The IDIVAL-UC and CIBER-BBN Photonic Engineering Research Group has demonstrated a fiber optic laser light source that, when integrated into a suitable microscope, allows CARS (Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy) spectroscopy to be performed. that enables a new way of doing “photonic biopsies” in quasi-real time both in the laboratory and in clinical events.

The results have been the result of the work that has led to the doctoral thesis of Iñaki Aporta Litago under the co-direction of José Miguel López Higuera and María Angeles Quintela Incera. The developed technology has been protected by a patent, and is in the process of being strengthened to be transferred for commercial exploitation.

Consistent Raman Anti-Stokes Light Scattering (CARS) is a non-destructive technique that requires no “tinting” of the sample and enables advanced, high-contrast, precision analysis and imaging of biological tissues and chemical samples. It allows to obtain representative images of its molecular and morphological composition of both soft and hard tissues. CARS provides valuable information on species that are very abundant in living things, such as lipids, proteins, DNA and water. CARS has been used to monitor growth and lipid distribution in a wide variety of cell types and microorganisms, to visualize the morphological changes induced in myelin sheaths in the spinal cord, and to map lipid deposits in atherosclerotic lesions. Likewise, it has been shown that by CARS the margins between normal and pathological tissue can be obtained based on the biochemical footprint of the spectra in bones, epithelial and muscular tissue, nervous tissues, lung, breast and skin tissues, among others.

A CARS system is made up of three large modules: the tunable laser source, the optical-mechanical and display module, and the software for controlling, processing and presenting information, the key module of the instrument being the laser source for technical and economic reasons.

By means of two coherent and synchronized laser beams the target sample is excited. Its molecules vibrate at specific frequencies and scatter (with great efficiency) the photons, forming the CARS signal from which high-contrast, high-resolution molecular images are obtained in two and three dimensions.

 Each type of molecule offers specific modes of vibration, and its frequency is representative of it, which allows it to be identified. By modifying the difference in frequencies between the two laser beams (tunable source), different types of molecules can be identified in the target sample.

As a minimum light intensity is required for a CARS signal to originate from a sample, using low intensity lasers and focusing them properly with objectives (lenses), it can be achieved that the aforementioned condition is only achieved in a very small volume (micrometer) located in the focus of the lens (focal volume). This makes it possible to obtain images in two and three dimensions on the surface and in the volume of the sample under study.

The intensity of the CARS light (number of photons) is representative of the "quantity" of the mentioned molecules in the sample, therefore, by means of the measurement of said intensity, their molecular density is determined. All this, in a non-destructive way (without damaging the samples), therefore, CARS spectroscopy can be used both in cells and biological tissues "in vitro" (dead tissues) and "in vivo" (living tissues).

To date, most sources for CARS have been made by synchronizing two pulsed lasers (one with a fixed frequency and the other with a variable frequency), resulting in complex, bulky, not very compact and very expensive assemblies, which prevents this technology, is popularized or used on a large scale. The CARS source demonstrated in photonic crystal fiber technology by the researchers of the group, in addition to offering the two high-quality laser beams at the output of an optical fiber, is small, very compact, more reliable, much easier to integrate in the opto-mechanical module and much cheaper. This will impact, very significantly, on the manufacture of more advanced CARS systems that reduce disadvantages and at significantly lower costs than their predecessors, which will undoubtedly facilitate their massive use in the chemical and biomedical sectors, among others.

Due to the high viability of being exploited commercially has been protected by patent. The Valencian company FYLA Láseres SA has shown its interest in manufacturing specific laser sources for CARS based on the aforementioned technology once it is strengthened. For this, it is waiting to receive funding from the Innovative Companies Association (AEI) that will allow the joint FULCARS project to be carried out, culminating in a prototype of a reliable, robust laser source that companies specialized in optical microscopy are interested in incorporating their new generation advanced CARS systems. With this, it is proposed to complete a model process of transferring the results arising in the laboratories of an academic institution to the business sector for commercial exploitation.

