IDIVAL obtains the official reaccreditation of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) as a Health Research Institute. A fundamental certification for the exercise of its competences in such fundamental areas as organ and tissue transplants or new therapies, neuroscience, cancer, infectious diseases and the immune system or diseases related to aging and life habits, in addition to COVID-19, which are some of IDIVAL's lines of research.
IDIVAL has done a great job of updating and renovating to meet the rigorous standards and strict requirements demanded by the ISCIII, competent for certification. The renewal is valid for five years after which it will be necessary to re-evaluate all the scientific and management activities carried out by the Institute.
IDIVAL is one of the 32 centers in 12 accredited autonomous communities, among which are the hospitals with the greatest research and innovation activity in our country. These 32 accredited centers have priority access to various annual grants from the Strategic Action in Health (AES) and increasingly to more competitive aid programs for the research of institutions that consider this accreditation as a guarantor of the proper functioning and management of resources.
The requirements for accreditation entail having an organizational structure that is adequate for the purposes and sufficient and well-applied resources. In addition, reaccreditation is focused on increasingly relevant aspects, related to ethics, gender equality, responsible governance, open access, scientific education, and the participation of society in research institutes. All this work must be carried out in accordance with a Strategic Plan, which in the case of IDIVAL must be redefined in 2021, the date on which the current one expires.
Complex process
The complex process of renewal of IDIVAL accreditation began in 2019, in the final phase of the previous accreditation duration, to review compliance with the demanding requirements set out in the accreditation guide, which include aspects related to governance, the scientific strategy and impact on society of the institute. In addition, a team of ISCII auditors assessed on-site for three days last December whether the center met the standards. In fact, the accreditation process, regulated in Royal Decree 279/2016, of June 24, states that teaching hospitals constitute the basic nucleus of the investigation, which in the case of IDIVAL is the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. In addition, IDIVAL has the participation of the University of Cantabria.
IDIVAL received its first accreditation in 2015 and this renewal represents “the definitive impulse to face a moment of increasing activity marked by the coronavirus epidemic, as indicated by the figures presented at the last meeting of its Board of Trustees held on June 24.
This reaccreditation will serve to face future challenges as important as internationalization, the reinforcement of clinical research activity in highly complex trials, the promotion and attraction of clinical research talent and the enhancement of innovation, all aligned with European programs in which foresees an important reinforcement of actions aimed at innovation and health research derived from the COVID pandemic.
It must be remembered that, during 2020, IDIVAL has a budget of more than 8 million euros (2,019,000 provided by the Ministry of Health), 75% of which comes from funds raised by researchers, which will allow for a staff hired for projects of more than 100 people, be they technicians, researchers or support personnel, throughout the year.
IDIVAL published more than 450 scientific papers last year, exceeding 2,500 impact factor points for the first time, the main indicator of research activity. In addition, it already accumulates more than 160,000 citations in international literature and, in 2019, it exceeded 2.5 million euros of turnover from clinical trials.
IDIVAL obtains the official reaccreditation of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) as a Health Research Institute. A fundamental certification for the exercise of its competences in such fundamental areas as organ and tissue transplants or new therapies, neuroscience, cancer, infectious diseases and the immune system or diseases related to aging and life habits, in […]
The Biodeco Valdecilla participates in the first digital meeting of the NorayBanks Community “Pandemics: challenges and opportunities for biobanks” with Biobanco HCB-IDIBAPS.
The situation caused by COVID-19 has forced biobanks and their technology partners to take change measures on a daily basis, to establish new forms of work, applicable to any type of biobank and to any scenario.
After these months of adaptation, the first NorayBanks Community Digital Meeting was created, by the software company NorayBio:
Webinar: “Pandemics: challenges and opportunities for biobanks”
Thursday, May 25, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. UTC + 2 (Madrid)
Registrations will be open until the day of the meeting at 2:00 p.m. If you want to participate, send an e-mail with the following information to
The Biodeco Valdecilla participates in the first digital meeting of the NorayBanks Community “Pandemics: challenges and opportunities for biobanks” with Biobanco HCB-IDIBAPS. The situation caused by COVID-19 has forced biobanks and their technology partners to take change measures on a daily basis, to establish new forms of work, applicable to any type of biobank and […]
IDIVAL obtains financing for two of the three projects presented in the Call for Challenges – Collaboration according to the proposal for a provisional resolution to grant aid to the call for early processing of 2019 for R + D + i projects “Challenges – Collaboration” of the Program State Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to Society Challenges, within the framework of the published 2017-2020 State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation.
