Dr Valentín Fuster awarded by IDIVAL for his research career

20 de June de 2019

Within the framework of the XIIth Inter-regional Health Meeting organized at the Menéndez Pelayo International University by Joaquín Cayón, Head of Legal Services of the Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria, and Jorge Tomillo, Professor of Commercial Law of the University of Cantabria; the Health Counselor, María Luisa del Real has granted Dr. Valentín Fuster with the Prize for the International Research Experience in the Field of the Right to Health.

Dr. Fuster has numerous achievements, some of which are worth noting:

Awards of maximum global relevance, including the Prince of Asturias Research Award and the Great Scientific Award of the Institute of France; he has also been named Doctor Honoris Causa at 34 prestigious Universities (including the Menéndez Pelayo International University in 2010), has received the highest research awards from the main international organizations of Cardiology and has been Co-Director of the Committee that developed the report named “Global Health and the Future Role of the United States”.


As a result of his excellent research activity in the field of Cardiology and health, Dr. Fuster has published more than 900 scientific articles in international medical journals and scientific books.

Among the many positions and responsibilities performed by Dr. Fuster, the following may be highlighted: Managing Director of the Carlos III National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) of Madrid; Director of the Cardiovascular Institute and “Physician-in-Chief”, of the Mount Sinai Medical Center of New York; President of the American Heart Association; President of the World Heart Federation; Member of the Institute of Medicine of the American National Academy of Sciences; Member of the Advisory Council of the American Institute “National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute” and President of the Training Program of the American College of Cardiology.

Dr. Valentin Fuster is currently the most cited Spanish researcher of all time, in addition to the fact of being the only doctor in the world who has a puppet of the Sesame Street show – Dr. RUSTER – who shares show with our beloved ERNIE, BERT, GROVER, KERMIT THE FROG and THE COOKIE MONSTER, a fact that illustrates his great interest in our society's cardiovascular health and his contribution, in a very relevant way, to encourage healthy habits among the youngest population.