On September 23rd, the Santander Biomedical Lectures sessions will start with a lecture by Dr. Carlos Bezos Daleske, general director of the Institute for Patient Experience, who will give the talk: "Introduction to patient experience. Applications in healthcare quality, clinical research and healthcare technology".

Carlos Bezos Daleske has been CEO of the Institute for Patient Experience (IEXP) since 2016. Dr. Brezos has conducted numerous projects and studies in this field with hospitals such as La Fe, Clínico San Carlos, La Princesa among others. The IEXP also works in the field of European projects and with laboratories such as GSK, AstraZeneca or Pfizer.

From 2012 to 2016 he was quality director of IVF-SPAIN, the fourth largest assisted reproduction group in Spain. Previously he worked in e-health projects as director of SeniorLab, an open innovation lab of Citilab.

Carlos Brezos holds a PhD in anthropology and has 18 publications and papers to his credit.

The speaker will remain in our Community throughout the day of the session, to exchange experiences with members of the scientific and clinical community of Santander, and to visit the research centers of our community to meet first-hand with interested scientists.

Those professionals who wish to have a meeting with the speaker during his visit can contact through the following e-mail proyectos1@idival.org

The session is organized by the Marqués de Valdecilla Research Institute as part of the Santander Biomedical Lectures 2021-2022 Sessions program. The session will take place on September 23 at 8:15 am in the Gómez Durán Room (Edificio 2 de Noviembre, floor zero, Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla). Due to the current situation, the capacity of the Gómez Durán Room will be reduced according to the current restrictions.

The Junior Leader Postdoctoral Fellowships program is aimed at recruiting excellent researchers, of any nationality, who wish to continue their research career in Spanish or Portuguese territory in the areas of health and life sciences, technology, physics, engineering and mathematics.

Postdoctoral Junior Leader Postdoctoral Fellowship (INCOMING)

25 postdoctoral fellowships of 3 years' duration for researchers of all nationalities, who are offered an employment contract to carry out a research project in centers accredited with the Severo Ochoa or María de Maeztu marks of excellence, Carlos III Health Research Institutes and centers evaluated as excellent by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia de Portugal (Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal).

For Spanish institutions, candidates must have resided in Spain for less than 12 months in the last three years while for Portuguese institutions, candidates must have resided in Portugal for less than 12 months in the last three years.

Junior Postdoctoral Leader – Retention: (RETAINING)

15 postdoctoral fellowships for researchers of all nationalities to carry out their research activity in any university or research center in Spain or Portugal.

For Spanish institutions, candidates must have resided in Spain for more than 12 months in the last three years while for Portuguese institutions, candidates must have resided in Portugal for more than 12 months in the last three years.

As part of the complementary training, the scholarship holders will have to carry out a stay in another institution with the aim of increasing their transversal skills. These stays, lasting between 3 and 6 months, must take place in an international or cross-sectoral institution.

Applications must be submitted by October 7, 2021.

More information on the Junior Leader Postdoctoral Fellowship program.




La Caixa postdoctoral fellowships

The Junior Leader Postdoctoral Fellowships program is aimed at recruiting excellent researchers, of any nationality, who wish to continue their research career in Spanish or Portuguese territory in the areas of health and life sciences, technology, physics, engineering and mathematics. Postdoctoral Junior Leader Postdoctoral Fellowship (INCOMING) 25 postdoctoral fellowships of 3 years' duration for researchers […]

The LXXXIII Meeting of the Lymphoma Club of the Spanish Society of Pathological Anatomy (SEAP) will be held on the 24th of September at the Palacio de la Magdalena. The meeting is organised by Dr. Enrique Ocio, head of the Haematology Service and Dr. Santiago Montes from the Pathology Department of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.

The conference is a multidisciplinary educational event on the diagnosis and clinical management of multiple myeloma and B lymphomas with plasmocellular differentiation. It will consist of 4 clinical conferences and a seminar of clinicopathological cases presented by members of the Club. This special edition will pay posthumous tribute to Dr. Jerónimo Forteza, co-founding member of the Spanish Lymphoma Club of the Spanish Society of Pathological Anatomy.


Programme (download pdf)

LXXXIII SEAP Lymphoma Club Meeting

The LXXXIII Meeting of the Lymphoma Club of the Spanish Society of Pathological Anatomy (SEAP) will be held on the 24th of September at the Palacio de la Magdalena. The meeting is organised by Dr. Enrique Ocio, head of the Haematology Service and Dr. Santiago Montes from the Pathology Department of the Marqués de Valdecilla […]

The European Association of Urology (EAU) has recently published its new clinical practice guidelines (EAU Guidelines). For the first time, a specific guideline on urethral strictures has been included with the participation of Dr. Campos-Juanatey, from the Urology Department of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla.