The IDIVAL projects that have received funding are the following:
– Development of an innovative gene therapy drug for the treatment of Friedreich's Ataxia (RTC2019- 006995-1). A project in collaboration with the company Biointaxis s.l. and Fundació Institut d Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol.
From IDIVAL the project will be led by Dr. Jon Infante Ceberio and has obtained a financing of € 108,293.79.
– Development of a reference material for the determination of anti-transglutaminase antibodies in celiac patients based on humanized monoclonal antibodies (RTC2019-007324-1). A project in collaboration with Biosystems, S.A, Acondicionamiento Tarrasense- LEITAT and IDIVAL.
The main researcher of the project at IDIVAL is Dr. Marcos López Hoyos and has obtained a funding of € 81,812.
IDIVAL obtains financing for two of the three projects presented in the Call for Challenges – Collaboration according to the proposal for a provisional resolution to grant aid to the call for early processing of 2019 for R + D + i projects “Challenges – Collaboration” of the Program State Research, Development and Innovation Oriented […]
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are developed in collaboration with the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and recognize fundamental contributions in a wide range of fields of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation.
The disciplines and domains of the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are as follows:
1. Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
2. Biology and Biomedicine
3. Information and Communication Technologies
4. Ecology and Conservation Biology
5. Climate Change
6. Economy, Finance and Business Management
7. Humanities and Social Sciences
8. Music and Opera
The endowment of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards is € 400,000, a diploma and an artistic symbol, in each of the eight categories.
The candidates will be one or more individuals of any nationality, without number limit, who have made independent or convergent contributions to a certain advance, either through formal collaboration (being part of one or more teams), or parallel. Scientific or cultural organizations may also be candidates to which exceptional contributions in the fields of scientific knowledge, cultural creation and actions in the face of climate change can be attributed in aggregate.
Prizes may not be awarded posthumously.
All nominations will be indirect.
Those who have been awarded the Nobel Prize in any of its categories may also nominate, as well as those who have been awarded the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in previous years.
The BBVA Foundation may also invite the nomination of cultural researchers and creators with exceptional contributions in their respective fields. To this end, the BBVA Foundation may establish advisory and technical advisory panels.
The same organization, institution or individual nominator may submit more than one application, without limit of number, but not to the same candidate for different categories.
The deadline for submission of applications ends on June 30.
Both the nomination and the corresponding documentation must be submitted exclusively in English.
In the event that several organizations or natural persons wish to give their support in a coordinated or joint way to a certain nomination, they will designate a person responsible for the nomination, who will incorporate in a single nomination all the materials of the same.
The institution or person responsible for the application must provide the following data and documents specified in the aforementioned web address
1. Category to which the application is submitted
2. Name of the institution and of the person responsible for the nomination, and contact information (postal address, email address, landline number and mobile phone number)
3. Nomination letter signed by the person responsible for the nomination
4. Basic data of the candidate, including their institutional affiliation and contact information
5. Descriptive report of the main contributions of the candidate and reasoned justification of the nomination (maximum of three pages, one space)
6. Curriculum vitae of the candidate
In the event that the application is made up of one or more research teams or several people who have made convergent contributions to a certain advance in parallel, the person responsible for the nomination must include the information required in points 4 and 6 relative to all the members of the candidacy.
Regarding point 5, the person responsible for the nomination will provide a single descriptive report in which he will specify the role played by each member of the candidacy.
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are developed in collaboration with the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and recognize fundamental contributions in a wide range of fields of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation. The disciplines and domains of the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are as follows: 1. Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, […]
Traditionally, schizophrenia has been attributed the qualities of being a chronic and highly disabling disease. However, thanks to advances in pharmacological treatment and the participation of specific programs from the early stages of the disease, a much more optimistic vision can be transmitted.
