On November 20 and 21, 2019, the 7th Conference of Innovation and Development will be held under the slogan “People Centered Innovation”. (# 7JIDVALDECILLA).
The inaugural conference “Model of interpersonal relationship between the nurse-person / family cared for: A Model of Person-Centered Care” will be given by Mª Isabel Saracíbar Razquin, Director of the María Egea Chair, School of Nursing at the University of Navarra.
Next, the oral communications and posters presented will be presented and the day will end with a round table in which the following innovations will be presented:
1. Grid system for interstitial brachytherapy with automatic detection and signaling, SiReBA. Juan Ignacio Raba Diez, Radiophysics and Radiation Protection Service (Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital).
2. First and premature mom. Alexia Esquinas Toca, Mom of full-time premature twins.
3. How to favor childbirth through maternal positions and traditional techniques. Amaya Martín Fernández, Birth Area of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.
4. App Cantabria +150 of the Cantabrian Health Service. Abraham Delgado, Office of Attention to the Chronicity of the Cantabrian Health Service.
As in previous years, during these days the winning projects of the 21st National Call for Research Projects “Nursing Valdecilla” will be presented. The closing conference “Entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of health” will be given by Rafael Ruiz Bada, head of Innovation at the Santander Entrepreneurship International Center (CISE).
On November 20 and 21, 2019, the 7th Conference of Innovation and Development will be held under the slogan “People Centered Innovation”. (# 7JIDVALDECILLA). The inaugural conference “Model of interpersonal relationship between the nurse-person / family cared for: A Model of Person-Centered Care” will be given by Mª Isabel Saracíbar Razquin, Director of the María […]
The Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) organizes the Conference “Neurology a Day in Primary Care. A practical approach” that will take place on November 13 and 26 at Sierrallana Hospital (Assembly Hall). The day is directed by Drs. Javier Riancho and Manuel Delgado and sponsored by Novartis and UCB.
The day has had a great acceptance and the inscriptions are COMPLETE.
Program of the Conference:
November 13, 2019
17:30 – 17:45 Introduction and Welcome Drs. Manuel Delgado and Javier Riancho
17:45 – 18:30 Management of the patient with cerebrovascular disease Dr. Jose Ramón Sánchez
18:30 – 19:15 Management of the patient with Cognitive Impairment Dr. Javier Riancho
19:15 – 20:00 Management of the patient with movement disorders Dr. Manuel Delgado
20:00 – 20:45 Neurological Exploration Workshop Drs Manuel Delgado, Javier Riancho and Jose Ramón Sánchez
November 26, 2019
17:30 – 18:15 Management of the patient with Epilepsy Dr. Mercedes Misiego
18:15 – 19:00 Management of the patient with Headache Dr. Manuel Delgado
19:00 – 19:45 Management of the patient with Multiple Sclerosis Dr. Javier Riancho
19:45 – 20:30 The Dialogue between Primary Care and Neurology: How and When to Derive the Main Pathologies Drs. Manuel Delgado and Javier Riancho
The Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) organizes the Conference “Neurology a Day in Primary Care. A practical approach” that will take place on November 13 and 26 at Sierrallana Hospital (Assembly Hall). The day is directed by Drs. Javier Riancho and Manuel Delgado and sponsored by Novartis and UCB. The day has had a […]
Glioblastoma, is the most frequent malignant tumor of the Central Nervous System and, due to its heterogeneity and its high capacity for local invasion, in most cases it has a poor prognosis, despite current treatment protocols. One of the characteristics of the glioblastoma microenvironment is hypoxia, generated by rapid tumor growth.
The invasive capacity of Glioblastoma is the subject of one of the main lines of research of the group of “Cellular Signaling and Therapeutic Targets in Cancer” of IDIVAL, mainly the invasion associated with the molecular pathway of ODZ1, a transmembrane protein that participates in embryonic development of the central nervous system.
Recently, within the framework of a project in collaboration with the Princess Margaret Cancer Center in Toronto(Canada), which is funded by the Carlos III Health Institute (Project PI17 / 01399 “Contribution of the hypoxia-odz1 axis to the invasive capacity of glioblastoma ”, Principal Investigator José Luis Fernández Luna and Co-Investigator Juan Martino González), the IDIVAL group has described one of the ways in which the hypoxia of the tumor microenvironment in glioblastoma regulates the invasive capacity of tumor cells. It is an epigenetic mechanism that increases the levels of ODZ1 in the tumor, making the cells more invasive. The results of this project, which have been published recently in Frontiers in Oncology, shed light on the mechanisms that regulate glioblastoma invasiveness, mediated by the tumor microenvironment. The participation of ODZ1 in this process opens the door to the development of new therapeutic strategies.