These EAU Guidelines are the result of an extensive bibliographic search and a rigorous synthesis of evidence that makes them a fundamental reference document for urological clinical practice, having been adopted by most of the urologists' associations in the world -the Spanish Urology Association among them-.

The EAU Guidelines on Urethral Strictures are accessible as a complete publication at https://uroweb.org/guideline/urethral-strictures/- . In addition, and given their relevance – there was no clinical guideline available at European level for this pathology – they have been published in several chapters in European Urology, the journal with the highest impact factor in the urological literature (IF: 20,096). Additionally, another section has been published in European Urology Focus (IF: 5,996).

Currently, the HUMV's Reconstructive Urology and Andrology Unit leads several national multicentre projects, and participates in two European clinical trials, all of them aimed at increasing the available knowledge on the management of urethral stenotic pathology.



EAU Guidelines on Urethral Stricture. N. Lumen, F. Campos-Juanatey, K. Dimitropoulos, T. Greenwell, F.E. Martins, N. Osman, S. Riechardt, M. Waterloos, R. Barratt, G. Chan, F. Esperto, R. La Rocca, A. Ploumidis, W. Verla. ISBN 978-94-92671-13-4. EAU Guidelines Office, Arnhem, the Netherlands.


European Association of Urology Guidelines on Urethral Stricture Disease (Part 1): Management of Male Urethral Stricture Disease. Lumen N, Campos-Juanatey F, Greenwell T, Martins FE, Osman NI, Riechardt S, Waterloos M, Barratt R, Chan G, Esperto F, Ploumidis A, Verla W, Dimitropoulos K. Eur Urol. 2021 Aug;80(2):190-200.


European Association of Urology Guidelines on Urethral Stricture Disease (Part 2): Diagnosis, Perioperative Management, and Follow-up in Males. Campos-Juanatey F, Osman NI, Greenwell T, Martins FE, Riechardt S, Waterloos M, Barratt R, Chan G, Esperto F, Ploumidis A, Verla W, Dimitropoulos K, Lumen N. Eur Urol. 2021 Aug;80(2):201-212.


European Association of Urology Guidelines on Urethral Stricture Disease Part 3): Management of Strictures in Females and Transgender Patients. Riechardt S, Waterloos M, Lumen N, Campos-Juanatey F, Dimitropoulos K, Martins FE, Osman NI, Barratt R, Chan G, Esperto F, Ploumidis A, Verla W, Greenwell T. Eur Urol Focus. 2021 Aug 12:S2405-4569(21)00193-0.

Publication of the UAE Guidelines on Urethral Strictures

The European Association of Urology (EAU) has recently published its new clinical practice guidelines (EAU Guidelines). For the first time, a specific guideline on urethral strictures has been included with the participation of Dr. Campos-Juanatey, from the Urology Department of the Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla. These EAU Guidelines are the result of an extensive […]

In accordance with the terms and conditions of the call published on the IDIVAL website, once the projects admitted for processing had been evaluated, funding was awarded to 9 projects detailed below: 





NVAL 21/18

González Rico, Claudia

15.000 €

NVAL 21/31

Toriello Suárez, María

15.000 €

NVAL 21/10

Díaz González, Álvaro

12.000 €

NVAL 21/23

Lechosa Muñiz, Carolina

12.000 €

NVAL 21/25

Palazuelos Calderón, Camilo

12.000 €

NVAL 21/28

Santos Laso, Álvaro

10.000 €

NVAL 21/32

Velásquez Rodríguez, Carlos

8.000 €

NVAL 21/22

Juncal Ruiz, María

8.000 €

NVAL 21/29

Tamayo Revuelta, Esther

8.000 €


The principal investigators of the projects have 7 days to renounce the award of the grant, before it becomes final.

More information on the IDIVAL grants platform.

Click here to access the Final Award Resolution

Final resolution of the next-val 2019 call for proposals

In accordance with the terms and conditions of the call published on the IDIVAL website, once the projects admitted for processing had been evaluated, funding was awarded to 9 projects detailed below:    REFERENCE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR GRANT NVAL 21/18 González Rico, Claudia 15.000 € NVAL 21/31 Toriello Suárez, María 15.000 € NVAL 21/10 Díaz González, […]

The IDIVAL Board of Trustees held on 27 September approved an Innovation Action Plan 2021 that includes the implementation of the Business Council, already provided for in its statutes. This programme includes an ambitious training plan in innovation that includes three national programmes led by researchers from the Institute, one for training in innovation management, another in innovation and clinical research, and a third in innovation in immune-mediated diseases.

