The candidacy of BIOBANCO VALDECILLA, has been selected for the organization of the


From now on the countdown begins with the clear objective of making it a success both for your organization, as for its contents, speakers and participants.

The Congress that will be held in October 2020, and will include a pre-conference day in which the Biobank Platform Assembly will be held, and two days of congress that are expected to attend more than 200 participants from the different Spanish biobanks.

We take this opportunity to thank those who expressed their support and confidence in this candidacy.


Santander will host the next Congress of the National Biobank Network 2020

The candidacy of BIOBANCO VALDECILLA, has been selected for the organization of the XI CONGRESS OF THE NATIONAL BIOBANK NETWORK – SANTANDER 2020 From now on the countdown begins with the clear objective of making it a success both for your organization, as for its contents, speakers and participants. The Congress that will be held in […]

Date: Thursday 11/28/2019

Last day to apply: Monday 25/11/2019

Hours: from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Number of places: maximum 15 people

Place: IDIVAL building, 3rd floor, multipurpose room.

Intended for: IDIVAL staff

Objective: Learn the protocol of action in case of accident in the company.

Duration: 4 hours

Teacher qualification: Doctor or DUE of the Basic Health Unit

Didactic means: Audiovisual presentation and equipment for resuscitation practices cardiopulmonary


    • Principles of action in emergencies
    • P.A.S.
    • Concept and types of fracture.
    • Action in case of limb fracture.
    • Spine: identification and management of accident victims.
    • Circulatory system: general notions.
    • Types of hemorrhages: how to stop an external hemorrhage.
    • Internal hemorrhages: diagnosis and treatment.
  4. BURNS
    • General notions of the skin.
    • Assessment of burns according to different factors.
    • Action before a local thermal burn.
    • What to do before a big burn.
    • Chemical burns.
    • Electrical burns: What to do before an electrocution.
    • Action in case of airway obstruction.
    • Basic Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation.

Teaching venue: Company facilities



Socorrism and first aid Course

Date: Thursday 11/28/2019 Last day to apply: Monday 25/11/2019 Hours: from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Number of places: maximum 15 people Place: IDIVAL building, 3rd floor, multipurpose room. Intended for: IDIVAL staff Objective: Learn the protocol of action in case of accident in the company. Duration: 4 hours Teacher qualification: Doctor or DUE of […]

Date: Wednesday 06/11/2019

Last day to apply: Sunday 03/11/2019

Schedule: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Nº students: maximum 8 people

Place: IDIVAL building, 3rd floor, Multipurpose room.

Addressed to: Idival staff. Recommended to those responsible for work teams.

Objective: To know the concepts of Psychosocial Risk and the different types of Harassment and what factors related to the organization and management of work can cause them

Teacher qualification: Labor Psychologist and Senior Technician of Occupational Risk Prevention

Educational media: Audiovisual presentation and role playing activities

Duration: 4 hours


  1. Psychosocial risk factors related to work organization and management:
  2. Moobing or workplace harassment.
    • Concept
    • Types of workplace harassment
    • Phases
    • Constituent behaviors of workplace harassment
    • Non-constituent behaviors of workplace harassment
    • Stalker personality
    • Victim Profile
    • Consequences
    • Prevention
    • Intervention in the company
    • Intervention in the individual
  3. Sexual harassment and Sexual harassment
    • Concept of sexual harassment
    • Concept of Sexual Harassment
    • Typology
    • Constituent conduct of sexual harassment
    • Sexual harassment constituting behaviors
    • Consequences
    • Prevention
    • Intervention in the company
    • Intervention in the individual
  4. Equality policies
  5. Equality plan, monitoring and procedures to be included

Documentation delivered to the student: Information sheets

Labor Harassment Discrimination and violence at work Course at IDIVAL

Date: Wednesday 06/11/2019 Last day to apply: Sunday 03/11/2019 Schedule: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Nº students: maximum 8 people Place: IDIVAL building, 3rd floor, Multipurpose room. Addressed to: Idival staff. Recommended to those responsible for work teams. Objective: To know the concepts of Psychosocial Risk and the different types of Harassment and what factors […]

Dr. Federico Castillo Suescun, has patented with the help of IDIVAL two devices whose use can contribute to improve the prognosis of patients with an open abdomen, a very serious medical condition, with a mortality rate of 70%. His project is now in search of financing for its development with an improved design and the performance of preclinical and clinical tests, before reaching the market.