A new way of doing photonic biopsies in quasi-real time

The IDIVAL-UC and CIBER-BBN Photonic Engineering Research Group has demonstrated a fiber optic laser light source that, when integrated into a suitable microscope, allows CARS (Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy) spectroscopy to be performed. that enables a new way of doing “photonic biopsies” in quasi-real time both in the laboratory and in clinical events. The […]

In the Official Gazette of Cantabria on July 27, the Resolution of July 20, 2020 has been published, by which grants are announced to promote knowledge transfer in the field of research in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria.

Objective of the call

This program adapted to the new normality is planned to continue and seeks to knowledge transfer and the set of activities aimed at the dissemination of knowledge, experiences and skills to facilitate the use, application and exploitation of the results of the I + D from Cantabria through the financing of projects in any of the major areas of knowledge: Art and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences or Engineering and Architecture.

It is issued pursuant to the Order UIC / 19/2020, of March 26, which establishes the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies. This call will also identify collaborative research projects: at least one agent creating new knowledge or developing new applications and at least one agent interested in the transfer of new knowledge or in the effective development of new applications.

Project modalities

– Modality A. Knowledge Transfer Projects derived from carrying out End of Degree, End of Master or Industrial Doctorate work of interest to the end user of knowledge transfer.

– Modality B. Knowledge Transfer Projects derived from carrying out collaborative Research Projects between the agent that develops the knowledge and the possible end user of the same. Examples of eligible activities in this modality, and without exhaustive intention, can be identified, among others: those corresponding to projects promoted by European calls or with groups from other countries (internationalization); the development of coordinated projects for national calls (increase in critical mass); the development of knowledge transfer projects between researchers from a public and a private entity, etc.

Aid granted may not exceed € 20,000 per application, but in no case can a grant be awarded for an amount greater than that requested.

In relation to this call, IDIVAL will increase aid by up to 30% of direct costs, in projects awarded to own or related personnel requested by the Institute.

Submission of applications and filing deadline

Interested researchers should send the documentation before the internal closing period, via email, to

Internal closure: 2:00 p.m. on August 24, 2020.

In relation to this call, IDIVAL will increase aid by up to 30% of direct costs, in projects awarded to own or related personnel requested by the Institute.


More information about the call:


Call web (link)

Resolution published in the BOC on July 27 (link)

Extract from the Resolution published in the BOC of July 27 (link)

To send inquiries and requests, contact

Open new call for promotion of knowledge transfer

In the Official Gazette of Cantabria on July 27, the Resolution of July 20, 2020 has been published, by which grants are announced to promote knowledge transfer in the field of research in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria. Objective of the call This program adapted to the new normality is planned to continue and seeks […]

On July 30, the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) published the provisional resolution proposal for some of the programs of the Strategic Action on Health 2020:

– Research projects in Health

– Technological Development Projects in Health

– Management contracts in health research in the IIS

– Miguel Servet Type II contracts

– Bioinformatics technical staff contracts to support research in the IIS


The deadline to present allegations is from July 31 to August 13, 2020, both inclusive.

Resolución Provisional AES 2020 (link)


AES 2020 provisional resolution published

On July 30, the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) published the provisional resolution proposal for some of the programs of the Strategic Action on Health 2020: – Research projects in Health – Technological Development Projects in Health – Management contracts in health research in the IIS – Miguel Servet Type II contracts – Bioinformatics technical […]

The UIMP teaches the online course "Medical practice and what we have learned from the pandemic" that will take place on August 17 and 18 in online format and will be broadcast on Open Streaming on UIMP-TV (

In this seminar, outstanding topics of the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and changes in the healthcare activity and management of the health system due to COVID-19 will be analyzed, through the format of specific conferences and round tables in which different experts in Health will participate, of basic science, clinicians, economists and public administration.



Monday, August 17, 2020

10:00 Inauguration Miguel Javier Rodríguez Gómez and Celia Gómez González

10:15 From Diagnosis to Clinic: changes after SARS-CoV-2

  • Coronavirus: What have we learned from the pandemic?

