UIMP Meeting RRI in Spain and its model of incorporation in Health Research Institutes

29 de May de 2019

This UIMP meeting, co-organized by the Health Institute Carlos III and IDIVAL is dedicated to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The RRI requires participation from broad deliberation forums that reinforce the democratic spirit of our society in the field of research and innovation. Its own generation needs of starting points based on open and transparent […]

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Next Conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

9 de May de 2019

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 30th of May. The session will be given by Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao and will be about: “Regression of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Is it a reality?”. Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, M.D. is Professor of Medicine […]

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Next conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

17 de April de 2019

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 25th of April. The session will be given by Pier Luigi Meroni and will be about: “Updating of APS pathophysiology: does it impact on our clinical management?”. Dr. Pier Luigi Meroni graduated […]

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Next conference Santander Biomedical Lectures

21 de March de 2019

The next conference of the Santander Biomedical Lectures program organized by IDIVAL, the University of Cantabria and IBBTEC will take place on the 28th of March. The session will be given by Gelareh Zadeh and will be about: “Epigenetics in neuro-oncology”. Dr. Gelareh Zadeh completed her neurosurgery training, and is a PhD in brain tumor […]

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IDIVAL organizes V edition workshops Viva la Ciencia

15 de March de 2019

During the month of March IDIVAL organizes the fifth edition of the workshops “¡Vive la Ciencia! Initiation to biomedical research “in which researchers from the IDIVAL institute have participated. These workshops have been designed with the primary objective of promoting scientific vocations in the biosanitary field of students of the region. They are organized in […]

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IDIVAL participates in the masters degree in management of health services

7 de March de 2019

IDIVAL collaborates one more year in the XI Edition of the Master in Management of Health Services (MADGS) led by Professor D. David Cantarero Prieto of the UC and responsible for the cross-sectional research group of IDIVAL “Health economics and management of health services. “ This next Friday, March 8, begins the module “RESEARCH AND […]

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Program of sessions Valdecilla Progress Reports first quarter 2019

6 de January de 2019

Within its talent development and dissemination and knowledge exchange program, IDIVAL programs the sessions of the first quarter of 2019 Valdecilla Progress Report In this program, young researchers from the clinical field and IDIVAL's laboratories present scientific advances in their current research projects. Speakers will be predoctoral contracts, researchers Post-MIR Valdecilla López Albo, etc. They […]

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IDIVAL organizes the course introduction to research methodology

28 de August de 2018

 The Research Institute Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) organizes the second edition of the course “Introduction to Research Methodology” that will take place from the 12th to the 16th of November. This course is aimed primarily at residents of the HUMV.  IDIVAL pretends with this training activity to give to these professionals the necessary tools to […]

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First regional symposium of the small world initiative project swi spain

8 de August de 2018

The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Cantabria will host on September 6 the first regional Symposium of the Small World Initiative project (SWI @ Spain). This educational and social project, of international character, has been carried out for the first time in our region, by the IDIVAL Institute and the University of Cantabria. […]

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Next conference Progress Reports

14 de May de 2018

The following session of the program of lectures Valdecilla Progress Reports will take place on May 16 and it will be given by Ángela Puente, specialize in digestive system at Marques de Valdecilla University Hospital; and Catalina Díaz Ríos, chemical engineer and predoc in an IDIVAL´s research group.  Speaker: Ángela Puente Sánchez Session: “Liver fibrosis […]

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