The group of “Cellular Signaling and Therapeutic Targets in Cancer” is composed of a multidisciplinary team led by Dr. José Luis Fernández Luna and composed of researchers of basic sciences and neurosurgeons of the Neurosurgery / Surgical Spinal Unit, Unit of the Marqués University Hospital of Valdecilla (HUMV).
For the development of this project, the multidisciplinary collaboration of both IDIVAL and HUMV, as well as Dr. Gelareh Zadeh's laboratory at the Princess Margaret Cancer Center in Toronto, has been fundamental. Thanks to the IDIVAL Post-MIR contract Program Wenceslao López Albo, Dr. Carlos Velásquez, HUMV neurosurgeon and member of the IDIVAL research group, was able to complete an 18-month stay in Toronto, where he worked on the development of this project under the supervision of Dr. Zadeh and Dr. José Luis Fernández Luna and Juan Martino of HUMV-IDIVAL.
This stay, in addition to being fundamental for the development of the project, allowed Dr. Velásquez to establish close collaborative ties with Dr. Zadeh's team at the MacFeeters-Hamilton Center of Neuro-Oncology Research of the Princess Margaret Cancer Center and in the Division of Neurosurgery at the University of Toronto, at the Toronto Western Hospital. During the visit of Dr. Zadeh to Valdecilla, in March 2019, as guest speaker of the Santander Biomedical Lectures, new collaborative projects were established, both assistance, with the HUMV Neurosurgery Service, and research, mainly in the glioblastoma line.
Glioblastoma, is the most frequent malignant tumor of the Central Nervous System and, due to its heterogeneity and its high capacity for local invasion, in most cases it has a poor prognosis, despite current treatment protocols. One of the characteristics of the glioblastoma microenvironment is hypoxia, generated by rapid tumor growth. The invasive capacity of […]
On November 13, the first session will take place within the IV Progress Reports Valdecilla Program, which will feature presentations by Julia Garcia Reyero and Miriam Sánchez Escamilla.
Julia Garcia Reyero has a degree in Medicine, from the Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid), in 2015. Currently, she is a fourth year resident of the specialty of Pathology, (MIR), at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.
In addition, he is a member of the research group: IDIVAL Translational Hematopathology.
PhD student from the University of Cantabria, focusing his future doctoral thesis on the molecular pathogenesis of B lymphoma with plasma cell differentiation under the direction of Dr. Montes-Moreno.
To date, he has published an original article in journals integrated in Pubmed (Urquieta Lam et al MYD88L265P mutated IgA lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, Histopathology. 2019 Oct; 75 (4): 608-612. Doi: 10.1111 / his.13921) and presented several communications in national and international conferences related to his doctoral thesis.
Title “My experience as MSK visiting-investigator”
Miriam Sánchez Escamilla has a degree in Medicine from the University of Murcia in 2012. Later she completed her residency in Hematology and Hemotherapy in Santander, from 2013 to 2017 and during it she was able to enjoy a 2-month external rotation at the Memorial Sloan Kettering in Nueva York in the hematopoietic transplant team.
After finishing his residency, he managed to be a recipient of the Lopez-Albo-Wenceslao Scholarship in order to continue his training in cell therapy. This scholarship has allowed him to make a 13-month stay at the MSKCC, in New York by Dr. Miguel Angel Perales, learning about new lines of cell therapy, mainly CAR-T cells and also, continuing his training in hematopoietic transplantation and its complications.
After his return, he has dedicated himself to preparing the Hospital, together with his service, to cope with the arrival of CAR-T cells and, in addition, they have recently presented to the ISCIII an independent clinical research project, based on the prophylactic use of anti-CMV lymphocytes.
All sessions will take place at 2:00 pm in Hall 16 of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (maximum capacity of 30 people). The talk of each speaker will be about 20 minutes followed by a small debate. In addition, at the end a small agape will be served to continue the conversation and encourage interaction between participants and attendees.
Attendance certificates will be issued if 80% of the sessions are attended throughout the academic period.