Rafael María Cantón Moreno

  • Transforming a laboratory to the challenge of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic

Jordi Vila Estapé

  • COVID-19: An opportunity in new challenges of diagnostic imaging

Irene Bacon Biscarolasaga

Moderation: Jordi Vila Estapé

12:00 COVID-19 and medical care: Preparation and response

  • Organization of the hospital in the face of the pandemic

José Miguel Cisneros Herreros

  • What have we learned from the COVID-19 clinic and treatment?

María del Carmen Fariñas Álvarez

Moderation: José Miguel Cisneros Herreros

15:30 Clinical Consequences of COVID-19

  • Unexpected Clinical Manifestations by SARS-CoV-2

José María Miró Meda

  • SARS-CoV-2 and lung: Short and long-term effects

José Manuel Cifrián Martínez

Moderation: José María Miró Meda


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

10:30 The Future of COVID-19 and the change in Patient Care

  • Immunotherapy and vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

Marcos López Hoyos

  • Formulas for the Control of the Pandemic in the future

Paloma Navas Gutiérrez

Moderation: María del Carmen Fariñas Álvarez

12:00 Impact of the pandemic on the Health System. Any repercussion in the Clinical Attention?

  • Management of Research before, during and after the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic: repercussion in Clinical Care

Francisco Galo Peralta Fernández

  • Uneven economic impact of the pandemic and its impact on medical practice

David Cantarero Prieto

  • From Management to hospitalization in times of COVID-19

Rafael Tejido García

Moderation: Rafael Tejido García

More Information (link)


Medical practice and what we have learned with the pandemic

The UIMP teaches the online course "Medical practice and what we have learned from the pandemic" that will take place on August 17 and 18 in online format and will be broadcast on Open Streaming on UIMP-TV ( In this seminar, outstanding topics of the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and changes in the healthcare activity and […]

The UIMP teaches the online course "Medical practice and what we have learned from the pandemic" that will take place on August 17 and 18 in online format and will be broadcast on Open Streaming on UIMP-TV (

In this seminar, outstanding topics of the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and changes in the healthcare activity and management of the health system due to COVID-19 will be analyzed, through the format of specific conferences and round tables in which different experts in Health will participate, of basic science, clinicians, economists and public administration.



Monday, August 17, 2020

10:00 Inauguration Miguel Javier Rodríguez Gómez and Celia Gómez González


10:15 From Diagnosis to Clinic: changes after SARS-CoV-2

  • Coronavirus: What have we learned from the pandemic?

Rafael María Cantón Moreno

  • Transforming a laboratory to the challenge of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic

Jordi Vila Estapé

  • COVID-19: An opportunity in new challenges of diagnostic imaging

Irene Bacon Biscarolasaga

Moderation: Jordi Vila Estapé

12:00 COVID-19 and medical care: Preparation and response

  • Organization of the hospital in the face of the pandemic

José Miguel Cisneros Herreros

  • What have we learned from the COVID-19 clinic and treatment?

María del Carmen Fariñas Álvarez

Moderation: José Miguel Cisneros Herreros

15:30 Clinical Consequences of COVID-19

  • Unexpected Clinical Manifestations by SARS-CoV-2

José María Miró Meda

  • SARS-CoV-2 and lung: Short and long-term effects

José Manuel Cifrián Martínez

Moderation: José María Miró Meda


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

10:30 The Future of COVID-19 and the change in Patient Care

  • Immunotherapy and vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

Marcos López Hoyos

  • Formulas for the Control of the Pandemic in the future

Paloma Navas Gutiérrez

Moderation: María del Carmen Fariñas Álvarez

12:00 Impact of the pandemic on the Health System. Any repercussion in the Clinical Attention?

  • Management of Research before, during and after the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic: repercussion in Clinical Care

Francisco Galo Peralta Fernández

  • Uneven economic impact of the pandemic and its impact on medical practice

David Cantarero Prieto

  • From Management to hospitalization in times of COVID-19

Rafael Tejido García

Moderation: Rafael Tejido García

More Information (link)


Medical practice and what we have learned with the pandemic

The UIMP teaches the online course "Medical practice and what we have learned from the pandemic" that will take place on August 17 and 18 in online format and will be broadcast on Open Streaming on UIMP-TV ( In this seminar, outstanding topics of the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and changes in the healthcare activity and […]

Since April, he participates in the construction of a common clinical data model on COVID-19 for the development of research and analysis projects.

IDIVAL has joined the European Health Data & Evidence Network (EDHEN), a public-private partnership aimed at building and harmonizing with partners across Europe a federated large-scale data network, always guaranteeing the confidentiality of information.

Consisting of 22 partners, the EDHEN consortium includes academic institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), patient associations, legal authorities and pharmaceutical companies, whose objective is to share an international data network through a common model based on the use of open source tools to improve decision making and health outcomes.

IDIVAL's accession to this network took place at the end of last year through a collaboration agreement for the amount of 70,000 euros to work on the health data model, with 20 European candidates selected from the 29 proposals submitted.

In this project, the IDIVAL team is made up of professionals from the Digital Transformation Directorate of the Ministry of Health and the Health Care Branch of the Cantabrian Health Service.

Following the appearance of SARS-CoV-2, IDIVAL was also selected in April for the EDHEN network's COVID-19 call to build a common COVID-19 data model that facilitates research activity and helps doctors, scientists and governments to advance in the knowledge of the characterization of the patients and of safe and effective treatments.

In this call, with funding of 30,000 euros, 25 applications from 10 countries have been selected, out of the 75 requests from 20 countries submitted, which highlights the high level of research carried out by IDIVAL. Furthermore, the implementation of this common clinical data model will favor the development of research and analysis projects by healthcare professionals.

In total, IDIVAL has obtained 100,000 euros through the EDHEN platform, the maximum amount of financing that a partner can obtain through this network.

Along with the external funding that this accession represents, the incorporation of IDIVAL to the EDHEN network represents yet another opportunity for Cantabria and for the Institute to expand its network of contacts in Europe, reinforce the research position of the autonomous community at European level and establish synergies and collaborations with other partners.

"The European Health Data & Evidence Network has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 806968. The JU receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and EFPIA."


IDIVAL joins the European health data exchange network EDHEN

Since April, he participates in the construction of a common clinical data model on COVID-19 for the development of research and analysis projects. IDIVAL has joined the European Health Data & Evidence Network (EDHEN), a public-private partnership aimed at building and harmonizing with partners across Europe a federated large-scale data network, always guaranteeing the confidentiality […]

Researchers from the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the Marqués Valdecilla Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL) have collaborated in a study studying the GalNAC-MCJ molecule as a promising therapeutic agent for patients with fatty liver and advanced stages of disease. This international project is led by CIC bioGUNE Liver Disease by Dr. Malu Martínez Chantar and is the result of a close collaboration that the Valdecilla Hospital Digestive service has been carrying out with the CIC Biogune.

The work, which has recently been published in the journal Communications Nature Communications ’, has carried out preclinical studies in fatty liver toxicity models with GalNAC molecules, designed by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, targeting the mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibitor MCJ.

"Mitochondria is the main energy organelle of our cell and is essential for actively metabolizing lipid accumulation that induces a toxic response associated with this liver pathology," explained Dr. Malu Martínez Chantar.

"Therefore, the mitochondria is one of the first defense barriers of our liver and loses its activity in advanced stages of the disease," he concluded.

Liver fat deposition disease (EHDG) is one of the main lines of research of the Clinical and Translational Research Group Group on Digestive Diseases led by Dr. Javier Crespo and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.

In fact, in Valdecilla different studies have been carried out on this disease, since in Cantabria around 24% of Cantabrians suffer steatosis or fatty liver, a percentage "very similar" to that of other autonomous communities in Spain and, in general, to that of the western world.

It is estimated that around 1,500 million people suffer from fatty liver. This abnormal accumulation of lipids in the liver tissue produces an inflammatory response and a subsequent induction of collagen by the so-called star cells, which can eventually lead to the development of fibrosis and severe liver dysfunction.

15% of patients with mild liver disease progress to more advanced stages of the disease and with increasing severity, such as fibrosis, cirrhosis and, finally, liver cancer, in a percentage close to 10%. In fact, epidemiological data suggests that the incidence of liver cancer derived from fatty liver has increased significantly compared to other historically prevalent etiologies such as viral hepatitis.