Institute results in 2020

IDIVAL has increased its scientific activity by 15%, with 647 papers published. IDIVAL researchers have participated in 102 clinical trials, 33 of them highly complex, and in 12 clinical practice guidelines with international repercussions, generating income of 7.7 million euros between turnover and grants, 14% more than the previous year.

The board of trustees, chaired by the health councillor Miguel Rodriguez, highlighted that the clinical trials activity represents the greatest economic growth, with 3.4 million euros invoiced in 2020, 31% more than the previous year. This has generated the hiring of a total of 119 people for the development of research projects and 22 for support activities.

New members to the board of trustees

The Board of Trustees has also approved the renewal of its internal board with the incorporation of health professionals María Jesús Cabero, Emilio Rodrigo, Jose María De la Torre and Professor Mónica López Fanarraga, as well as new scientific directors: David San Segundo, in the Cytometry Support Unit and María José Marín, in the Biobank.

In addition to the Regional Minister of Health, who holds the presidency, the rector of the University of Cantabria (UC), Ángel Pazos, who holds the position of vice-president, is also a member of the board, as well as the vice-rector of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the UC, Javier León Serrano; the general secretary of the Regional Ministry of Health, Virginia García Hurtado; the general director of Organisation, Pharmacy and Inspection, Jorge de la Puente; the Director General of Digital Transformation and User Relations, Santiago García; the Manager of the Cantabrian Health Service, Celia Gómez; the Managing Director of HUMV, Rafael Tejido; the CSIC Professor and Director of the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC), Piero Crespo; the head of the Digestive Service of HUMV, Javier Crespo; the head of the Radiotherapy Oncology Service of HUMV, Pedro Prada; the head of the Internal Medicine Section of HUMV, Jose Antonio Riancho, and the head of the Internal Medicine Section (Infectious Diseases) of HUMV, Carmen Fariñas.

IDIVALs Board of Trustees approves an innovation plan 2021

The IDIVAL Board of Trustees held on 27 September approved an Innovation Action Plan 2021 that includes the implementation of the Business Council, already provided for in its statutes. This programme includes an ambitious training plan in innovation that includes three national programmes led by researchers from the Institute, one for training in innovation management, […]

Today at IDIVAL we received a visit from the Dosis de Sonrisas Association, who have managed to raise €2,500 for research into childhood cancer research carried out by Dr. Mónica López Duarte. This was the association's largest donation to IDIVAL from the proceeds of the last few events they have held.

The association Dosis de Sonrisas was born to bring laughter and illusion in a selfless way to all the hospitals in Spain. An initiative set up by Jesús Jiménez Pérez as a result of a family case of leukaemia and in which they saw that one of the medicines for recovery was laughter.

The association organises charity shows and events of all kinds to generate the money needed to cover the cost of travel and the different expenses (gifts, material…) for hospital visits.

Over the last few years, the association has made a tour of visits to different hospitals. Taking advantage of the professional tour of the magician Xuso, he visited the hospitals in each city. Thanks to this situation, in addition to the Valdecilla Hospital, they have extended their frontiers to hospitals in Madrid, Ávila, Salamanca, León, Valladolid and Palencia.

IDIVAL would like to thank this association for the great work they are doing to make children laugh and for the important contribution they are making to research into childhood cancer. 


Dosis de Sonrisas Association supports IDIVAL research

Today at IDIVAL we received a visit from the Dosis de Sonrisas Association, who have managed to raise €2,500 for research into childhood cancer research carried out by Dr. Mónica López Duarte. This was the association's largest donation to IDIVAL from the proceeds of the last few events they have held. The association Dosis de […]

The Exhibition Hall of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital is hosting an exhibition of photographs from the SaludArte  Photography Competition2020 from Wednesday 1 September until 15 September.

The exhibition consists of 12 photographs that correspond to the four most voted photographs in each category of the competition: scientific category, health technology and general health and social aspects of health.

The authors of the photographs are: Débora Muñoz, Marta M. Mayorga, Ana Palanca, Mónica López Fanarraga, Lourdes Puertollano, Alexandra Quintano, Juliana Ferreras, Inés Santiuste, Maria dolores Muñoz, Alexandra Espeso, Isabel Pérez and Mª José Ruíz, staff of the Cantabrian Health Service and IDIVAL. Through photography, the authors have made visible the healthcare and research activity they carry out in the healthcare environment.

