The updated texts of the topics of the next edition of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2), corresponding to the recently published Work Program of 2019 (more info, HERE), have already been published.

It is a call in two phases. Phase 1 will open prospectively on January 22, 2019. The topics considered are the following:

  • Optimising future obesity treatment.
  • Open access chemogenomics library and chemical probes for the druggable genome.
  • Intelligent prediction and identification of environmental risks posed by human medicinal products.

The text of the topics can be found at the following link: 

Likewise, registration has already been opened for the webinars of this call, which will take place between 23 and 31 January 2019, being the registration free but mandatory. A seminar will be held for each topic, in which the coordinator of the topic by EFPIA will make a presentation of it, being open to the questions of the attendees. There will also be a specific webinar on rules and procedures of IMI and another dedicated to the opportunities of participation of SMEs in this call.

You can find all the information and access the registry at the following link:

Potential future topics

The list of topics that are being considered for future calls has been published. The discussion of these topics is still in an initial state, so they can change considerably, even disappear topics or include others. The topics under consideration are the following:

  • Neurodegeneration / neuroscience: digital transformation of clinical trial endpoints in pain; placebo effect in pain; psychiatric ratings using intermediate stratified markers.
  • Immunology: Psoriatic arthritis.
  • Infection control including vaccines: new topic(s) under the AMR accelerator platform.
  • Translational safety: dosing in specific populations; digital pathology.
  • Big data, digital health, clinical trials and regulatory research: ROADMAP 2 – need and opportunity for public-private collaborative research to continue the RoadMap efforts; independent observatories of health outcomes for patients being the guardians of health data; e-product information – leveraging digital technology to drive the correct use and understanding of medicines: a user-centric approach to adherence and risk minimization.
  • Oncology: patient-reported outcomes and quality of life endpoints.
  • Facilitating the translation of advanced therapies to patients in Europe: accelerating research and development of Advanced Therapies; ATMP Patient Registries Outcomes Data and Evidence; CAR-Ts; Innovative Manufacturing of Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products, ATMPs.
  • Other enablers of research topics: handling of biologic drug products.

More information can be found in this document (link), which is also included in the Future Topics page

Call of the Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI2

The updated texts of the topics of the next edition of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI2), corresponding to the recently published Work Program of 2019 (more info, HERE), have already been published. It is a call in two phases. Phase 1 will open prospectively on January 22, 2019. The topics considered are the following: Optimising […]




MIRCAST study is an international multicenter study led for all of participating centers from IDIVAL. The objective of this study is to evaluate the different ways of performing the intestinal anastomosis after the minimally invasive right colectomy and to determine if the robotic instruments have an added value in these procedures. MIRCAST starts the data collection phase during October.

The final objective of MIRCAST is to prospectively evaluate the postoperative recovery, hospital stay, wound complications, serious complications and medium term results (hernia, recurrence …) of the right minimally invasive colectomy, comparing the intracorporeal anastomosis with extracorporeal and comparing conventional laparoscopic and robotic instruments.

In MIRCAST, a network of more than 55 professionals and hospitals from eight European countries (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark and Holland) will participate in a systematic collection of data at different time intervals: preoperative data , intraoperative, discharge of the patient, revision visits at 30 days, 3 months, 1 and 2 years.

MIRCAST has been presented at the last annual meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) that was held in Nice last September and at the present time is receiving requests of centers outside Europe to be included in the study. The Scientific Committee of the ESCP endorses MIRCAST after having evaluated the protocol and scientific methodology of the study.

IDIVAL has just received the award of excellence in human resources known as HRS4R. This seal implies recognition by the Euraxess of compliance with European standards in human resources management in research by IDIVAL.

To obtain it, a team composed of researchers and management personnel has carried out an analysis of the situation of the institute in this area, an identification of the aspects in which an improvement is needed and an action plan to undertake it in accordance with the 40 principles of the European research human resources code.

The certification process began in October 2016 with the adherence to the code of conduct. The certifying european initiative Euraxess, has verified during this process the adaptation to its requirements, through an action plan prepared by IDIVAL that is already underway in which is about 60 actions, which are ultimately aimed at promoting and attracting talent in the field of research.

HRS4R implies a long-term commitment over many years, including joint efforts and coordination with various internal and external stakeholders. However, it is a process that ensures the transition from the institution of progress to quality, in terms of the implementation of the principles of the European Charter of Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers promoted by the European Commission. These two references, aimed at both researchers and employers and research funders in the public and private sectors, are key elements in EU policy to boost the careers of researchers.

It is worth noting that in recent years IDIVAL has developed various actions to promote talent, among which the different funding programs (Predoctoral, mentoring, inplant, Post-MIR Lopez albo contracts, next-val grants for emerging researchers are especially relevant). ), and dissemination and communication to promote the research and innovation culture in our environment.

IDIVAL receives the European certification of human resources HRS4R

IDIVAL has just received the award of excellence in human resources known as HRS4R. This seal implies recognition by the Euraxess of compliance with European standards in human resources management in research by IDIVAL. To obtain it, a team composed of researchers and management personnel has carried out an analysis of the situation of the […]


IDIVAL has published a call for the support of research projects in primary care within the biomedical program Valdecilla for the second consecutive year. The budget of the call is 30,000 euros and supports projects especially focused on the care of patients, chronic diseases and highly prevalent diseases, led by health professionals who develop their activity in the field of primary care in Cantabria.

The projects submitted to the Prim-Val call have been evaluated by investigating experts of our country for their prioritization and based on this evaluation, concession resolutions have been issued, recently published on the IDIVAL website. The results of the external evaluation have finally allowed to grant with the available budget 3 projects of the Prim-Val call, with a diverse thematic scope.

The projects awarded have focused on three prevalent areas of health or general interest such as childhood asthma, chronic diseases, and mental illnesses and have had important nursing participation.

The first of the projects focused on childhood asthma is led by the Primary Care Pediatrician Alberto Bercedo of the Dobra Health Center, which has a team from the Rubayo Health Center and the Isabel II Health Center and focuses on the study of frequency, severity and associated risk factors of bronchial asthma in children, as part of an international study, the Gobal Asthma Network. This study will help to know the current magnitude of this disease as well as the changes that have arisen in recent years, allowing at a strategic level the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the health impact of bronchial asthma in asthmatic children and adolescents.

The second of the projects financed has the Primary Care specialist Emilio Pariente and the Clinical Psychologist Cesar Glez Blanch respectively of the Camargo Costa Health Center and the Puertochico Health Center as principal investigators and also with the collaboration of psychologists from the Complutense University of Madrid, University of Córdoba, and University of Valencia. The study is focused on the analysis of the effectiveness of group treatment in patients with mental illnesses through a clinical trial, an area in which the applicant group already has great experience.

The third of the studies is led by two nurses, Aroa Delgado (Chronicity Office of the Cantabrian Health Service) and Carmen Sarabia (University Nursing School Valdecilla) aims to study the impact of an ambitious program of responsible care in the approach of the chronic disease in primary care for the empowerment of patients and active carers that has been launched in the Cantabrian Health Service.

In short, the call for research projects in primary care 2018 Prim-Val will allow the development of projects of great potential impact in our health sector that seek to provide direct value to patients in prevalent diseases.

Resolution of the call for Idival projects addressed to primary care

  IDIVAL has published a call for the support of research projects in primary care within the biomedical program Valdecilla for the second consecutive year. The budget of the call is 30,000 euros and supports projects especially focused on the care of patients, chronic diseases and highly prevalent diseases, led by health professionals who develop […]

The meeting, arranged by the French partners, it will be held in Purpan, Toulouse, in the Paule de Viguier University Hospital, the days 15th and 16th of October. 

This meeting will be useful for all partners, ACCOMIP (France), MEDES (France), Minho’s University (Portugal), FUTURE BALLONS (Portugal), CTIC (Spain) and the SCS with IDIVAL as leaders, to update the project’s current situation, each partner will share information about their progress made. Besides, the chronogram will be updated for the work groups and the actions to be developed until the end of the year.

The project TiChroN, co-founded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), pretends through the use of new technologies, the promotion of health and improvement in the care of children and teenagers with chronic diseases, in addition to the relation in this process with their families and their school environment. TiChroN will develop an attention model based on the ICT which allows a better management of the disease and its consequence for the children, their families and their school environment, through actions such as the development of a mobile app for empowering and training them to react precociously in situations of risk for their health. These activities will be validated through the pilotage in the three countries (France, Portugal and Spain) and later analyse the results and stablish some necessary improvement actions. 

Currently, the SCS and IDIVAL are carrying out the first work group tasks, consisting in the detection of needs through poll development and focal groups, as well as the obtainment of information about the application of the new technologies for the child population’s health care nowadays.

Second Tichron project meeting led by the SCS and IDIVAL

The meeting, arranged by the French partners, it will be held in Purpan, Toulouse, in the Paule de Viguier University Hospital, the days 15th and 16th of October.  This meeting will be useful for all partners, ACCOMIP (France), MEDES (France), Minho’s University (Portugal), FUTURE BALLONS (Portugal), CTIC (Spain) and the SCS with IDIVAL as leaders, […]


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