To prevent a negative progression of schizophrenia, the first phase of the disease, between the three and the first five years from the beginning of the disease, is especially critical. Effective interventions in this phase are decisive for modifying the long-term course of the disease. In this sense, it is necessary not only to intervene effectively in the acute episode but critically to prevent relapse. Relapses are linked to an increased risk of developing resistance to treatment in subsequent relapses, requiring higher treatment doses with a higher risk for the development of side effects and greater neurotoxicity with hardly reversible cognitive and functional sequelae; all this, ultimately, conditions a worse prognosis.
Antipsychotics have been shown to be effective in both treating acute episodes and preventing relapses. However, there are still high relapse rates in the long-term follow-up of the patients (above 70% at three years). Based on the experience of the work team, there are wide differences depending on the treatment. Thus, it was hypothesized that the differences regarding efficacy, tolerability and adherence between the different antipsychotics will result in substantial differences in terms of effectiveness in making a potentially critical decision for the long-term prognosis of a patient with a first psychotic episode how is the choice of your first treatment.
This work provides evidence on the differences in terms of long-term effectiveness between six of the most widely used antipsychotics in clinical practice. The results show strikingly a distinction between a highly effective group and a less effective group. Thus, the group consisting of olanzapine, risperidone and aripiprazole have clear advantages for the initial treatment of patients with psychosis due to its impact on the long-term prognosis based on its superior effectiveness.
The aim of this study is to help guide the long-term treatment of patients with schizophrenia based on the best possible evidence. In fact, its results have had a direct impact on our intervention program in first episodes of psychosis (ITPCAN- Early Intervention in Psychosis Cantabria), so that the first lines of treatment are oriented towards the most effective treatments mentioned.
This work has been carried out by the PAFIP group (Program of Attention in Initial Phases of Psychosis), which is part of the IDIVAL Psychiatry group, currently led by Dr. Rosa Ayesa, and a prominent group within the national structure of CIBERSAM. The work is part of the doctoral thesis carried out by Dr. Marcos Gómez directed by Drs. Crespo Facorro and Pelayo-Terán, and with the collaboration of Dr. Vázquez-Bourgon, Dr. Juncal and Víctor Ortiz.
Currently, we are working on new personalized studies (with the participation of Dr. Gómez, Dr. Vázquez and Dr. Juncal) aimed at characterizing response phenotypes, so that we are able to identify profiles of “good” and ” poor ”responders that allow us to implement personalized treatments and interventions aimed at optimizing the patient's overall long-term prognosis.
The PAFIP group (Initial Psychosis Care Program) that is part of the IDIVAL Psychiatry group has published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology the article “Antipsychotic Treatment Effectiveness in First Episode of Psychosis: PAFIP 3-Year Follow-Up Randomized Clinical Trials Comparing Haloperidol, Olanzapine, Risperidone, Aripiprazole, Quetiapine, and Ziprasidone” in which six of the most widely used antipsychotics […]
Open the 22nd National Call for Research Projects “Enfermería Valdecilla” organized by the Research Institute Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) in collaboration with the Directorate of Nursing of the Hospital Universitario “Marqués de Valdecilla” and “Fundación Caja Cantabria”.
The objective of this call is to promote the participation of Nursing Professionals in the elaboration and development of Research Projects. The bases established two categories of awards:
– Best project, endowed with € 4,000.
– Best Project to develop at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, endowed with € 2,000.
Projects must have the following characteristics:
– The theme of the project must refer to the Nurse Practice in any of its aspects.
– Research projects must be original and unpublished, to be developed in our country.
– The maximum duration of the projects is 2 years.
– The main researcher of the project has not been previously in projects that have obtained competitive financing.
The grants awarded may finance all or part of the project for which the grant is requested.
The application period closes on July 15, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
Open the 22nd National Call for Research Projects “Enfermería Valdecilla” organized by the Research Institute Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) in collaboration with the Directorate of Nursing of the Hospital Universitario “Marqués de Valdecilla” and “Fundación Caja Cantabria”. The objective of this call is to promote the participation of Nursing Professionals in the elaboration and development […]
The article “Cancer Patients and Anxiety: A Gender Perspective” published in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health” is part of a study that received first prize in the 16th edition of the National Nursing Prize of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla with the title “Progressive muscle relaxation technique in the care of anxiety and pain in the cancer patient” and in which 10 hospitals of the National Health System participated. This project was led by Dr. Paula Parás Bravo, collaborator of the IDIVAL nursing group, and corresponded to her doctoral thesis.