This activity is part of the SaludArte project which aims to improve the wellbeing (emotional and creative skills) of healthcare and non-healthcare professionals at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, through the performance and enjoyment of artistic activities.

After the success of the first edition with more than 50 applications for photographs received, SaludArte will soon launch the second edition of the SaludArte 2021 Photography Competition in which you are invited to participate.

Organised by: SaludArte

Dates: From 1 September to 15 September in the Exhibition Hall of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (Entrance Hall of the 2 de Noviembre building). Reduced seating capacity.

Opening hours from 9:00am to 20:00pm

We invite you to share your visit to the exhibition on SaludArte's social networks:

Facebook: Valdecilla SaludArte

Instagram: saludartevaldecilla

Twitter: @SValdecilla

SaludArte exhibits photographs from the 2020 Competition

The Exhibition Hall of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital is hosting an exhibition of photographs from the SaludArte  Photography Competition2020 from Wednesday 1 September until 15 September. The exhibition consists of 12 photographs that correspond to the four most voted photographs in each category of the competition: scientific category, health technology and general health […]

The Merck Research Grants 2022 are intended to finance unpublished research projects presented by researchers who can carry out the proposed study in Spain, within a minimum period of 1 year and a maximum of 3 years, in the following areas of Clinical Research:

– Multiple Sclerosis

– Fertility

– Immuno-oncology

– Functional Thyroid Pathology

A total of 4 grants will be awarded, one for each of the above categories. Each of them will be endowed with 30,000 euros.

The deadline for receipt of projects is 15 November 2021.

Researchers must submit the project written in Spanish and send it via the website, www.fundacionmercksalud.com by filling in the form provided for this purpose.

The applicant's details must be those corresponding to the principal investigator of the project, full name and e-mail address.

The projects submitted must include the following sections:

More information:


XXXI Edition Merck Research Grants 2022

The Merck Research Grants 2022 are intended to finance unpublished research projects presented by researchers who can carry out the proposed study in Spain, within a minimum period of 1 year and a maximum of 3 years, in the following areas of Clinical Research: – Multiple Sclerosis – Fertility – Immuno-oncology – Functional Thyroid Pathology […]

As part of the IDIVAL’ strategies for attracting talent to Valdecilla, IDIVAL has called for applications of new residents in the “Valdecilla Mentoring programme”.

The candidate must be a resident at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital as a specialist training centre in the National Health System – MIR, FIR, QIR, PIR, RIR or BIR, have completed the first two years of training with a rating of excellent in the annual report of the Teaching Commission of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. The corresponding Head of Service must accept the resident's participation in this programme.


Features of the Mentoring Programme

-Research funds. From the third year onwards, the candidate will have a €5,000 grant for the development of research activities that will be managed according to IDIVAL's project management rules.

-Training itinerary. From the third year onwards, the management of IDIVAL together with the Training Coordinator of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and in agreement with the Head of Service of the corresponding speciality will propose specific training in research which may include specific rotaries inside and outside the Hospital. This includes attendance at research seminars and doctoral programme.

-Institutional presence. The candidate will be regularly invited to meetings of advisory bodies in the field of teaching and research as part of his/her training.

-Doctoral thesis. One of the objectives of the programme is for the resident to be able to initiate and finance expenses related to the development of his/her doctoral thesis during the residency.

-Priority access to other IDIVAL grant programmes such as Next-Val or Post-Residency grants.

Required documentation

The candidate must submit the following documentation through the IDIVAL platform:

a) Written statement indicating interest in joining the mentoring programme, explaining the candidate's reasons for joining.

b) A letter from the Head of Service supporting the candidate in joining the programme.

c) Curriculum vitae in CVA format.

d) Curriculum vitae of the candidate in CVA format.

e) Curriculum vitae of the tutor in CVA format.

f) Evaluation of the first two years Teaching Commission of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.

g) Research and training project to be developed.


Application deadline: during the second year of specialised health training (01/05/2021 to 31/12/2021).

More information on the programme can be found on the application portal: Link


Valdecilla is committed to new residents

As part of the IDIVAL’ strategies for attracting talent to Valdecilla, IDIVAL has called for applications of new residents in the “Valdecilla Mentoring programme”. The candidate must be a resident at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital as a specialist training centre in the National Health System – MIR, FIR, QIR, PIR, RIR or BIR, […]