Decreased levels of TNF-alpha in women treated with CPAP

6 de August de 2019

Researchers of the SPANISH SLEEP GROUP belonging to IDIVAL and who carry out their clinical and research activity in the Sleep and Ventilation Unit of our hospital have just published a new paper belonging to the cohort of the SAHS study and women.

This multicenter study, which has been funded by the Carlos III Health Institute, has focused on this population group and has made it possible to suppress the lack of scientific evidence in relation to the effects of CPAP in women with sleep apnea.

Previous publications of the same cohort revealed how after 12 weeks of treatment with CPAP significantly improve aspects of quality of life, mood, daytime sleepiness, anxiety and symptoms of depression

This new publication is the first randomized controlled study that investigates the effect of CPAP on inflammatory, antioxidant and biomarkers related to depression in the female population. After 3 months of treatment no differences were found in any of the controlled markers, however, in women with treatment compliance> 5 hours / night the TNFα levels decreased compared to those in the control group. Since CPAP showed a strong clinical benefit in the same cohort of patients, it is possible that other intermediate pathways not measured in this study play an important role in the efficacy of treatment in women with SAHS.

Reference: Effect of continuous positive airway pressure on inflammatory, antioxidant, and depression biomarkers in women with obstructive sleep apnea: a randomized controlled trial.
Campos-Rodriguez F, Asensio-Cruz MI, Cordero-Guevara J, Jurado-Gamez B, Carmona-Bernal C, Gonzalez-Martinez M, Troncoso MF, Sanchez-Lopez V, Arellano-Orden E, Garcia-Sanchez MI, Martinez-Garcia MA; Spanish Sleep Network .
Sleep. 2019 Jun 29. pii: zsz145. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsz145