Researchers of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the Valdecilla Sanitary Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL) have discovered that a genetic variant in the PLCG2 gene protects against several forms of dementia.

According to the results of the study, carried out in collaboration with researchers from the UMC University of Amsterdam, this genetic variation not only protects against Alzheimer's disease, but also against other forms of neurodegenerative disorders such as fronto-temporal dementia and the dementia of Lewy bodies.

Dr. Pascual Sánchez-Juan, a neurologist at the Valdecilla Cognitive Impairment Unit and co-author of the study, has put the discovered in value, since “it gives us important clues about what are the genetic characteristics and the metabolic pathways associated with a long life free of dementia”.

He explained that until now it was known that one of the carriers of this genetic variant had a twice lower probability of developing Alzheimer's dementia compared to non-carriers. Now, he said, “it seems that carrying the variant also protects against other forms of neurodegeneration and that carriers of this variant are twice as likely to reach a hundred years without dementia”.

Dr. Sánchez-Juan stressed that the study also allowed us to observe that the PLCG2 gene variant has been especially frequent in centenarian individuals followed by researchers from the University of Amsterdam.

This genetic variant in the PLCG2 gene, which plays an important role in the immune system, “leads to a change in the structure of the PLCG2 protein, which probably alters its functioning in the immune response processes,” said the neurologist.

He also recalled that Valdecilla Cognitive Impairment Unit is currently developing the project 'Cohorte Valdecilla for the study of memory and brain aging', for which he is actively recruiting individuals over 55 years with the aim of better understanding the factors of risk and protectors associated with the development of dementia.

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 20th of June. The session will be given by Martin O’Halloran and will be about: “Medical Device Innovation Programmes in Ireland”.

Dr Martin O'Halloran is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Electronics at the National University of Ireland in Galway. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of his research, he is the first academic in the history of NUI Galway to hold a joint academic position between the Colleges of Engineering and Medicine.

He is founder and director of the Translational Medical Device Lab in Galway, the first medical device lab in Ireland to be embedded in a regional hospital and co-located with a clinical trials facility. There, he leads a team of 21 engineers/physicists/clinicians, all working on novel medical device projects. Through this lab, he has secured over €6.79 million in research funding over the last 5 years, including a European Research Council (ERC) grant for medical device development.

He holds over 30 national and international research and commercialisation awards, including Engineers Ireland Chartered Engineer of the Year (2014), Science Foundation Ireland's Early Career Researcher of the Year (2016), and the award for Best Academic Contribution to Medtech (2016) from the Irish Medtech Association for his work with BioInnovate. He is co-inventor on a number of medical device patents, and is involved as a technical and commercial mentor to a number of successful medtech start-ups in Ireland.

Dr O'Halloran's research ranges from basic scientific research to the clinical evaluation and commercialisation of novel medical devices. From a basic science perspective, Dr O'Halloran examines new and improved methods for the measurement of the dielectric properties of biological tissue, with a particular emphasis on reducing measurement confounders. The dielectric repository at NUI Galway is an important and unique platform for the development of novel electromagnetic imaging and therapeutic devices.

Dr O'Halloran has published more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conference papers.

The conference, that is going to take place on the 20th of June, will be open to the general public and it will be at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Salon Tellez (Pavilion 16) at 8.15am.

Dr O'Halloran will be in Santander throughout the day, to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community. Furthermore, she will visit the Research Centers of our community to talk with all the interested scientists.

Next Conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 20th of June. The session will be given by Martin O’Halloran and will be about: “Medical Device Innovation Programmes in Ireland”. Dr Martin O'Halloran is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Electronics at […]

The research group “Cell Signalling and Therapeutic Targets in Cancer” of the Valdecilla Health Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL) and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital have genetically identified a new variant of the autistic spectrum in a pediatric patient by applying techniques of massive sequencing.

Known as the ADNP syndrome, the identification of this variant of the autistic spectrum has allowed to use patient's cells to generate in the laboratory an experimental model of this disease, which will allow to advance in the knowledge of its origin and in the development of new treatments.

Led by Dr. José Luis Fernández Luna, expert of the Genetic Unit, and with the collaboration of Dr. Domingo González Lamuño, of the Valdecilla Pediatrics Service, this research group has used a cell reprogramming technology known since 2006, it consists in obtaining cells of the patient and reprogram them in the laboratory to endow them with the capacity to generate different types of cells.

Dr. Fernández Luna explained that in this case peripheral blood lymphocytes have been obtained from the patient who, through the application of genetic techniques, have become pluripotent stem cells with characteristics of embryonic stem cells. “This means that, once reprogrammed, they have the ability to differentiate cells from different tissues, being able to generate muscle cells, neurons, etc.”

He has indicated that the advantage of reprogrammed cells to pluripotent stem cells is the availability of an inexhaustible source of cells for multiple studies, and can be shared with other research groups to conduct their own research. In this way we can universalize a model to better understand a disease that has been known for only five years, he said.

He highlighted that the disease model generated in collaboration with the Pfizer Center, the University of Granada and the Andalusian Board of Genomics and Oncological Research (GENYO), represents a good opportunity to try new treatments, in order to obtain more information about its effectiveness before starting a clinical trial.

Despite the fact that patients with hereditary diseases or rare diseases take an average of five years to obtain a diagnosis, Dr. Fernández Luna has emphasized the new methods of genetic diagnosis based on the massive analysis of the genome. These methods, he said, “shorten these times and improve diagnostic efficiency, so the challenge is to get these systems to reach all patients with suspected rare disease.”

There are currently about 200 children worldwide diagnosed with the ADNP syndrome, which still has many unknowns about how and why it originates and what is its evolution throughout the life of the patient.

Researchers from IDIVAL and Valdecilla develop for the first time an experimental model for the study of a new variant of the autistic spectrum

The research group “Cell Signalling and Therapeutic Targets in Cancer” of the Valdecilla Health Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL) and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital have genetically identified a new variant of the autistic spectrum in a pediatric patient by applying techniques of massive sequencing. Known as the ADNP syndrome, the identification of this variant […]

Dr. Marcos López Hoyos, Head of the Immunology Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (Santander, Cantabria) and principal investigator of the Transplant and Autoimmunity IDIVAL group, has been proclaimed incoming President of the SEI (Spanish Society of Immunology). 

The result of the elections was 100 votes in favor and 5 votes blank. The incoming President will overlap the position for one year with the current President.

Dr Marcos López Hoyos is proclaimed incoming president of the Spanish Society of Immunology

Dr. Marcos López Hoyos, Head of the Immunology Service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (Santander, Cantabria) and principal investigator of the Transplant and Autoimmunity IDIVAL group, has been proclaimed incoming President of the SEI (Spanish Society of Immunology).  The result of the elections was 100 votes in favor and 5 votes blank. The […]

This UIMP meeting, co-organized by the Health Institute Carlos III and IDIVAL is dedicated to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

The RRI requires participation from broad deliberation forums that reinforce the democratic spirit of our society in the field of research and innovation. Its own generation needs of starting points based on open and transparent information with the aim of allowing public scrutiny and continuous dialogue between the parties involved in the scientific process. The society, through the understanding of the processes of research and innovation, guides the way in which defines their own future.


July 1, 2019

10:00 h Inauguration.

ISCIII Representative: General Director of the Health Institute Carlos III 

Cantabria Representative 

UIMP Representative 

10:20 h Presentation.

Course Director: Pilar Gayoso Diz, ISCIII

Course Director: Galo Peralta Fernandez, IDIVAL

10:30 h Conference 1: RRI and Open Science in the European context: present and future. Ms. Eva Méndez. Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Scientific Policy-Open Science, Universidad Carlos III Madrid.

11:15 h Coffee

12:00 h Conference 2: New technologies as a way of interaction between science and society. Iñigo de Miguel (Chair Genome and law, UPV).

12:30 h Round table 1. Agents involved in the RRI. Moderator: Cristóbal Belda, General Deputy Director for Evaluation and Promotion of Research, ISCIII

  • Health sector. – Galo Peralta (IDIVAL)
  • Patients.- José Luis Baquero (Spanish Patients Forum)
  • Companies.- Margarita Alfonsel (FENIN), Julián Isla (Microsoft)

13:15 h Lunch

15:00 h Round Table 2. Ethics and Governance. Moderator: Gonzalo Arévalo, General Deputy Director of International Research Programs and Institutional Relations, ISCIII

  • Maria Casado (Director of the Research Center of the Bioethics and Law Observatory, UB)
  • Iñigo de Miguel (Genome and Law Chair, UPV)
  • Melanie Smallman (Deputy Director of UCL`s Responsible Research and Innovation Hub)

July 2, 2019

09:30 h. Conference 3. Paul Wouters. Professor of Scientometrics Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Leiden.