The research has been carried out by the CIC bioGUNE Liver Disease laboratory, led by Dr. Malu Martínez Chantar, researcher at CIC bioGUNE and the CIBER of Liver and Digestive Diseases (CIBERHD), in collaboration with Dr. Mercedes Rincón, from the University of Colorado (Anschutz Medical Campus of Medicine), and Dr. Juan Anguita (CIC bioGUNE), within a consortium of national and international scientists, both from hospitals and from basic and translational research centers, such as: the Marqués University Hospital de Valdecilla (Santander), Geisel School of Medicine in Dartmouth (United States), Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), Institute of Health Research Biocruces, Institute of Health Research of The Princess and University of Colorado (United States).


Ref. Nat Communactions. 2020 Jul 3;11(1):3360. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16991-2. Silencing Hepatic MCJ Attenuates Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) by Increasing Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation. Lucía Barbier-Torres, Karen A Fortner, Paula Iruzubieta, Teresa C Delgado, Emily Giddings, Youdinghuan Chen, Devin Champagne, David Fernández-Ramos, Daniela Mestre, Beatriz Gomez-Santos, Marta Varela-Rey, Virginia Gutiérrez de Juan, Pablo Fernández-Tussy, Imanol Zubiete-Franco, Carmelo García-Monzón, Águeda González-Rodríguez, Dhaval Oza, Felipe Valença-Pereira, Qian Fang, Javier Crespo, Patricia Aspichueta, Frederic Tremblay, Brock C Christensen, Juan Anguita, María Luz Martínez-Chantar, Mercedes Rincón. PMID: 32620763 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16991-2


GalNAC-MCJ molecule therapeutic agent in patients with fatty liver

Researchers from the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the Marqués Valdecilla Research Institute Foundation (IDIVAL) have collaborated in a study studying the GalNAC-MCJ molecule as a promising therapeutic agent for patients with fatty liver and advanced stages of disease. This international project is led by CIC bioGUNE Liver Disease by Dr. Malu Martínez Chantar […]

The Group in R + D + i in Health Economics of the University of Cantabria, in collaboration with SODERCAN, organizes the Webinar entitled "SANITARY INDUSTRY, MOBILITY AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION". The webinar will deal with topics of special importance and topicality in the new post-covid era: the Cantabrian Health System, the Health Industry, territorial mobility, Research, Development and Innovation, etc.


– Javier León Serrano. Vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Cantabria.

– Jorge Muyo López. General Director of Innovation, Technological Development and Industrial Entrepreneurship. Industry Ministry. Cantabria Government.

– Javier Carrión Malo. General Director of SODERCAN. Industry Ministry. Cantabria Government.

– Santiago García Blanco. General Director of Digital Transformation and User Relations. Ministry of Health. Cantabria Government.

– Galo Peralta. IDIVAL Management Director.

– Pedro Reques Velasco. Professor of Human Geography at the University of Cantabria.


The event will take place on July 14, Tuesday, at 7:00 p.m. through the online platform Zoom.

If you wish to register, please confirm attendance at the following email:

Once registered, you will receive the link to access the event (through the Zoom platform).


Webinar healthcare industry mobility and economic evaluation

The Group in R + D + i in Health Economics of the University of Cantabria, in collaboration with SODERCAN, organizes the Webinar entitled "SANITARY INDUSTRY, MOBILITY AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION". The webinar will deal with topics of special importance and topicality in the new post-covid era: the Cantabrian Health System, the Health Industry, territorial mobility, […]

IDIVAL announces a temporary internship contract for the development of activities in the field of research and innovation management in health sciences and technologies.

The purpose of this program is to promote professional practice and training of technicians in aspects related to research management and support in the field of research management, by learning aspects related to the management, monitoring and evaluation of actions. IDIVAL research promotion, as well as internationalization and innovation activities in the field of health sciences and technologies. This program may be co-financed with ERDF funds.