The project arises from the need to reduce the anxious symptoms that cancer patients suffer so frequently. The study was carried out on cancer patients and included an intervention group that was taught a relaxation technique and a control group. The data published in the study corresponds to that obtained through the control group consisting of 420 patients from the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.
The results obtained indicate that there are gender differences with respect to anxious symptoms, this being higher in women.
The approach is complex but the results obtained from the intervention group carried out in 10 hospitals, demonstrated that through a relaxation technique we could improve anxiety levels, quality of life, pain and even the consumption of drugs by patients.
The results have been published in four international journals with an impact factor (Q1 and Q2) and support the need to carry out a comprehensive approach in the oncology patient that contributes to reducing their anxiety levels with easy-to-implant and low-cost techniques.
The article “Cancer Patients and Anxiety: A Gender Perspective” published in the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health” is part of a study that received first prize in the 16th edition of the National Nursing Prize of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla with the title “Progressive muscle relaxation technique in the care […]
1) CRIS Excellence Program
It supports researchers with outstanding careers, allows their consolidation as a group of Excellence, and facilitates the development of translational research projects with the potential to transform the current landscape of cancer treatment.
Maximum financial endowment of € 1,250,000 distributed over 5 years.
The beneficiaries of this program can be:
Researchers and Doctors of any nationality who wish to carry out their scientific and / or medical activity in Spain. The research team must be national in nature.
The candidate does not have to be employed by the receiving institution at the time of the application. However, the institution must express the acceptance of the candidate by letter to carry out its activities there.
Specialists and researchers who have obtained a doctor's degree between the 2 and 15 years prior to the year of publication of the call can submit an application.
The candidate must have at least 15 publications in scientific journals and 3 of them as first author in journals of the first quartile. Furthermore, being the author of at least one patent will be highly valued.
The Project must present a synopsis of the line of research associated with the call request and which will be the subject of the financing associated with the program.
2) CRIS Clinical Talent Program
This program enhances the figure of medical researchers.
Economic endowment of € 400,000 distributed over 5 years.
2 grants from this 5-year program are summoned annually for the recruitment of specialist doctors who carry out their activity in any hospital and / or research center in Spain.
The call is addressed to all those medical specialists who have completed the doctorate in the ten years prior to the closing date of the call.
Specialist doctors who have obtained a doctor's degree in the ten years prior to the year of publication of the call can submit an application. The date of obtaining the doctorate degree will be understood as the date of the act of defense of the doctoral thesis. In the event that the applicant is in possession of more than one doctor's degree, the aforementioned period will be counted from the first degree obtained.
The candidate must have at least 5 publications in scientific journals and 2 of them as first author in journals of the first quartile.
The Project must present a synopsis of the line of research associated with the call request and which will be the subject of the financing associated with the program.
3) CRIS Post-Doc Talent Program
The CRIS Foundation convenes the CRIS Post-doc Talent Program to attract and stabilize outstanding researchers, with the capacity to become leaders in research and change the landscape of cancer treatment.
Maximum financial endowment of € 400,000 distributed over 5 years.
Two grants are announced annually for this 5-year program for the recruitment of researchers who carry out their activity in any hospital and / or research center in Spain. The call is addressed to all those researchers who have completed the doctorate between 4 and 8 years prior to the year of publication of the call.
The date of obtaining the doctorate degree will be understood as the date of the act of defense of the doctoral thesis.
The candidate must have at least 5 publications in scientific journals and 2 of them as first author in journals of the first quartile. The candidate must prove at least 12 months of stay abroad at some point in his research career.
The project must present a synopsis of the line of research associated with the call for applications and which will be the subject of the financing associated with the program.