10:15 h. Round table 3. Gender equality. Moderator: Margarita Blázquez, General Deputy Director of Networks and Cooperative Research Centers, ISCIII.

  • Ana Puy Rodriguez (Director of Women and Science Unit, MCIU)
  • Inés Novella (UPM, Madrid)
  • Ferràn Barbè. Scientific Director CIberRES

11:30 h. Coffee

12:00 h. Round table 4. Citizen participation. Moderator: Emilia Sanchez-Chamorro. General Deputy Director of Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, ISCIII

  • Paula Adam (AQUAS)
  • Rosina Malagrida (Head of the Living Lab in Health of IrsiCaixa)
  • Laura Mohedano (European Projects Office, ISCIII)
  • Spanish Patients Forum.

13:30 h. Food

15:30 h. Round table 5. Open access. Moderator: Manuel Cuenca, General Deputy Director of Applied Services, Research and Training, ISCIII.

  • Eva Méndez (Vice Chancellor of Scientific Policy-Open Science, U Carlos III Madrid)
  • Elena Primo Peña (National Library of Health Sciences, ISCIII)
  • Luis Martínez Martínez (Chief S of Microbiology H.U. Queen Sofia of Cordoba)

July 3, 2019

10:00 h. Conference 4. The Institutes and the RRI. Ms. Raquel Yotti Álvarez, General Director of the Health Institute Carlos III.

11:00 h. Round table 6. How to address the challenges of the RRI in the IIS. Moderator: Pilar Gayoso, General Deputy Director of Evaluation and Research Promotion, ISCIII.

  • Ismael Buño Borde, Scientific Director IIS Gregorio Marañón, Madrid
  • Francisco Tinahones Madueño, Scientific Director IIS IBIMA, Málaga
  • Luis Antonio Castaño Gonzalez, Scientific Director IIS Biocruces, Bizkaia
  • Angeles Almeida, IIS of Salamanca
  • Joan X. Comellá, Director IIS Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona

12:45 h. Closing.


UIMP Meeting RRI in Spain and its model of incorporation in Health Research Institutes

This UIMP meeting, co-organized by the Health Institute Carlos III and IDIVAL is dedicated to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The RRI requires participation from broad deliberation forums that reinforce the democratic spirit of our society in the field of research and innovation. Its own generation needs of starting points based on open and transparent […]

Carried out in collaboration with CIC bioGUNE, this study promotes the development of a therapy that attenuates liver injury and slows the progression of these pathologies.

A research project of the digestive pathology group of the HUMV and the IDIVAL that paves the way for the development of a therapy that attenuates liver injury and slows the progression of chronic cholestatic diseases, result awarded at the recent International Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver held in Vienna.

The award work, presented by Dra. Paula Iruzubieta, Valdecilla Digestive Service, identifies a type of protein, MCJ, as an important regulator of mitochondrial function and liver damage associated with cholestasis, which is a decrease or interruption of the bile flow.

According to the study, the absence of this protein protects liver cells from oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, mechanisms that are involved in the pathogenesis of chronic cholestatic diseases.

Although primary sclerosing cholangitis is considered a rare disease, it is the second most frequent cause of chronic cholestatic disease in adults, with a prevalence of around 10 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In fact, it is a progressive liver pathology that currently lacks medical therapy capable of slowing its progression, usually progressing to liver cirrhosis and can lead to cancer in the bile ducts.

Titled 'Role of methylation-controlled J-protein, endogenous repressor of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, in cholestatic liver disease', this project is directed by Dra. María Luz Chantar, researcher at CIC bioGUNE and the CIBERHED, with which Valdecilla maintains a close collaboration.

The award obtained at the International Congress of Vienna has been awarded by the American organization 'PSC partners seeking a cure', founded in 2005 and which provides education and support to patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and their families. This group also collects funds for the investigation of this cholestatic liver disease, financing up to now more than 3 million dollars in innovative projects to achieve an effective therapy of this pathology.

What is COST?

COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) is the longest-running European framework supporting transnational cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. Together with Horizon 2020 it is one of the most important pillars of the promotion of research cooperation in Europe and therefore an essential component of the European Research Area (ERA).

Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.

The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST.