Any questions or clarifications can be contacted at proyectos1@idival.org
On November 13, the first session will take place within the IV Progress Reports Valdecilla Program, which will feature presentations by Julia Garcia Reyero and Miriam Sánchez Escamilla. TItle: “MUTATIONAL PROFILE OF LYMPHOMAS B WITH PLASMOCELLULAR DIFFERENTIATION“ Speaker: Julia Garcia Reyero Julia Garcia Reyero has a degree in Medicine, from the Universidad San Pablo CEU […]
Researchers from the Neurodegenerative Diseases Group of IDIVAL have participated in the first study of genomic association (GWAs) in Parkinson's disease carried out in Spain. This is a study that has had the participation of 13 Spanish centers and has included 7,849 subjects with Parkinson's disease and healthy controls. The study has served to characterize the genetic architecture of Parkinson's disease in Spain.
In the study, published in the journal Movement Disorders, some of the genes whose contribution to the risk of Parkinson's disease have been known, such as LRRK2, SNCA, HLADQB1 and KANSL1-MAPT, have been replicated, but a new signal has also been identified in the PARK2 gene, associated with the age of onset of the disease, which had not been identified in other populations. The study has also shown that the influence of genetic factors on the risk of the disease is close to 30%.
This is the first GWAs study of Parkinson's disease that is carried out in the population of a single country. One of the hypotheses of the study that has been confirmed by the results is that since the genetic structure of the different populations is diverse, so can the genetic factors that regulate the risk of getting sick. In this sense, the study has also shown a greater diversity in the genetic structure of the Spanish population compared to other European populations.
This study is also the starting point of a broad national collaborative network that seeks to unravel the influence of genetic factors in Parkinson's disease.
Researchers from the Neurodegenerative Diseases Group of IDIVAL have participated in the first study of genomic association (GWAs) in Parkinson's disease carried out in Spain. This is a study that has had the participation of 13 Spanish centers and has included 7,849 subjects with Parkinson's disease and healthy controls. The study has served to characterize […]
The central role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) in Regenerative Medicine derives, in large part, from their ability to differentiate into different cell types. The induction of proliferation and differentiation to osteoblasts of MSCs forms the basis of bone regenerative therapies. Osteogenic differentiation of MSCs is a complex process regulated simultaneously by different signaling routes, among which the BMP route stands out.
In this new work, published in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine [2], the same authors demonstrate that it is possible to achieve the same effect by transfecting MSCs seeded in alginate-BMP scaffolds with anti-sense oligonucleotides (Gapmers). In addition, the combination of controlled release of BMP and the silencing of Smurf1 allows the use of BMP amounts one million times lower than those currently used in the clinic. It is noteworthy that Gapmers are DNA molecules previously approved by the FDA for other processes, which would undoubtedly facilitate a possible subsequent clinical development. Finally, the demonstrated usefulness of this procedure in MSC cultures of osteoporosis patients suggests that the development of new particles based on this strategy could also be useful in the treatment of systemic diseases of the bone system.
The central role of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) in Regenerative Medicine derives, in large part, from their ability to differentiate into different cell types. The induction of proliferation and differentiation to osteoblasts of MSCs forms the basis of bone regenerative therapies. Osteogenic differentiation of MSCs is a complex process regulated simultaneously by different signaling routes, […]
In accordance with the bases of the call published on the IDIVAL website, once the projects admitted for processing have been evaluated and two resignations have been received in the last 7 days established, funding is granted to the following projects:
In accordance with the bases of the call published on the IDIVAL website, once the projects admitted for processing have been evaluated and two resignations have been received in the last 7 days established, funding is granted to the following projects: REFERENCE MAIN RESEARCHER GRANTED NVAL 19/05 Demetrio Pablo, Rosalía 10.200 € NVAL 19/22 Rueda […]
The project is a multicenter effort whose objective is to consolidate a histopathological and molecular diagnostic platform for patients with large cell B lymphoma included in different clinical trials of the GELTAMO group. The project includes as specific objectives 1) the genetic characterization of patient samples using state-of-the-art sequencing from liquid biopsy, 2) the evaluation of the impact of the genetic complexity of the tumor on antitumor immunovigilance.
