On February 19, a Quality and Benchmarking Day will take place at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in which the Quality Managers of the 20 services of the Valdecilla Hospital certified with the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard and those responsible for the Biodeco Valdecilla and of the innovation area of IDIVAL also certified with the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard. Each participant will present an example of best practice implemented in their service. The purpose of the day is to share and adopt best practices between the different services and units of the Hospital.

At the end of the day, the 3 new ISO certificates obtained by the Hospital will be delivered in 2019.

This activity, pending accreditation by the Commission for Continuing Education, is aimed at all health professionals of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.

Prior registration is required through the Hospital Intranet, “Course application”, “Multidisciplinary” area Link: http://www.humv.es/intranet.php?id=8

Program of the Day (download)


Quality and Benchmarking Day at the Valdecilla Hospital

On February 19, a Quality and Benchmarking Day will take place at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital in which the Quality Managers of the 20 services of the Valdecilla Hospital certified with the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard and those responsible for the Biodeco Valdecilla and of the innovation area of IDIVAL also certified with […]

The purpose of this program is to promote professional practice and training of technicians in aspects related to management and research support in the field of research management, by learning aspects related to the management, monitoring and evaluation of actions to promote research at IDIVAL, as well as internationalization and innovation activities in the field of health sciences and technologies.

The selected candidate will develop a tutored training itinerary.

The internship contract that will have an initial duration of 12 months, counted from the date of incorporation, extendable for another 12 months, after evaluating the activity of the contracted. The trial period will be two months. The selected candidate will develop a tutored training itinerary, with periodic evaluations and presentation of a report at the end of the first annual year.

The salary of the selected candidates will be 75% the first year and 80% of the salary corresponding to the category of university degree of second cycle included in the section on bankable concepts.

Candidate Requirements:

These contracts in “Ges-Val” practices are intended for university graduates of second cycle (official master or graduate) with a degree of seniority less than five years (seven in case of disability) from the end of studies or under 30 years.

In all cases they must be official Spanish titles and, if they have been obtained abroad, they must be officially approved on the date of the end of the deadline for submitting applications, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Documentation to present:

Along with the application, applicants must submit the following documentation:

– Curriculum vitae in CVN format (reduced version FECYT), available at: https://cvn.fecyt.es/ and on the IDIVAL intranet.

– Memory of the proposal of the activities to be carried out by the candidate.

– Copy of the ID. Copy of the valid passport, only in the case of foreign citizens not resident in Spanish territory.

– Official academic certification of the studies carried out, with details of the subjects studied and the qualifications obtained, and, where appropriate, a copy of the academic degree.

– Documentary accreditation of the curricular merits provided.

Application deadline: January 15 to February 15, 2020.

More detailed information of the call in the following link: Official Bulletin of Cantabria (pdf)

More information on the IDIVAL aid portal: IDIVAL aid portal (link)

IDIVAL announces three contracts in research management practices

The purpose of this program is to promote professional practice and training of technicians in aspects related to management and research support in the field of research management, by learning aspects related to the management, monitoring and evaluation of actions to promote research at IDIVAL, as well as internationalization and innovation activities in the field […]

The LILLY FOUNDATION announces the XIX Edition of the Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2020, for researchers who have contributed significantly to the development of Biomedicine and Health Sciences in Spain, and maintain an activity of recognized scientific level.


The Lilly Foundation Award for Preclinical Biomedical Research 2020, for researchers who develop a basic research work aimed at obtaining knowledge with clinical application.


The Lilly Foundation Award for Clinical Biomedical Research 2020, for researchers who develop their research work on humans.

In both modalities, the prize consists of a single and total amount of 40,000 euros and will be granted nominally and exclusively to a single person.

Preclinical and clinical researchers who develop their activity in health centers and / or research centers, public or private, in Spain may be candidates for the Awards.

Candidates for the Awards must be proposed by individuals or institutions of the Biomedical or Health Sciences field.

Deadline for the submission of applications February 17, 2020 (inclusive).

More information in the next link:


Lilly Foundation Biomedical Research Awards

The LILLY FOUNDATION announces the XIX Edition of the Lilly Foundation Awards for Preclinical and Clinical Biomedical Research 2020, for researchers who have contributed significantly to the development of Biomedicine and Health Sciences in Spain, and maintain an activity of recognized scientific level. – Lilly Foundation Award for PRECLINICAL BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH The Lilly Foundation Award […]

The IDIVAL Equality Plan was approved by the Foundation's Equality Commission within the framework established by Organic Law 3/2007 of March 22 for the effective equality of women and men and was ratified by the Board of Trustees of the June 28 After being registered with the General Directorate of Labor, the Equality and Diversity Plan of the IDIVAL Foundation has been published in the Official Bulletin of Cantabria on February 7.

The I Equality Plan of IDIVAL is the result of intense work carried out by the Equality Commission and by the Work Team in which Management actively participated. The Plan is framed within the actions promoted by the European Euraxess strategy (https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/hrs4r) and that has granted IDIVAL its seal of excellence in Human Resources HRS4R in 2018.

There is a period of four years to implement the measures contemplated by this first plan, being in force until May 2023, the date on which the negotiation of the second plan will begin.

Ten axes have been defined in the Equality Plan: selection and hiring process, professional classification, training, professional promotion, working conditions, co-responsible exercise of the rights of personal, family and work life, underrepresentation of women, compensation, prevention of sexual harassment and because of sex and communication and image.

The email equality@idival.org is made available for inquiries, suggestions, to transmit opinions and to be informed of the progress, since the motivation, involvement and commitment of all the people who work in our entity is needed as a key factor for progress in its development.

Link to the Equality Plan in the Official Bulletin of Cantabria: link

Published the IDIVAL Equality Plan in the Official Bulletin of Cantabria

The IDIVAL Equality Plan was approved by the Foundation's Equality Commission within the framework established by Organic Law 3/2007 of March 22 for the effective equality of women and men and was ratified by the Board of Trustees of the June 28 After being registered with the General Directorate of Labor, the Equality and Diversity […]

On February 12, the second session of the IV Progress Reports Valdecilla Program will take place, with the presentations of Agustín García and Lourdes Valdivia.

Title: “Molecular characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma. Application in diagnosis and treatment”

Speaker: Agustín García Blanco

Agustín García graduated in Biotechnology from the University of León in 2013. Master in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine from the University of Cantabria in 2014. He was subsequently working for 2 years in York, United Kingdom, in a parasitology laboratory.

Finally, he joined the Digestive Pathology group, led by Javier Crespo, in 2016, until today, where in addition to completing his doctoral thesis (co-directed by José Pedro Vaqué, UC), he has participated in numerous projects in Hepatitis C, NASH , inflammatory bowel disease, among others.

Title: “Lipid nanoparticles as in vivo therapy against pulmonary metastases”

SPEAKER: Lourdes Valdivia Fernández

Lourdes Valdivia Fernández has a degree in Pharmacy from the University of Granada and later graduated from the same university in the official Master's Degree in Drug Research and Development. Here he began his training in the world of research and more specifically in Nanomedicine.

He is currently pursuing a PhD in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine at the University of Cantabria with an FPU scholarship within the Nanomedicine Group, under the direction of Dr. Mónica López Fanarraga.

All sessions will take place February 12, at 14:00 in Hall 16, classroom 4-5, 1st Floor, of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (maximum capacity of 30 people). The talk of each speaker will be about 20 minutes followed by a small debate. In addition, at the end a small agape will be served to continue the conversation and encourage interaction between participants and attendees.

Attendance certificates will be issued if 80% of the sessions are attended throughout the academic period.

Any questions or clarification can be contacted at proyectos1@idival.org

Next Progress Reports Session

On February 12, the second session of the IV Progress Reports Valdecilla Program will take place, with the presentations of Agustín García and Lourdes Valdivia. Title: “Molecular characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma. Application in diagnosis and treatment” Speaker: Agustín García Blanco Agustín García graduated in Biotechnology from the University of León in 2013. Master in Molecular […]

The Board of Trustees of the Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) has approved the public call for the selection of the position of scientific director, vacant in its staff. The bases of this call will be published soon in the Official Gazette of Cantabria (BOC).

Among the requirements that candidates must meet are those of having the status of permanent staff in active duty as a statutory or holder of a place linked between the university and health institutions and providing services at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV). In addition, the University degree of Doctor will be required for the position and have, at least, in the last five years, a research project as a principal investigator funded through a national or international competitive call.

The scientific director of IDIVAL directs, plans and leads the scientific policy of the Institute, of which he is a spokesperson and maximum representative. In addition, it is responsible for safeguarding the quality of research that is carried out according to ethical principles.

Its functions also include those of translational research and cooperation between groups, as well as transferring the results of research to the industrial and commercial field, among many others.

Chaired by the Minister of Health, Miguel Rodríguez, the highest governing body of the IDIVAL in plenary session has also addressed other administrative procedural issues.

Thus, in addition to the Minister of Health, who holds the presidency, the rector of the University of Cantabria (UC), Ángel Pazos, who occupies the position of vice president, is part of the board of trustees, in addition to serving as vice-rector for Research and Transfer of the Knowledge of the UC, Javier León Serrano; the general secretary of the Ministry of Health, Sara Negueruela; the general director of Ordination, Pharmacy and Inspection, Jorge de la Puente; the general director of Digital Transformation and User Relations, Santiago García, the manager of the Cantabrian Health Service, Celia Gómez; the managing director of the HUMV, Rafael Tejido; the CSIC professor and director of the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC), Piero Crespo; the head of the Digestive Service of the HUMV, Javier Crespo; the head of the HUMV Radiation Oncology Service, Pedro Prada; the head of the Internal Medicine Section of the HUMV, Jose Antonio Riancho; the head of the Internal Medicine Section (Infectious Diseases) of the HUMV, Carmen Fariñas, and the professor of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the UC, Manuel Gómez Fleitas.

Approved the public call to select scientific director of IDIVAL

The Board of Trustees of the Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) has approved the public call for the selection of the position of scientific director, vacant in its staff. The bases of this call will be published soon in the Official Gazette of Cantabria (BOC). Among the requirements that candidates must meet are those […]


Fundación Mutua Madrileña announces the XVII edition of Health Research Aid, with a total endowment of two million euros, in order to continue supporting clinical research projects that are developed in the following four areas:

Oncology, focused on the etiopathogenesis of colon and rectal cancer.

Transplants. Referring exclusively to ways of improvement in organ donation for transplantation.

Traumatology and sequelae, including neurological ones derived from trauma.

Rare diseases. Limited to those manifested in childhood.

Each accredited Health Research Institute (IIS) may submit a single project in each of the research areas covered by this call. Therefore, the maximum number of projects to be submitted for each center will be four.

The special category of aid is maintained to encourage collaboration in medical research between autonomous communities, to which a budget of 300,000 euros will be allocated. Accredited Health Research Institutes (IIS) belonging to a minimum of four different autonomous communities may participate in any of the four research areas of the general call.

Five scholarships for international cooperation in the field of health for professionals of Medicine and Nursing are also convened. You can consult the bases of this call in the following link http://www.fundacionmutua.es/Becas.html. The main objective of these scholarships is to support these professionals, who in an altruistic way, will collaborate on assistance projects that non-governmental organizations have in place in developing countries.

Project and research requirements

The projects submitted to this call for Health Research Aid must be exclusively clinical research works, which are developed in accredited Health Research Institutes.

The Foundation promotes the figure of the young researcher and, therefore, projects in which the principal investigator is under 40 years of age will be especially taken into account.

The maximum amount requested per project may not exceed 150,000 euros. The grants are intended for research projects with a minimum duration of one year and a maximum of three years.

The principal investigator who has an active project funded by this Foundation may not obtain financing for a new project. Projects that finalize this year will not be taken into account for this calculation.

The same researcher, whether principal investigator or associate, may not agree on more than one project submitted to the current call.

Deadline and submission of applications:

The application to participate in this call will be made exclusively online through the website of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation. Only applications made online and in the models currently included in the application will be accepted. website of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation.

The deadline for submitting applications will be from 08:00 hours on Monday, February 3, 2020 at 15:00 hours on Thursday, March 5, 2020. 

More information about the call and the documentation to be presented in the following link:


XVII Call for Assistance to Health Research of the Mutua Madrileña Foundation

Announcement Fundación Mutua Madrileña announces the XVII edition of Health Research Aid, with a total endowment of two million euros, in order to continue supporting clinical research projects that are developed in the following four areas: • Oncology, focused on the etiopathogenesis of colon and rectal cancer. • Transplants. Referring exclusively to ways of improvement […]

The call gives researchers from various sectors the opportunity to participate in ambitious public-private partnerships for the development of future medicines.

IMI2 – Call 20 was launched on January 21, 2020 and is a call for standard two-stage proposals.

Why request?

– Obtain funds for research.

– Participate in a scientifically excellent patient-centered investigation

– Join unique consortia that involve the best teams in the industry, academia, SMEs, regulators and others.

– It means benefiting from the experience, databases and infrastructure of the consortium partners.

– Increase the visibility and status of your organization in Europe and worldwide and access to new markets.


