The Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) is organising a course on Standards of Good Clinical Practice from 27 September to 27 October, aimed at all staff in the bio-health sector in Cantabria who are interested in clinical research.
With this training activity, IDIVAL's aim is to provide to these professionals the necessary tools for their participation in clinical research, offering them the principles of Good Clinical Practice according to the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) required to be able to participate in clinical research projects.
On-line training. The zoom platform will be used to teach the contents.
Duration: 26 hours, 2 hours per session, from 16:00 to 18:00.
Number of places: 100
Accreditation: Pending accreditation by the Continuous Training Commission for health professionals in Cantabria. A diploma of attendance will be provided to all attendees.
The course is free of charge and you are kindly requested to register via the following link by filling in the form. Applications will be prioritised in order of registration. In the case of any person interested in the course being left out, priority will be given to them for a future edition.
Registration period: from August 13 to September 15
The Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute (IDIVAL) is organising a course on Standards of Good Clinical Practice from 27 September to 27 October, aimed at all staff in the bio-health sector in Cantabria who are interested in clinical research. With this training activity, IDIVAL's aim is to provide to these professionals the necessary tools for […]
This study analyses the relationship between burnout, compassion fatigue and psychological flexibility in geriatric nurses who work in nursing homes. A multicentre study carried out in care centers for older people in Spain, between January and February 2020, pre-pandemic period.
In Spain, the concept of compassion fatigue and psychological flexibility related to stress in geriatric nurses has not been fully explored until now, unlike other international settings.
A cross-sectional online survey was designed and hosted. The questionnaire was sent to 97 care centers for older people belonging to the same religious community, distributed among 51 Spanish cities throughout the country. In total, 291 nurses received the questionnaire. Psychological flexibility was measured using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II (AAQ-II), Burnout was measured using the Maslach Burnout Inventory MBI Scale and Compassion fatigue was assessed using the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL).
A total of 281 nurses participated (mean age 36.8 years), 91% female and with an average of 7.6 years working. The results obtained were that the burnout rate obtained was medium (26.71%), the ProQOL questionnaire indicated medium values for compassion fatigue (40.2%) and high values for the variable assessing satisfaction with care (70.3%) and for the AAQ-II questionnaire, the mean was 37.34%. The correlation was significant and negative for flexibility with burnout and compassion fatigue. Taking psychological flexibility as the independent variable and burnout and compassion fatigue as the dependent variables, ANOVA indicated statistically significant differences.
These results reflect that the geriatric nurses participating in the study suffer from average levels of burnout and compassion fatigue, but also high levels of psychological flexibility, which seems to act as a stress attenuator and a promoter of compassion fatigue. Investing in strategies that develop psychological flexibility in this work setting would therefore contribute to improving the mental health of geriatric nurses.
This is the first study of these characteristics carried out in Spain and it would be interesting to replicate it again in this pandemic period and compare results, given that the field of social and healthcare centres has been the most affected by COVID-19.
The article "Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Psychological Flexibility among Geriatric Nurses: A Multicenter Study in Spain" has recently been published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. A study in which Dr. Carmen Sarabia, head of the nursing research group of IDIVAL, has participated. This study analyses the relationship between burnout, […]
Researchers from the hereditary ataxias and paraplegias CSUR os the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla and IDIVAL´s neurodegenerative diseases group led by Dr. Jon Infante, participate in a European multicenter study designed to identify preclinical and progression biomarkers in the most common form of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, SCA3. The identification of precise, reliable and easily accessible biomarkers is one of the necessary requirements for the development of clinical trials with the best guarantees of success. This study published in the journal Movement Disorders.
Given that new therapeutic options for spinocerebellar ataxias are on the horizon, there is a need for markers that reflect disease-related alterations, in particular, in the preataxic stage, in which clinical scales are lacking sensitivity. The objective of this study was to quantify regional brain volumes and upper cervical spinal cord areas in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 in vivo across the entire time course of the disease. On this study, it was applied a brain segmentation approach that included a lobular subsegmentation of the cerebellum to magnetic resonance images of 210 ataxic and 48 preataxic spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 mutation carriers and 63 healthy controls. In addition, cervical cord cross-sectional areas were determined at 2 levels.
The metrics of cervical spinal cord segments C3 and C2, medulla oblongata, pons, and pallidum, and the cerebellar anterior lobe were reduced in preataxic mutation carriers compared with controls. Those of cervical spinal cord segments C2 and C3, medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, cerebellar lobules crus II and X, cerebellar white matter, and pallidum were reduced in ataxic compared with nonataxic carriers. Of all metrics studied, pontine volume showed the steepest decline across the disease course. It covaried with ataxia severity, CAG repeat length, and age. The multivariate model derived from this analysis explained 46.33% of the variance of pontine volume. In conclusion, Regional brain and spinal cord tissue loss in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 starts before ataxia onset. Pontine volume appears to be the most promising imaging biomarker candidate for interventional trials that aim at slowing the progression of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3.
For more than two decades, the hereditary ataxias and paraplegias CSUR os the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla and IDIVAL´s neurodegenerative diseases group have been part of a European consortium that seeks to define the natural history of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias, as well as to build cohorts prepared for spawning. ongoing clinical trials. Within the framework of this consortium, various European projects (EUROSCA, RISCA, ESMI) have been financed, with the participation of HUMV-IDIVAL. The current project is part of the ESMI study (European Spinocerebellar ataxia type3 / Machado-Joseph disease initiativa), EU Joint Program – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND).
Researchers from the hereditary ataxias and paraplegias CSUR os the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla and IDIVAL´s neurodegenerative diseases group led by Dr. Jon Infante, participate in a European multicenter study designed to identify preclinical and progression biomarkers in the most common form of autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, SCA3. The identification of precise, reliable and […]
Within the aid program of the biosanitary dynamizer plan, idival announces a temporary employment contract in practices for the training of support technicians, in the technological services unit (“tec-val” program). The purpose of this program is to promote the professional practice and training of technicians in aspects related to research support in the field of the various idival support service platforms, in this case in that of technological services.
Candidate Requirements:
First cycle university graduates. In all cases, they must be official Spanish qualifications and, if they have been obtained abroad, they must be officially approved by the deadline for submitting applications, in accordance with applicable regulations.
The contract may be concluded with those who are in possession of the required university degree, provided that, on the date of publication of this call, no more than five years have elapsed, or seven, when the contract is concluded with a worker with a disability, since completion of studies.
The salary of the selected candidates will be 75% in the first year and 80% of the salary corresponding to the category of second-cycle university graduate in the second year. The internship contract that will have an initial duration of 12 months, counted from the date of incorporation, extendable for another 12 months, after evaluating the activity of the contractor. The trial period will be two months.
a) Curriculum vitae in CVN format (reduced version FECYT
b) Report on the proposal of the activities to be carried out by the candidate. It must collect the activities to be carried out by the candidate and include specific references to the Technological Services Unit.
c) Copy of DNI. Copy of the valid passport, only in the case of foreign citizens not resident in Spanish territory.
d) Official academic certification of the studies carried out, with details of the subjects taken and the grades obtained.
e) Documentary accreditation of the curricular merits provided
Application submission deadline: From May 12 to June 12, 2021.
Within the aid program of the biosanitary dynamizer plan, idival announces a temporary employment contract in practices for the training of support technicians, in the technological services unit (“tec-val” program). The purpose of this program is to promote the professional practice and training of technicians in aspects related to research support in the field of […]
From IDIVAL's European Projects Department, we know that making an overview of the schedule of calls for European public funding is quite laborious.
It is for this reason that we have made a compilation of the most important deadlines of Public Financing Programs and we have collected them in a single interactive calendar that you can consult below:
At the moment, it is only possible to consult it online and it includes a link to all the pages of interest and basic information about the calls. It should be noted that we have tried to carry out a previous selection, collecting only those calls in the biosanitary field, in which we consider that IDIVAL has a great value to contribute.
Within the calendar, you can see that certain calls still have tentative dates for their opening, such as those corresponding to the new Horizon Europe Framework Program. As soon as we have the final dates, they will be reflected in this same document.
Feel free to spread it among all those people who you think may be interested.
From IDIVAL's European Projects Department, we know that making an overview of the schedule of calls for European public funding is quite laborious. It is for this reason that we have made a compilation of the most important deadlines of Public Financing Programs and we have collected them in a single interactive calendar that you […]
Centro Botin the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital organize the course "Creativity to care and take care of people: contributions of the arts to the field of health" that is part of the course program of the University of Cantabria and will take place from 12 to 16 of July.
This course focused on knowing how the arts can contribute to the improvement of the well-being of health professionals, so that they are the ones who in turn can better care and heal their patients. This course is part of the project on creativity, art and health in which the Centro Botin and the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital collaborate.
In the course, the SaludArte project that is being developed at the Valdecilla Hospital will be presented. Since its creation in 2019 seeks to improve the well-being (emotional and creative skills) of health and non-health professionals through artistic activities.
The objectives of the course are:
• Knowing and presenting an overview of the potential and how the arts, health and creativity trinomial is being managed at the international, national and local level.
• Learning about artistic projects with direct application in healthcare settings.
• To experience firsthand the benefits of the arts.
• Looking for connections between what has been learned and what has been experienced in order to find direct application in the work and personal sphere.
A meeting that will have the participation of national and international experts in the field of health, the arts and creativity- They will offer their vision and experience in this matter, to reach, together, conclusions that can help us in our day to day, not only directly with patients but also in other ways that can contribute to the improvement of the system and health care.
