Creation of the National Catalog of Health Sciences ISCIII

6 de January de 2019

The Marquesa de Pelayo Library, depends organically of IDIVAL, has participated in the design and implementation of the National Catalog of Health Sciences (CNCS) led by the National Library of Health Sciences, recently presented at the Madrid office of ISCIII.

The catalog reflects the printed and electronic funds of all libraries specialized in Health Sciences of Spain, public or private, such as hospital, virtual health or university libraries, for their sharing through the Document Obtaining Service (SOD). The SOD allows participating libraries to exchange documents, especially articles, thus being able to jointly cover the needs of all users whatever their need, be it clinical, teaching or research.

The logic prior to the crisis was to have all the libraries everything. Nowadays the logic is to have everything among all, and share it.

There are other collective catalogs specialized in Health Sciences, such as the C17 (developed by the CSI company) or the RCS (developed by the company KRONOSDOC), but none meet the same conditions as the CNCS: public, free and open access. Another of its strengths is that it can be easily integrated into the request management system of the Marquesa de Pelayo Library, thus strengthening the power and scope of our Document Collection Service.


We remind that this collective catalog is limited to a Service, that of Obtaining Documents (SOD), which only operates between libraries. If a user needs an article he / she will have to make the request to the Marquesa de Pelayo Library through the form designed for that purpose, as usual until now.

In Cantabria, the Library of the University of Cantabria has also its funds in the CNCS. It is expected that other libraries will soon be added. The Marquesa de Pelayo Library is the representative of the Cantabrian libraries in the CNCS.