The salary of the selected candidates will be 75% in the first year and 80% of the salary corresponding to the second cycle university graduate category, which is € 24,233.74 gross in the second year. The internship contract will have an initial duration of 12 months, counted from the date of incorporation, renewable for another 12 months, after evaluation of the activity of the contracted party. The trial period will be two months.

The selected candidate will develop a tutored training itinerary, with periodic evaluations and presentation of a report at the end of the first annual year (in the last month of each year), with a report from their tutor that must be positive for continued funding.


a) Second cycle university graduates (official master or graduate).

The contract may be concluded with those who are in possession of the required university degree, provided that, at the date of publication of this call, no more than five years have elapsed, or seven, when the contract is concluded with a worker with a disability, from the end of the studies.


Along with the application, applicants must submit the following documentation:

a) Curriculum vitae in CVN format (full version FECYT), available at: and on the IDIVAL intranet.

b) Report of the proposed activities to be carried out by the candidate.

It should include the activities to be carried out by the candidate and include general references to the different IDIVAL support areas, with a more detailed description of those that adapt to the candidate's profile and interests: project area, training area and methodological support, clinical trials area, technology services area, innovation area and general services area.

c) Copy of the DNI. Copy of the valid passport, only in the case of foreign citizens not resident in Spanish territory.

d) Official academic certification of the studies carried out, with details of the subjects taken and the grades obtained, and, where appropriate, a copy of the academic title.

e) Documentary accreditation of the curricular merits provided (certificate of working life, credentials of the candidate, course certificates stating the duration thereof, etc.), without whose requirement they will not be taken into consideration.


 Applications will be submitted exclusively in specially designed formats.

All applications will be submitted through IDIVAL's online platform, which is publicly accessible through its website:

The deadline for submission of applications will be 15 business days from publication.

More information

announces a research manager internship contract

IDIVAL announces a temporary internship contract for the development of activities in the field of research and innovation management in health sciences and technologies. The purpose of this program is to promote professional practice and training of technicians in aspects related to research management and support in the field of research management, by learning aspects […]

Researchers from the IDIVAL neurodegenerative diseases group and the CSUR group of HUMV hereditary ataxias and paraplegia, led by Dr. Jon Infante, have participated in an international multicenter study designed to identify preclinical and progression biomarkers in the most frequent form of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, SCA3. The identification of accurate, reliable and easily accessible biomarkers is one of the necessary requirements for the development of clinical trials with the best guarantees of success.

In the study published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine, serum concentrations of light neurofialments (NfL) and phosphorylated heavy neurofilaments (pNfH) were studied in two cohorts of 250 patients with SCA3-type ataxia and controls. Subjects in presymptomatic stages of the disease were also represented in these cohorts. The same experiment was carried out on a transgenic mouse model. NfL and pNfH levels were found to be increased in SCA3 patients and also in preclinical stages. Serum NfL levels were found to correlate with both disease severity and longitudinal progression. It is concluded from this study that neurofilaments in blood can be an accessible biomarker in patients with SCA3, associated with early neuropathological changes and be used as a biomarker of progression and potentially response to treatment in clinical trials.

The group of neurodegenerative diseases of IDIVAL and the CSUR of ataxias and inherited paraplegias of the HUMV have been part of a European consortium for more than two decades that seeks to define the natural history of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias, as well as to build cohorts prepared for the laying clinical trials underway. In the framework of this consortium, various European projects (EUROSCA, RISCA, ESMI) have been financed, with the participation of HUMV-IDIVAL.

Neurodegenerative diseases of IDIVAL

Ref. Wilke C, Haas E, Reetz K, et al. Neurofilaments in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3: blood biomarkers at the preataxic and ataxic stage in humans and mice [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 8]. EMBO Mol Med. 2020;e11803. doi:10.15252/emmm.201911803

Light serum neurofilaments

Researchers from the IDIVAL neurodegenerative diseases group and the CSUR group of HUMV hereditary ataxias and paraplegia, led by Dr. Jon Infante, have participated in an international multicenter study designed to identify preclinical and progression biomarkers in the most frequent form of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, SCA3. The identification of accurate, reliable and easily accessible […]