During the course, lectures on practical cases will be combined with workshops and artistic experiences that respond to the trinomial arts, emotions and creativity, focused in this case on direct application in healthcare settings. Each day will have a part dedicated to the current panorama from management, another to knowledge of examples of projects already underway, to reach a part of personal experience and end in the search for connections with our work environment.
A course aimed at professionals in the health field from care and management to auxiliary positions, as well as all people interested in the subject, have no direct relationship with it.
Centro Botin the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital organize the course "Creativity to care and take care of people: contributions of the arts to the field of health" that is part of the course program of the University of Cantabria and will take place from 12 to 16 of July. This course focused on knowing […]
The college of economists of cantabria has organized a solidarity concert that will take place on june 18 at 7:30 p.m. At the santander festival palace.
Like every year, the school promotes an annual solidarity activity. In these current moments, coinciding with a pandemic, the college of economists intends to pay tribute to the victims of covid-19 and has scheduled this solidarity concert in favor of the Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL). The proceeds will go to research projects of the institute.
Concert program:
The lyric and economists choirs will perform Schubert's Mass No. 2 together with the cantabrian symphony orchestra (OSCAN), and then the oscan will perfoem Felix Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 3.
Tickets can now be purchased at the ticket offices of the palace of festivals or through its website at the following link:
The college of economists of cantabria has organized a solidarity concert that will take place on june 18 at 7:30 p.m. At the santander festival palace. Like every year, the school promotes an annual solidarity activity. In these current moments, coinciding with a pandemic, the college of economists intends to pay tribute to the victims […]
Directory revised by the Marquesa de Pelayo Library. If you consider it necessary to include any other resource, please contact the librarian at the email:
Directory revised by the Marquesa de Pelayo Library. If you consider it necessary to include any other resource, please contact the librarian at the email: 1. Scientifi journals – BMJ // COVID-19: Latest news and resources – BMJ BEST PRACTICE // COVID-19 – EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES // COVID-19 – JAMA // COVID-19 – NATURE // Colecction COVID-19 – SCIENCE // Coronavirus/COVID-19 research, commentary and news – THE LANCET // […]
IDIVAL obtained in 2018 the HRS4R seal of excellence in human resources. This seal implies Euraxess recognition of compliance with European standards in human resource management in research and the development of an action plan and objectives proposed by each Institution.
IDIVAL is in the implementation phase of the HRS4R strategy and has been working since 2016 on the development of actions with the commitment to advance its goal of scientific excellence and attracting scientific and research talent to the Institute for the benefit of society general and Cantabrian in particular.
Last October, EURAXESS carried out an internal review to monitor the objectives and actions of the initial work plan, which included a total of 60 actions. The final results report issued has highly valued the implementation, execution and monitoring of the initial Action Plan. Euraxess has highlighted that "IDIVAL has a solid action plan that is progressively being implemented with actions and adequate work tools to carry out its objectives".
The European HRS4R strategy involves a long-term commitment that includes joint efforts and coordination with various internal and external stakeholders. This process ensures the transition of the institution from progress to quality, in terms of the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers promoted by the European Commission.
IDIVAL obtained in 2018 the HRS4R seal of excellence in human resources. This seal implies Euraxess recognition of compliance with European standards in human resource management in research and the development of an action plan and objectives proposed by each Institution. IDIVAL is in the implementation phase of the HRS4R strategy and has been working […]
On April 27, 2021, the application period for R+D +i Projects in Strategic Lines, in public-private collaboration 2021 of the State Program of R + D + i Oriented to the Challenges of Society, in the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, with a total budget of €86,000,000, being €43,000 as a grant and €43,000 as a loan.
The purpose of this call is to respond to the challenges identified in the thematic priorities (topics), listed in Annex II, by financing inter and multidisciplinary projects in which scientific cooperation is constitutive and the overlap between disciplines is valued, methodological, conceptual or theoretical level.
The grants are funded by the European Union Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, in accordance with Council Regulation (EU) 2020/2094, of December 14, 2020, which establishes a Recovery Instrument of the European Union to support the recovery after the COVID-19 crisis. The application reports must include an analysis of the application of the principle of "not causing significant damage to environmental objectives" (DNSH), by virtue of the Regulation on the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (2021 / C 58/01).
The deadline for submitting applications and documents that make up the same at IDIVAL will be 05/12/2021 at 12:00am. Those interested in submitting a proposal should contact the National Projects Unit before 05/04/2021 through the mail and
On April 27, 2021, the application period for R+D +i Projects in Strategic Lines, in public-private collaboration 2021 of the State Program of R + D + i Oriented to the Challenges of Society, in the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020, with a total budget of €86,000,000, […]
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