1) CRIS Excellence Program It supports researchers with outstanding careers, allows their consolidation as a group of Excellence, and facilitates the development of translational research projects with the potential to transform the current landscape of cancer treatment. Maximum financial endowment of € 1,250,000 distributed over 5 years. The beneficiaries of this program can be: Researchers […]
On April 14, the National Network of Biobanks (RNBB) began incorporating human biological samples from patients with COVID-19 disease into biobanks to make them available to research projects. In just 5 weeks, it has registered nearly 62,000 samples, mainly serum, nasopharyngeal exudates, blood, plasma and leukocytes, as well as urine, faeces, nucleic acids or tissues, among others, from 21,000 patients.
The Valdecilla Biobank has contributed 600 cases and 2,500 samples to this RNBB initiative. These samples are being used in the development of projects funded by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII), for the search for immunological markers in patients with COVID-19 led by Dr. Marcos López Hoyos, IDIVAL researcher, and in a multicenter project in which genetic studies will be carried out on COVID-19 patients to search for risk biomarkers.
This RNBB initiative allows projects on the new SARS-CoV-2 virus to have a common national catalog of samples from patients who have suffered from COVID-19 disease. The samples collected come from different stages of disease severity, from deceased, admitted to Intensive Care Units, admitted to hospitals or even symptomatic patients not admitted, asymptomatic and with a clinical picture compatible with COVID-19 without confirmatory laboratory tests. Also from cohorts of healthy confirmed people, without COVID-19 symptoms (healthy controls). Samples of different moments of the clinical evolution of the disease, known as follow-up samples, are already available from 15% of these patients, which will allow projects to be carried out to determine the possible sequelae of this new disease.
Collaborating biobanks have also been added to this initiative, in order to incorporate the maximum possible number of surplus healthcare samples with a homogeneous quality sufficient to be used in research. All this has been possible thanks to the great collaboration and participation of the healthcare and laboratory services of the hospitals of the National Health System that have joined the initiative to guarantee the ethical-legal protection provided by biobanks and the universal availability of all these samples for any researcher who needs them to carry out research projects financed and approved by a CEIm.
Previously, biobanks had to adapt their facilities and equipment to be able to work with this type of samples that require a higher degree of biosecurity. The collaboration of the RNBB with the Spanish Biosafety Association to elaborate general recommendations on how to manipulate and conserve them has had a great impact in areas beyond biobanks, such as research laboratories, even internationally in Spanish-speaking countries.
On April 14, the National Network of Biobanks (RNBB) began incorporating human biological samples from patients with COVID-19 disease into biobanks to make them available to research projects. In just 5 weeks, it has registered nearly 62,000 samples, mainly serum, nasopharyngeal exudates, blood, plasma and leukocytes, as well as urine, faeces, nucleic acids or tissues, […]
In order to carry out the reinstatement of the researchers to their jobs, IDIVAL has held meetings with the researchers and with the Health and Safety Committee to initiate the de-escalation of some of its workers.
In order to carry out a safe reinstatement of workers, general de-escalation rules have been developed, a general procedure for returning to IDIVAL activity and the biosafety manual for laboratories has been updated. This documentation together with information from the Ministry of Health has been sent to investigators.
The main aim during this de-escalation process has been an orderly, progressive return, always prioritizing the safety of workers. In the first phase of reincorporation, groups have started that have active projects and are unable to carry out telework. For all of them, IDIVAL has provided PPE to the workers and they have been informed about their uses.
Among the services that have been reincorporated to IDIVAL are the Technological Services which are available but it is necessary to make an appointment by email or call by phone before going. The contacts and telephone numbers of the different technological services are as follows:
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Unit. Ext. 74120 David Merino:
Microscopy Unit. Ext. 73219 Fidel Madrazo:
DNA and fluids node.Ext. 73217
Inés Santiuste:
Jana Arozamena:
Elena Sanz:
Neurological tissues and solid samples node. Ext. 73937
Nerea Martínez:
Saray Pereda:
Sara Marcos:
Genomics Unit. Ext.73691 (Starting June 1st)
Francisco Javier Freire
Neuroimaging Unit Diana Tordesillas
In order to carry out the reinstatement of the researchers to their jobs, IDIVAL has held meetings with the researchers and with the Health and Safety Committee to initiate the de-escalation of some of its workers. In order to carry out a safe reinstatement of workers, general de-escalation rules have been developed, a general procedure […]
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