Course at the UIMP coorganized by the Institute of Health Carlos III and IDIVAL

11 de June de 2017

The Institute of Health Carlos III and IDIVAL have been organizing for more than a decade an annual meeting at the UIMP in Santander that has focused on various aspects related to the organization and management of biosanitary research.

This year, the meeting is considered as a strategic reflection on the model of Institutes of Health Research in our country. This topic will be debated with leaders of our country that are expected to be part of the speakers and audience. 

The meeting this year is entitled: “The Institutes of Health Research: towards an effective translation”. The Director of the Carlos III Health Institute, Jesús Fernández Crespo will participate at the course.

The meeting has three parts, corresponding to the three days of the course, the first will focus on other similar international experiences and their applicability in the Institutes of Health Research; the second part will focus on personalized medicine and the role of the Institutes of Health Research in our country, and the third part will focus on the future of the Institutes of Health Research.

It is hoped that a large part of the Health Research Institutes of our country will be represented among the speakers as well as among the participants, which will allow a promising dialogue on key aspects such as their relevance, the financing model, evaluation systems, integration in the Hospitals as priority elements for excellence and high level of care, socioeconomic return, private participation, etc.

More information: UIMP (enlace)