More information:

For any questions related to the call, please contact or

COST Program

What is COST? COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) is the longest-running European framework supporting transnational cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. Together with Horizon 2020 it is one of the most important pillars of the promotion of research cooperation in Europe and therefore an essential component of the European Research Area (ERA). […]

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 30th of May. The session will be given by Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao and will be about: “Regression of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Is it a reality?”.

Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, M.D. is Professor of Medicine in the Section of Digestive Diseases at Yale School of Medicine, the Director of the Clinical and Translational Core at Yale Liver Center, and the Chief of the Section of Digestive Diseases at the Veterans Administration-Connecticut Health Care System. Dr. Garcia-Tsao has an active practice in hepatology and clinical research duties as a principal investigator, with over 120 PubMed-verified original publications in peer-reviewed journals that have been cited over 30,000 times and with an H-index of 79. Dr. Garcia-Tsao is a leading expert on portal hypertension and related complications of cirrhosis. 

Dr. Garcia-Tsao received her M.D. degree from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, completed her internship and residency at the Instituto Nacional de la Nutricion in Mexico City, and completed a fellowship at the Yale School of Medicine. She has been on the faculty at Yale since 1990. Dr. Garcia-Tsao served as the President of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) in 2012 and as Associate Editor of HEPATOLOGY from 2011-2016. She has been the recipient of many prestigious awards in the field of hepatology and has taught and mentored many who have gone on to their own successful careers

The conference, that will take place on the 30th of May, will be open to the general public and it will be at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Salon Tellez (Pavilion 16) at 8.15am. 

Dr. Garcia-Tsao will be in Santander throughout the day, to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community. Furthermore, she will visit the Research Centers of our community to talk with all the interested scientists.

Those professionals who would like to meet with the doctor during her stay can contact with the department at

Next Conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 30th of May. The session will be given by Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao and will be about: “Regression of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Is it a reality?”. Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, M.D. is Professor of Medicine […]

The CRIS Cancer Foundation opens the application deadline for the CRIS Research Excellence Programs on June 1.

CRIS Research Talent Program

Objective: Training and stabilization of the profile of the medical researcher in Spanish public institutions.

Duration: 5 years

Provision: € 80,000 per year (€ 400,000 in total).

• 2 are delivered in 2019.

– CRIS Excellence Program

Objective: To promote the development of outstanding doctors or researchers in cancer research programs, and innovative and transformative projects.

Duration: 5 years

Provision: € 250,000 per year (€ 1,250,000 in total)

• 2 are delivered in 2019.

More information:



Call for the CRIS program of talent and excellence

The CRIS Cancer Foundation opens the application deadline for the CRIS Research Excellence Programs on June 1. – CRIS Research Talent Program • Objective: Training and stabilization of the profile of the medical researcher in Spanish public institutions. • Duration: 5 years • Provision: € 80,000 per year (€ 400,000 in total). • 2 are […]

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 25th of April. The session will be given by Pier Luigi Meroni and will be about: “Updating of APS pathophysiology: does it impact on our clinical management?”.

Dr. Pier Luigi Meroni graduated from the University of Milan Medical School. He became a Full Professor in Internal Medicine in 2001 and in Rheumatology in 2005. 

He is now Director of the Immunorheumatology Research Laboratory – IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano. 

His clinical and scientific work has mainly focused on autoimmune/rheumatic diseases, in particular the pathogenic mechanisms responsible for systemic lupus erythematosus and the anti-phospholipid syndrome. Dr Meroni was one of the first researchers involved in the standardization of diagnostic tests for autoimmune systemic rheumatic diseases and he is now the Chairman of the EULAR Task Force for the guidelines for diagnostic laboratory tests in autoimmune rheumatic diseases. He also started the first pregnancy clinic for taking care of pregnant women with systemic autoimmune diseases in Milan.

He has published more than 500 papers in peer-reviewed journals, authored and edited 7 books and written 47 book chapters. He was the first Italian nominated as a Master of the American College of Rheumatology in 2014.

The conference, that will take place on the 25th of April, will be open to the general public and it will be at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital, Salon Tellez (Pavilion 16) at 8.15am. 

Prof. Meroni will be in Santander throughout the day, to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community. Furthermore, He will visit the Research Centers of our community to talk with all the interested scientists.
Those professionals who would like to meet with the professor during her stay can contact with the department at

Next conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 25th of April. The session will be given by Pier Luigi Meroni and will be about: “Updating of APS pathophysiology: does it impact on our clinical management?”. Dr. Pier Luigi Meroni graduated […]