Conference Human factor A new approach to organizational health

16 de October de 2017

The next 24th of October at 4:00 p.m., the Cantabrian Minister of Health will present the conference “Human factor: A new approach to organizational health”.

At this session will attend world experts in human factor from Medstar National Innovation Center (Washington) and there will be presented new tools for evaluating health technologies; redesigning processes that they are having a great impact in other countries; and actions that are already being developed in the Public Health System of Cantabria based on the science of human factor.

The conference is open to companies and all professionals in the field of care staff and management and it will be a first approximation to this area which is considered of strategic interest as a tool for organizational innovation in the Public Health System of Cantabria.


Day: Tuesday, October 24

Timetable: 4pm – 6.30pm.

Location: Assembly Hall of the Tower B in Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital.

Opening conference

  • María Luisa del Real. Consejera de Sanidad. Gobierno de Cantabria. 
  • Julio Pascual. Gerente HUMV.
  • Julián Pérez Gil. Gerente SCS.
  • Terry Fairbanks. MedStar Washington.

Evaltec Proyect

  • Ignacio del Moral. Director Ejecutivo. Hospital Virtual Valdecilla.
  • Galo Peralta. Director de Gestión. IDIVAL.

A Human Factors Approach to Revolutionizing Healthcare 

National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare. MedStar Institute for Innovation, Washington, USA. 

  • Terry Fairbanks. M.D. M.S. Founding Director.
  • Raj Ratwani. Ph.D. Acting Center Director and Scientific Director.
  • Lawrence Wolpert. Ph.D. Director. Usability Services.

Evaluation of the Human Factor as support for decision making

  • Laura Herrero. Ingeniera. Unidad de Apoyo a la Innovación. IDIVAL.
  • Elena Rojo. Directora de operaciones. Hospital Virtual Valdecilla.

Clinical processes redesign

  • Concepción Fariñas. Coordinadora de Calidad. HUMV.
  • José Maestre. Director docente. Hospital Virtual Valdecilla.

Conclusions and closing ceremony

Program of the Day (download)

The Medstar Washington team is a world leader in Human Factors and ergonomics. The Medstar experts who will participate are:

– Terry Fairbanks, M.D. M.S.

Founding Director, National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare, MedStar Institute for Innovation.

Assistant Vice President, Ambulatory Quality & Safety, MedStar Health.

Co-Director, MedStar Telehealth Innovation Center, MedStar Institute for Innovation.

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine.

– Raj Ratwani, Ph.D.

Acting Center Director and Scientific Director, National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare, MedStar Institute for Innovation.

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine.

– Lawrence Wolpert, Ph.D.

Director, Usability Services, National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare, MedStar Institute for Innovation.