAL Cytokines and Growth Factors in Pathological Tissue Plasticity Phenomena.

The session will be about “Advances in molecular Pathophysiology and new therapeutic perspectives in Marfan's disease”.

120 years after the original description, Marfan's disease continues to arouse the interest of clinicians, surgeons and basic researchers. It is the most prevalent of rare diseases which gives it an obvious health interest. In addition, the study of marfan’s disease etiopathogeny has been key to differentiate the diagnosis of several other entities and has given rise to the description of new syndromes. Affected patients present a challenge for clinicians because of the difficulty that sometimes involves the diagnosis, multiorgan involvement, making recommendations regarding physical or reproductive exercise, and establishing surgical indications in young patients or with extreme somatometry. For surgeons, these patients represent a challenge because of the technical difficulty involved in their treatment. The scientific advances of the last two decades allow, on an objective basis, to hopefully modify the molecular pathophysiology of the disease and stop or even reverse the structural pathological changes of the aortic wall and other affected tissues.

The conference will be open to the general public and it will take place at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Salon Tellez (Pavilion 16) at 8.15am.

Marfan Syndrome new therapeutic perspectives

The eighth conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC, will take place on the 27th of April. The conference will be given by Juan Francisco Nistal Herrera, Assistant Physician of the Cardiovascular Surgery Service at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital and responsible for the group […]

El Diario Montañés


Through its cohesion policy the European Union works to reduce disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in European regions. It promotes actions designed to make the European territory more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive. This is the EU policy agenda, called the Europe 2020 strategy.

The Interreg Europe programme, was therefore designed to support policy-learning among the relevant policy organisations with a view to improving the performance of regional development policies and programmes.


The eligible Interreg Europe cooperation area covers the whole territory of the European Union with its 28 Member States, including insular and outermost areas. In addition, Norway and Switzerland are full members of the programme and organisations from these countries are welcome to participate in projects (organisations from Switzerland cannot be lead partners). Partners from other countries can participate at their own costs.


Projects have to involve partners from at least three countries, of which at least two partners must be from EU Member States and financed by the Interreg Europe programme.

Projects are required to involve partners from at least three countries, of which at least two partners must be from EU Member States and financed by the Interreg Europe programme. Based on INTERREG IVC experience, a partnership between 5 to 10 partners (also considering that the same region can be represented by several partners) appears to be the best configuration to ensure efficient interregional learning.


The Interreg Europe programme is divided into four priority axes related to the Europe 2020 strategy:

  • Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
  • Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs
  • Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors 
  • Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency


The following organisations are eligible to receive ERDF:

  • Public authorities
  • Public law bodies (bodies governed by public law)
  • Private non-profit bodies.


If the relevant authorities are not involved directly as partners in the project, their participation in the cooperation has to be explained in the application form (in section B.2) and a standard letter of support from these authorities must be provided for the participating partners. 

For each policy instrument addressed, a stakeholder group must be created. To increase the chance of achieving policy change, project partners should therefore actively involve relevant stakeholders from their region in the activities of the project.

In line with the overall programme objective, all projects should at least partly focus on the improvement of programmes under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal, and when relevant under the European Territorial Cooperation goal. Therefore, in each project, at least half of the policy instruments addressed by the EU Interreg Europe .


A specific type of partner called an ‘advisory partner’ can also be involved in projects. But these advisory partners do not address a policy instrument and therefore do not need to develop an action plan. They participate in the project as they offer a particular competence that can facilitate the project’s implementation.


The programme is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The total budget for the programme is EUR 359 million: 

EUR 322.4 million is available to co-finance interregional cooperation projects implemented by EU partners. Partners from Norway and Switzerland will be co-financed by national funds from their respective countries.  

EUR 15.3 million is allocated to finance activities carried out by the policy learning platforms. 

EUR 21.3 million for technical assistance.