Occasionally, surgeons must leave the abdomen open in some critically ill patients. It occurs when the viscera have a lot of fluid, increasing the pressure inside the abdomen, which hinders circulation and causes the failure of other organs such as the kidney. This problem is called Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.

This surgeon from Valdecilla has recently patented two advances that can improve the recovery of these critical patients.

The first of these is a sheet with which the abdominal viscera are coated to protect them and optimize drainage of excess fluids. What was done was to design a device that prevents saturation of the dressing so that surgeons can close the abdomen as soon as possible, reducing the possibility of complications when the abdomen is open.

Patients suffering from this syndrome are very likely to die, so it is urgent to restore the situation and close the abdomen again. For this, the second invention of this Valdecilla professional was developed: a progressive closure system that adapts to the evolution of the patient since there are some commercial mechanical traction closures but that are not modified during the therapy, so the design to be able to modify it for as long as the patient is in intensive care. Then, the pressure can be measured and the tension of the apparatus can be varied according to the intra-abdominal pressure, which is one of the key points of the invention.

Valdecilla researcher patents two devices for the treatment of the open abdomen

Dr. Federico Castillo Suescun, has patented with the help of IDIVAL two devices whose use can contribute to improve the prognosis of patients with an open abdomen, a very serious medical condition, with a mortality rate of 70%. His project is now in search of financing for its development with an improved design and the […]

The aim of the Post-MIR contracts is to promote the incorporation of health professionals with an excellent profile who have completed the period of specialized training in any Hospital of the National Health System, to the translational research activity and healthcare innovation of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. This call requires submitting a research or innovation project.

According to the rules of the Call for Wenceslao López Albo Post-MIR Contracts published on the IDIVAL website as part of the Valdecilla Biosanitary Dynamizer program according to resolution on June 7, 2019, after evaluation by the Commission formed for this purpose and according to The same bases, the Management Directorate of IDIVAL RESOLVES to grant the contracts to the following specialists and with the duration specified below:

  • Rodríguez Lozano, Jesús.


  • Atienza Mateo, Belén.




Resolution of the Wenceslao López Albo Post-MIR Call 2019

The aim of the Post-MIR contracts is to promote the incorporation of health professionals with an excellent profile who have completed the period of specialized training in any Hospital of the National Health System, to the translational research activity and healthcare innovation of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. This call requires submitting a research […]

CSIC Norte sphere, con C de Ciencia, chambers of commerce and cooperation is an open space for innovation, research, technology transfer, scientific dissemination and productive sector between the CSIC centers in northern Spain, coordinated by the CSIC Delegation in Asturias and the Official Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo in which different associations and centers in northern Spain participate:

  • Galicia: Biological Mission of Galicia (MBG), Institute of Galician Studies “Padre Sarmiento” (IEGPS), Institute of Marine Research (IIM), Institute of Agrobiological Research of Galicia (IIAG) and the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit).
  • Asturias: National Coal Institute (INCAR), Dairy Products Institute (IPLA), Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Research Center (CINN), Mixed Biodivesity Research Unit (UMIB)
  • Cantabria: Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC), Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA)
  • Basque Country: Materials Physics Center (CFM), Instituto Biophisika (IBF)

In addition, it has the collaboration of the Chambers of Commerce of La Coruña, Pontevedra, Vigo, García de Arousa, Santander, Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés, Bilbao and San Sebastián and opens the possibility of joining others who want to join.

The Delegation of the CSIC in Asturias, to which the representations of Cantabria and the Basque Country are associated, has, as its purpose, the organization of scientific culture and technology transfer activities in collaboration with the rest of the Communities. The idea of Sphere CSIC North aims to unite collaborative impulses between all the centers in the Atlantic-Cantabrian axis. From the CSIC, it is already participating in the INTERREG Atlantic axis and they want to lead initiatives that enhance research, business and society.

This joint work between the CSIC Delegations in these communities and the Chambers of Commerce, will favor meetings between entrepreneurs from different sectors and researchers of the Council, offering a “contact puzzle” that will be articulated in activities of Scientific Culture, Technology Transfer and creation of new synergies science-company.

To do this, on October 25, a conference will be organized at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria, under the title “Improve health through our data. New challenge for the future ”in which forums or meetings will be held during the morning, which will be attended by researchers and entrepreneurs and activities of scientific dissemination, in the afternoon, aimed at the general public.