The granting of this aid will allow the hiring of technical personnel with training in molecular biology techniques, necessary for the achievement of the project of the Translational Hematopathology group that has as one of its main lines of research the identification of genetic markers in aggressive Lymphoma B that may be useful for the prognosis and selection of targeted therapy.
Recently, after the evaluation by international experts carried out by the Carlos III Health Institute, the 7th Call for Research Projects on HIV, Liver Diseases and Hemato-oncology of GILEAD Sciences has been resolved in which the “Liquid biopsy for the molecular diagnosis of DLBCL patients treated in clinical trials (GLD19 / 00041)” research project lead by […]
Next Thursday, October 31, the 2nd conference of the 4th edition of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place given by Dr. Germán Fajardo with the title “Panorama of medical education in Latin America and its possible collaboration with Europe, are we doing what is necessary?”
Dr. Fajardo Dolci is a surgeon, originally from Mexico City, specialist in Otolaryngology by the UNAM and Master in Senior Management. Director of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM, Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate for 16 years at the Faculty of Medicine UNAM (FM), coordinator of the subject of Otolaryngology in the Secretariat of Clinical Teaching and Medical Internship, member of the Academic Subcommittee of the same discipline of the Medical Specialties Branch, as well as a full and associate professor of courses and graduates of the Continuing Education Branch.
He has recently been appointed President of the Latin American Association of Medical Schools and Faculties (ALAFEM), an organization whose purpose is to find the best guidelines related to medical education.
He is a member of the National System of Researchers and researcher in Medical Sciences by the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health, as well as a researcher at the IMSS.
He has received several awards: the Biennial Award of the Mexican Foundation for Health (Funsalud), AC, Alfonso Robinson Bours in Medical Education; that of the ANMM for the best Medical Work; the Doctor Manuel Castillejos Award from the Mexican Academy of Surgery (AMC); the National Research Prize by the GlaxoSmithKline and Funsalud Foundation in the category of Health Economics, as well as eight more national awards. He is Associate Director of the Archives of Medical Research magazine.
It has more than 134 articles in the areas of Medical Education, Otolaryngology, quality of care, patient safety, influenza A (H1N1), as well as training and planning of human resources for health. He is also the author, co-author and / or co-editor of 38 books and 22 chapters. He has been a member of 12 medical associations, including the National Academy of Medicine as Treasurer; the Mexican Academy of Surgery and the Mexican societies of Quality of the Medical and Mexican Care of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, of which he was president in 2006-2007. In addition, it is certified by the Mexican Council of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery.
The conference is open to all the public of Santander who wants to participate. It will take place on Thursday, October 31 at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, in the Téllez Plasencia Hall (Pavilion nº16) at 8.15 in the morning.
Promoting a discussion forum on the current advances in biomedicine, the speaker will remain in our Community throughout the day of the session, to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community of Santander, and to visit the research centers of our community to meet interested scientists firsthand.
Next Thursday, October 31, the 2nd conference of the 4th edition of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and the IBBTEC will take place given by Dr. Germán Fajardo with the title “Panorama of medical education in Latin America and its possible collaboration with Europe, are we doing what […]
Project started with a kick-off meeting 9th -10th of October 2019 in Seinäjoki, Finland. Objectives of the meeting were to start a good and productive co-operation with the project partners by getting to know each other and to form a common understanding about the project goals and ways to achieve them.
During the first day, project partners from all over Europe, namely Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (FI), Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (FI), Pannon Business Network Association (HU), Ministry of Gozo (MT), ID2Santé, Innovation and Development of the Health Sector in Bretagne (FR) and Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (ES), all presented their regions, organizations and especially the linkage with the topic of health technology. Project partners continued with good discussions about the content of the project and the ways to achieve set targets. Especially the exchange of experience process was discussed. Partnership will start by compiling a state of the art in eHealth report from all partner regions. Second day included communication and dissemination issues as well as management, coordination and financial issues.
Deputy Regional Mayor of South Ostrobothnia, Antti Saartenoja, highlighted during his welcome speech that a good project is where there is a lot of talking to each other and where the difficult things can be discussed as well. Project Manager Sanna Inkeri was pleased with the project kick off event as all partners contributed and there was good common understanding and will to work together.
Project started with a kick-off meeting 9th -10th of October 2019 in Seinäjoki, Finland. Objectives of the meeting were to start a good and productive co-operation with the project partners by getting to know each other and to form a common understanding about the project goals and ways to achieve them. During the first day, […]
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