The third call for proposals opens on 1 March 2017 and closes on 30 June 2017, at 12:00 p.m. (midday)


The application has to be submitted online


Third call Interreg Europe Programme is open

INTERREG EUROPE Through its cohesion policy the European Union works to reduce disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in European regions. It promotes actions designed to make the European territory more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive. This is the EU policy agenda, called the Europe 2020 strategy. The Interreg […]

The Laboratory of Molecular Hematology, led by IDIVAL researcher Carlos Pipaón, has found while working with G418-resistant stably transfected cells, they realized the neomycin resistance gene (NeoR), which encodes the aminoglycoside-3′-phosphotransferase-IIa [APH(3′)-IIa], also confers resistance to the nucleoside analog fludarabine. Fludarabine is a cytostatic drug widely used in the treatment of hematologic and solid tumors as well as in the conditioning of patients before transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors. 

In this research has participated researchers from the IDIVAL Group of Haematologic Neoplasms and Haematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation, made up of basic researchers and the hematologist Lucrecia Yáñez, and with the collaboration of the group of Elena Cabezón and Iñaki Arechaga from IBBTEC. We present evidence that NeoR-transfected cells do not incorporate fludarabine, thus avoiding DNA damage caused by the drug, evidenced by a lack of FANCD2 monoubiquitination and impaired apoptosis. A screening of other nucleoside analogs revealed that APH(3′)-IIa only protects against ATP purine analogs. Moreover, APH(3′)-IIa ATPase activity is inhibited by fludarabine monophosphate, suggesting that APH(3′)-IIa blocks fludarabine incorporation into DNA by dephosphorylating its active fludarabine triphosphate form. Furthermore, overexpression of the catalytic subunit of the eukaryotic kinase PKA, which is structurally related to APHs, also provides resistance to fludarabine, anticipating its putative utility as a response marker to the drug. Our results preclude the use of Neo marker plasmids in the study of purine analogs and unveils a new resistance mechanism against these chemotherapeuticals.

This paper has been accepted for publication in FASEB Journal. This group is currently conducting a prospective study on allogeneic transplantation patients to investigate whether PKA expression levels can predict the response to fludarabine and thus prevent graft-versus-host disease in a personalized and more efficient way.

Neomycin resistance gene confers resistance to the nucleoside analog fludarabine

The Laboratory of Molecular Hematology, led by IDIVAL researcher Carlos Pipaón, has found while working with G418-resistant stably transfected cells, they realized the neomycin resistance gene (NeoR), which encodes the aminoglycoside-3′-phosphotransferase-IIa [APH(3′)-IIa], also confers resistance to the nucleoside analog fludarabine. Fludarabine is a cytostatic drug widely used in the treatment of hematologic and solid tumors […]

IDIVAL publishes the Innovation Support Program to chronic patient care (INNyCRON). The Program’s objective is to facilitate and promote innovation projects related with the Cantabria Chronicity Strategy.

The INNyCRON call is part of the Chronicity Strategy of Cantabria in which the Ministry of Health and the Cantabrian Health Service, which are the promoters of this call, participate and aims to support initiatives in this field. This call involves a clear commitment to support the development of future lines related to chronicity, consistent with the priorities of the health system.

This call is based on the premise that the different professionals have ideas and capacities to respond many of the problems facing the health system. This grants provide resources and facilities for local teams to initiate pilot testing, receiving support to have sufficient organizational capacity to improve their work environment.

All projects presented to this call will be evaluated by a Committee that will seek to support the initiatives of the professionals, as long as they are aligned with the strategic objectives of Chronicity and have the appropriate organization and design.

Characteristics of the call:

  • Deadline for applications: 1 to 31 May.
  • Total budget for this call: 100.000€.
  • Maximum budget per project: 25.000€.
  • The principal investigator must be permanent or temporary staff from Cantabrian Health Service.
  • 1-3 year projects

If you have any innovative ideas if you would like to implement a project and you need help developing it, this Innovation Support Program is a great opportunity. 

If you have any doubts or if you do not know whether your idea or projects fits in this Program you can contact by phone 942 31 55 27 or by email

More information: IDIVAL funding

IDIVAL grants to projects in the field of Chronic care

IDIVAL publishes the Innovation Support Program to chronic patient care (INNyCRON). The Program’s objective is to facilitate and promote innovation projects related with the Cantabria Chronicity Strategy. The INNyCRON call is part of the Chronicity Strategy of Cantabria in which the Ministry of Health and the Cantabrian Health Service, which are the promoters of this […]

El Diario Montañés
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