Conference on Hepatocarcinoma Multidisciplinary approach in 2020

24 de February de 2020

Hepatocarcinoma is a challenge in all aspects such as diagnosis, staging or selection of the best treatment for each patient. In a few disorders like this one and in all the phases of their attention, the collaboration of several specialties is necessary. Therefore, and with the double objective of updating the latest technical knowledge and highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary work, this conference is organized primarily for Hepatologists, Oncologists, Radiologists and Surgeons.


The day is organized by Dr. Javier Crespo García Chief of Digestive Service of H.U. Marqués de Valdecilla Dr. Fernando Rivera Herrero Head of the Oncology Service of H.U. Marqués de Valdecilla Dr. Juan Carlos Rodríguez Sanjuán Head of the General Surgery Service of the H.U. Marquis of Valdecilla Dr. Carlos López López. FEA, Oncology Service, H.U. Marquis of Valdecilla Dr. Carlos Rodríguez de Lope. FEA, Digestive Service, H.U. Marquis of Valdecilla.


Program of the Day:


Prior registration and written confirmation is essential to attend the meeting.

End of the online registration period: February 29


Free registration until the capacity is completed.


Headquartes of the day:

Dr. Gómez Durán Assembly Hall, Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital


Accreditation in continued training:

In management with the Commission for Continuing Education of the Health Professions of Cantabria.