– Early diagnosis, prediction of radiographic results and development of rational and personalized treatment strategies to improve long-term results in psoriatic arthritis.

– Innovations to accelerate the development and manufacture of vaccines.

– Academy merger in innovation and treatment for tuberculosis (UNITE4TB).

– Tumor plasticity.

– Proton versus photon therapy for esophageal cancer – trimodality strategy.

– Management of protein pharmacological products and stability problems.

More information on the topics: https://www.imi.europa.eu/apply-funding/open-calls/imi2-call-20

Deadline for short proposals: April 21, 2020


Visit the IMI website: www.imi.europa.eu

For more information about the call you can contact projects1@idival.org


The IMI-2 Call for Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI-2 is open

The call gives researchers from various sectors the opportunity to participate in ambitious public-private partnerships for the development of future medicines. IMI2 – Call 20 was launched on January 21, 2020 and is a call for standard two-stage proposals. Why request? – Obtain funds for research. – Participate in a scientifically excellent patient-centered investigation – […]

Tomorrow, Thursday, February 6, at 8:00 p.m., a conference will be held by Dr. Teresa Tórtola, from the WHO Supranational Reference Laboratory for tuberculosis (Vall de Hebron Hospital), Barcelona).

The session will deal with an international cooperation project that Dr. Teresa Tortola developed in Angola a few years ago, building a tuberculosis diagnosis laboratory in a rural area of that country, and the health problem that this disease represents today for Third world countries and also for developed countries.

This conference is the first of the “Biotechnology for all” cycle of this year, organized by the Science classroom of the University of Cantabria.

Session Biotechnology for all

Tomorrow, Thursday, February 6, at 8:00 p.m., a conference will be held by Dr. Teresa Tórtola, from the WHO Supranational Reference Laboratory for tuberculosis (Vall de Hebron Hospital), Barcelona). The session will deal with an international cooperation project that Dr. Teresa Tortola developed in Angola a few years ago, building a tuberculosis diagnosis laboratory in […]

The rheumatology service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, in collaboration with the dermatology, internal medicine and statistical service, has carried out a cross-sectional study on psoriatic arthritis in collaboration with the University Hospital of the Canary Islands. This study has been published in The Journal of Rheumatology.

The addition of carotid ultrasound in composite cardiovascular risk scores (CRV) has been found effective in identifying patients with inflammatory arthritis and C-reactive protein (CRP). Therefore, the objective of the study was to determine if its use would facilitate the reclassification of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in the SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Assessment) category of very high risk and if this could be related to the characteristics of the disease.

A total of 206 patients participated in this cross-sectional study, which met CASPAR criteria for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) compared to 197 controls. The following variables were evaluated in the study: lipid profile, SCORE, peripheral articular activity index as axial (DAPSA, BASDAI and BASFI) and skin activity indices: PASI, NAPSI, BSA, and the presence of plaques was measured. Carotid and thickening of the intimate media through ultrasound (surrogate marker). In the study, a multivariable regression analysis was carried out adjusting the classic cardiovascular values and the risk was reclassified, taking into account the results of the carotid and clinical measurement in terms of disease activity.

The results have been that 49% of patients with psoriatic arthritis had carotid plaques compared to 26% of controls, therefore, these patients were reclassified at very high risk according to the SCORE, although they were classified as patients with a low cardiovascular risk, and being well controlled for cardiovascular risk factors, with respect to controls.

In conclusion: Patients with psoriatic arthritis are reclassified, at very high risk in the SCORE after performing the carotid ultrasound, which is explained independently of the disease activity.

Ref. Disease Activity Influences Cardiovascular Risk Reclassification Based on Carotid Ultrasound in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis. Natalia Palmou-Fontana, David Martínez-Lopez, Alfonso Corrales, Javier Rueda-Gotor, Fernanda Genre, Susana Armesto, Marcos A. González-López, Juan C. Quevedo-Abeledo, Virginia Portilla-González, Ricardo Blanco, José L. Hernandez, Javier Llorca, Miguel Á. González-Gay and Iván Ferraz-Amaro. The Journal of Rheumatology November 2019, jrheum.190729; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3899/jrheum.190729

Patients with psoriatic arthritis are reclassified in the risk category very high score

The rheumatology service of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, in collaboration with the dermatology, internal medicine and statistical service, has carried out a cross-sectional study on psoriatic arthritis in collaboration with the University Hospital of the Canary Islands. This study has been published in The Journal of Rheumatology. The addition of carotid ultrasound in […]