Full program:

Morning session:

  • 10:00. – Opening of CSIC North Sphere. Welcome from the Delegate of the CSIC in Asturias, Dr. Ángeles Gómez Borrego; President of the Official Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo, Mr. Carlos Paniceres; President of the Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria, Mr. Modesto Piñeiro García-Lago; Vice President of Scientific and Technical Research of the CSIC, Dr. Jesús Marco; Director of the Chamber of Cantabria, Mr. Jesús Tortosa del Valle and institutional representative of the CSIC in Cantabria, Dr. Celso Martínez.

“Identifying the challenge”

  • 10:30 – Rafael Tejido. Manager of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV). Potential for the use of personal data in improving the patient's quality of life
  • 10:45. – Galo Peralta, Director of the Central Support Unit of the Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL). Possibilities from biomedicine research in the use of data
  • 11:00 – researcher of the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC, UC-CSIC). Applications in cancer research
  • 11:10 – Lara Lloret. Researcher at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA, CSIC-UC). Advanced techniques in image and data processing
  • 11:20. – David Rodriguez. Researcher at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA, CSIC-UC). Donation of medical data and secure environments
  • 11:30 – Coffee break

“Addressing the challenge”

  • 12:00. – Jorge Muyo. General Director of Innovation, Technological Development and Industrial Entrepreneurship. Cantabria Government. Instruments within the Public-Private ecosystem
  • 12:15. – Álvaro López. Researcher at the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA, CSIC-UC). Exploitation of the techniques of the European DEEP Hybrid-DataCloud project
  • 12:30. – Researcher of the Institute of Instrumentation for molecular imaging CSIC-University of Valencia-CIEMAT (I3M). New techniques in medical imaging instrumentation
  • 12:45. – Ramón López, ASCENTIC, Director of CIC. IT Consulting A vision from the ICT sector in Cantabria
  • 13:00. – Roberto García, Director of AMBAR Telecomunicaciones. Technologies for healthy aging
  • 13:15. – Santander Bank. Involvement of banking in public-private collaboration in health
  • 13:30. – Santiago García, General Director of Digital Transformation and User Relations. Ministry of Health. Cantabria Government. Possibilities of developing a public-private research ecosystem in this area
  • 13:45. – Jesús Marco, Vice President of Scientific and Technical Research, CSIC. Platforms, challenges and technology transfer in the CSIC

Afternoon Session:


  • 16:00. – Welcome to the activity by the Chamber of Cantabria, the Minister of Education of the government of Cantabria, Ms. Marina Lombó Gutiérrez, the institutional Delegate of the CSIC in Asturias, Dr. Ángeles Gómez and the institutional representative of the CSIC in Cantabria, Dr Celso Martínez.

Activity for 20 students of 4th ESO and 5 teachers who will be tutors in the workshop.

  • 16:15. – Brief introduction to big data and artificial intelligence
  • 16:45. – Individualized workshop for students. Lara Lloret and Patricia Suárez, researchers from the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (CSIC-UC) will lead the Workshop.
  • 18:00. – Closure of the activity


The Strategic Action includes a set of annual biomedical research promotion programs promoted by the Carlos III Health Institute, essential for research in the healthcare world of our country. The programs include grants for the development of research projects, for mobility, and contracts of diverse scope and grants for participation in Networks, Consortiums and Platforms of the Carlos III Health Institute itself.

  • Río Hortega Contracts: The 2019 Río Hortega Contracts call finances the hiring of professionals, who have passed the Specialized Health Training, in public and private non-profit health entities linked or arranged with the NHS and with care activity. They will develop a training plan in research in health sciences and technologies that will combine with assistance activity corresponding to their specialty.
  • Sara Borrell Contracts: The 2019 Sara Borrell Contracts call finances the hiring of researchers, who have recently obtained the title of doctor (after January 1, 2015) in the field of health sciences and technologies, to improve their training. The receiving research groups must be different and belong to a center other than the group with which the candidates made their doctoral thesis, unless the candidate has made a postdoctoral stay abroad with a duration of at least one year.

In the Resolution of the ISCIII of September 20, which proposes the provisional relationship for the granting of Río Hortega and Sara Borrell Contracts for the 2019 Call of the Strategic Action in Health, IDIVAL has received concessions in both programs, specifically:

This type of aid is of special importance insofar as they contribute to the recruitment and training of talent in our environment within the IDIVAL Research Groups.

IDIVAL obtains 2 research contracts in the Health Strategic Action 2019

The Strategic Action includes a set of annual biomedical research promotion programs promoted by the Carlos III Health Institute, essential for research in the healthcare world of our country. The programs include grants for the development of research projects, for mobility, and contracts of diverse scope and grants for participation in Networks, Consortiums and Platforms […]

IDIVAL annually announces an aid program for projects led by emerging researchers within the Valdecilla biosanitary dynamization program called Next-Val (Next Generation Valdecilla). Next-Val is aimed at researchers who have not previously had projects with competitive financing and aims precisely to facilitate a first step towards this.

According to the terms of the call, the principal investigators of the granted projects are not older than 45 years of age, and have not accessed funding as a principal investigator in a project obtained through a call for competitive national or international aid, or in the IDIVAL Next-Val or Inn-Val calls for the development of research projects.

Its execution is subject to IDIVAL project management instructions.

The principal investigators of the projects have 7 days to waive the granting of the aid, before it becomes final. In accordance with the bases of the call published on the IDIVAL website, once the projects admitted for processing are evaluated, funding is granted to the following projects:




NVAL 19/12

Onaindia Pérez, Arantza

12.000 €

NVAL 19/05

Demetrio Pablo, Rosalía

10.000 €

NVAL 19/22

Rueda Gotor, Javier

10.000 €

NVAL 19/11

Irure Ventura, Juan

8.000 €

NVAL 19/02

Ballestero Diego, Roberto

8.000 €

NVAL 19/06

García Cerro, Susana

8.000 €

NVAL 19/03

Cantarero Prieto, David

8.000 €

NVAL 19/14

Paz Zulueta, María

6.200 €

NVAL 19/01

Amado Diago, Carlos Antonio

6.000 €

NVAL 19/04

Chávez Barroso, Cristian

6.000 €

NVAL 19-18

Remuzgo Martínez, Sara

6.000 €

NVAL 19-09

Hernández Herrero, Eva María

6.000 €

NVAL 19-08

García-Berbel Molina, María Pilar

5.800 €

More information on the IDIVAL aid platform.

Access here the Final Concession Resolution.

Resolution of the NEXT-VAL 2019 call

IDIVAL annually announces an aid program for projects led by emerging researchers within the Valdecilla biosanitary dynamization program called Next-Val (Next Generation Valdecilla). Next-Val is aimed at researchers who have not previously had projects with competitive financing and aims precisely to facilitate a first step towards this. According to the terms of the call, the […]

For the second consecutive year, the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) and the State Research Agency (AEI) participate as funding agencies in the call for Computational Neuroscience “Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience” (CRCNS) within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the NIH with the AEI and the ISCIII.

Through the CRCNS program, the participating agencies support collaborative activities that will make it possible to advance in the understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system, the mechanisms underlying nervous system disorders and the computational strategies used by it.

It is a small group of countries that align their efforts in this field by financing their researchers in consortium with American researchers.

The Carlos III Health Institute will participate financing up to € 250,000 for the Spanish part of the transnational projects submitted to the CRCNS 2020 competition, which will close on November 25, 2019.

Two types of proposals are contemplated in response to this call:

  • Research proposals that describe collaborative research projects and
  • Proposals for data sharing that facilitate the sharing of data and other resources

The presentation of the transnational proposal to the call of the NSF will be in accordance with its specific regulations and by the American researcher. For more information on the call click on the link.

Groups that request funding from ISCIII must meet the eligibility requirements described here.

ISCIII contact point: Ignacio Baanante

It is important to communicate with the ISCIII through the contact mailbox, since the call establishes specific rules.






The European Regions Research nd Innovation Network (ERRIN) recently hosted the first face-to-face meeting of the community of 10 mirror regions interested in implementing the inDemand co-creation model to design digital health solutions with local stakeholders. The project’s three pilot regions, Murcia (Spain), Oulu (Finland) and Paris (France) have all seen positive results and the Brussels meeting was an opportunity for them to share lessons learned with the members who will follow in their footsteps; Aragón, Cantabria, Extremadura, Madrid, Navarra, East Netherlands, Pomorskie, Piemonte and Tampere.

Read more about the inDemand project here. We encourage all our members to consider joining the inDemand community.

First face-to-face meeting of inDemand mirror regions

        The European Regions Research nd Innovation Network (ERRIN) recently hosted the first face-to-face meeting of the community of 10 mirror regions interested in implementing the inDemand co-creation model to design digital health solutions with local stakeholders. The project’s three pilot regions, Murcia (Spain), Oulu (Finland) and Paris (France) have all seen […]